
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,500毫升消化管套裝(4根裝),043982(需等貨

BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,500毫升消化管套裝(4根裝),043982(需等貨
瑞士步琦公司BUCHI Labortechnik AG是全球旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)技術(shù)的市場(chǎng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,并且在中壓分離純化制備色譜,平行反應(yīng)合成,噴霧干燥儀,玻璃干燥儀,熔點(diǎn)儀,凱氏定氮,蛋白質(zhì)和脂肪測(cè)定,食品飼料近紅外品質(zhì)分析等方面是全球市場(chǎng)主要的供貨商.
BUCHI 實(shí)驗(yàn)室冷凍干燥機(jī) BUCHI 實(shí)驗(yàn)室冷凍干燥機(jī)
 BUCHI 實(shí)驗(yàn)室冷凍干燥機(jī) BUCHI 實(shí)驗(yàn)室冷凍干燥機(jī)
 BUCHI低壓快速純化色譜系統(tǒng)(UV) BUCHI低壓快速純化色譜系統(tǒng)(UV)
 BUCHI 大型旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀專業(yè)版 R-­220 Pro BUCHI 大型旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀專業(yè)版 R-­220 Pro
 BUCHI 在線近紅外多探頭系統(tǒng) BUCHI 在線近紅外多探頭系統(tǒng)
 奧泰蒸發(fā)光散射檢測(cè)器ELSD3300 奧泰蒸發(fā)光散射檢測(cè)器ELSD3300
 BUCHI高壓制備色譜系統(tǒng) BUCHI高壓制備色譜系統(tǒng)
 BUCHI低壓快速純化色譜系統(tǒng) BUCHI低壓快速純化色譜系統(tǒng)
 BUCHI K-376/K-377 BUCHI K-376/K-377
 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻機(jī) F-305 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻機(jī) F-305
 BUCHI 界面 I-300 Pro BUCHI 界面 I-300 Pro
 BUCHI  旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀 R-100 BUCHI 旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀 R-100
 BUCHI NIR-Online 在線近紅外光譜儀 BUCHI NIR-Online 在線近紅外光譜儀
 BUCHI 大型旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀 R-­250 BUCHI 大型旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀 R-­250
 BUCHI 微膠囊造粒儀 B-­395 BUCHI 微膠囊造粒儀 B-­395
 BUCHI 微膠囊造粒儀 B-­390 BUCHI 微膠囊造粒儀 B-­390
 BUCHI 噴霧干燥安全系統(tǒng) B-­290&B-295 BUCHI 噴霧干燥安全系統(tǒng) B-­290&B-295
 BUCHI 消解儀 K-­446/K­-449 BUCHI 消解儀 K-­446/K­-449
 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-125 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-125
 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-308 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-308
BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-105 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-105
 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-100 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-100
 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-314 BUCHI 循環(huán)冷卻器 F-314
 BUCHI 近紅外 NIRMaster BUCHI 近紅外 NIRMaster
 BUCHI 快速消解儀 K-­425/K-­436/K­-439 BUCHI 快速消解儀 K-­425/K-­436/K­-4
 BUCHI 納米噴霧干燥儀 B-­90 BUCHI 納米噴霧干燥儀 B-­90
 BUCHI 熔點(diǎn)儀 M-­­­560/M-565 BUCHI 熔點(diǎn)儀 M-­­­560/M-565
 BUCHI 快速溶劑萃取儀 E-­­916/E-­914 BUCHI 快速溶劑萃取儀 E-­­916/E-­914
 BUCHI 水解儀 B­-411/E-­416 BUCHI 水解儀 B­-411/E-­416
 BUCHI 萃取儀 E-­812/E-­816HE BUCHI 萃取儀 E-­812/E-­816HE
 BUCHI 萃取儀 E-­812/E­-816SOX BUCHI 萃取儀 E-­812/E­-816SOX
BUCHI 多樣品平行蒸發(fā)定量濃縮儀 BUCHI 多樣品平行蒸發(fā)定量濃縮儀
BUCHI 尾氣吸收裝置 K-­­­415 BUCHI 尾氣吸收裝置 K-­­­415
 BUCHI 均質(zhì)儀 B­­-400 BUCHI 均質(zhì)儀 B­­-400
 BUCHI 凱氏定氮儀 K­-350 BUCHI 凱氏定氮儀 K­-350
 BUCHI 中低壓制備色譜 BUCHI 中低壓制備色譜
 BUCHI 近紅外光譜儀 N­­-500 BUCHI 近紅外光譜儀 N­­-500
 BUCHI 小型噴霧干燥儀 B­­­-290 BUCHI 小型噴霧干燥儀 B­­­-290
 BUCHI 全自動(dòng)凱氏定氮儀 K-­375 BUCHI 全自動(dòng)凱氏定氮儀 K-­375
¥1992.11¥2213.46 已售:3件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,K-35x, K-360 & K-370玻璃防濺罩, 043332
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,K-35x, K-360 & K-370玻璃防濺罩, 043332
