

 數(shù)控儀表車床研發(fā)生產(chǎn)廠家,泰安海數(shù)機械,蘇總:139-5380-0780,http://www.htskcnc.com/數(shù)控車床廠家,山東省泰安市岱岳區(qū)山口工業(yè)園數(shù)控車床(自動化機床)編輯 鎖定 數(shù)控車床、車削中心,是一種高精度、高效率的自動化機床。配備多工位刀塔或動力刀塔,機床就具有廣泛的加工工藝性能,可加工直線圓柱、斜線圓柱、圓弧和各種螺紋。山東數(shù)控車床作為一種高科技產(chǎn)品,包含了多學科的專業(yè)內(nèi)容,對這樣復雜的技術(shù)設(shè)備,要應(yīng)用好、維修好單靠應(yīng)用單位自身努力是遠遠不夠的,而且也很難做到,必 須依靠和利用社會上的專業(yè)隊伍。因此,在選購設(shè)備時還應(yīng)綜合考慮選購其圍繞設(shè)備的售前、售后技術(shù)服務(wù),其宗旨就是要使設(shè)備盡快盡量地發(fā)揮作用。
  對一些新的數(shù)控機床用戶來說,最困難的不是缺乏資金購買設(shè)備,而是缺乏一支高素質(zhì)的技術(shù)隊伍,因此新用戶從開始選擇設(shè)備時起,包括以后的設(shè)備到貨安裝驗收、設(shè)備操作、程序編制、機械和電氣維 修等,都需要人才和技術(shù)支持。這些條件在短時間內(nèi)由用戶解決是很困難的,當前,各機床制造商 已普遍重視商品的售前、售后服務(wù),協(xié)助用戶對典型工件作工藝分析、進行加工可行性工藝試驗以及承擔成套技術(shù)服務(wù),包括工藝裝備研制、程序編制、安裝調(diào)試、 試切工件,直到全面投入生產(chǎn)后快速響應(yīng)保修服務(wù),為用戶舉辦各類技術(shù)人員培訓等。The choice of CNC system function should be based on practical, not necessarily too much, especially in the mass production line of equipment, the more simple the better, for more variety, small batch production machine tools to strengthen the programming function of choice, such as Random programming (background programming), motion graphics display, man-machine dialogue programming (gps), macro programming, etc., although the program can speed up the preparation, but the cost should be increased accordingly. AnothShandong CNC lathe as a high-tech products, including a multidisciplinary professional content, such a complex technical equipment, to the application of good, maintenance alone by the application unit's own efforts is not enough, but also difficult to achieve, Must rely on and use of social professional team. Therefore, in the purchase of equipment should also consider the purchase of its equipment around the pre-sale and after-sale technical services, its purpose is to make the equipment as soon as possible to play a role.
For some new CNC machine tool users, the most difficult is not the lack of funds to purchase equipment, but the lack of a high-quality technical team, so new users from the beginning of the selection of equipment, including the arrival of the equipment after the arrival of the installation of equipment, Operation, programming, mechanical and electrical maintenance, etc., need talent and technical support. These conditions in the short time by the user is very difficult to solve, at present, the machine tool manufacturers have generally attached importance to the pre-market goods, after-sales service to help users oner configuration is to simplify the configuration of numerical control system programming functions, separate configuration of the automatic programming machine and CNC system with the communication interface, the program processing are done in the programming machine to complete the task in advance, and then spend a few minutes, into the numerical control system , To do so can further improve the machine operating rate.
該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 儀表數(shù)控車床 輪轂數(shù)控車床 數(shù)控車床


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