¥9130.48¥10144.98 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,環(huán)形彈簧管夾(6個(gè)裝),11055984
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,環(huán)形彈簧管夾(6個(gè)裝),11055984
¥1040.33¥1155.92 已售:0件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,蒸餾儀凱氏定氮儀,Unisil 管 9/5 mm,026013
BUCHI瑞士步琦,蒸餾儀凱氏定氮儀,Unisil 管 9/5 mm,026013
¥420.61¥467.34 已售:0件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,消化爐K-446/449,玻璃帽 1套4個(gè),040049
BUCHI瑞士步琦,消化爐K-446/449,玻璃帽 1套4個(gè),040049
¥2202.34¥2447.04 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,抽吸模塊接頭,11055367
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,抽吸模塊接頭,11055367
¥1759.68¥1955.20 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,抽吸模塊,11055849
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,抽吸模塊,11055849
¥5389.79¥5988.66 已售:0件
¥464.88¥516.53 已售:0件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀蒸餾儀,密封圈 SVL 22, 002073
BUCHI瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀蒸餾儀,密封圈 SVL 22, 002073
¥250.50¥278.33 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀, 墊圈套 (防濺保護(hù)器),043065
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀, 墊圈套 (防濺保護(hù)器),043065
¥1040.33¥1155.92 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 水射泵,塑料 002913
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 水射泵,塑料 002913
¥2091.76¥2324.18 已售:0件
¥4294.09¥4771.21 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦, 凱氏定氮儀K-360,K-370,K-375 接收杯, 043390
BUCHI 瑞士步琦, 凱氏定氮儀K-360,K-370,K-375 接收杯, 043390
¥2921.69¥3246.32 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,500毫升消化管套裝(4根裝),043982
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,500毫升消化管套裝(4根裝),043982
¥6473.23¥7192.48 已售:0件
¥1992.11¥2213.46 已售:1件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀,連接件管夾 'Hypalon',019002
BUCHI瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀,型連接件管夾 'Hypalon',019002
¥199.28¥221.42 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI 密封墊圈WD26訂貨號(hào)048021,R-300 / R-210/ R-215
¥431.72¥479.69 已售:17件
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex C18柱
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex C18柱
¥1057.98¥1244.68 已售:8件
瑞士步琦 BUCHI 密封墊圈KD22訂貨號(hào)000636,R-100/R-3/R-114
瑞士步琦 BUCHI 密封墊圈KD22訂貨號(hào)000636,R-100/R-3/R-114
¥431.72¥479.69 已售:13件
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex Amino 氨基柱
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex Amino 氨基柱
¥1057.98¥1244.68 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) Silica Solid Loader 干法上樣柱
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) Silica Solid Loader 干法上樣柱
¥634.75¥746.77 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex Diol 二醇基柱
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex Diol 二醇基柱
¥2644.95¥3111.70 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) Alumina 氧化鋁柱
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) Alumina 氧化鋁柱
¥1410.58¥1659.51 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex Silica硅膠柱
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex
瑞士步琦BUCHI 密封墊圈WD26訂貨號(hào)048021,R-300 / R-210/ R-215
¥431.72¥479.69 已售:17件
瑞士步琦BUCHI 帶卡扣的玻璃蒸汽導(dǎo)管29/32(短)11062186
瑞士步琦BUCHI 帶卡扣的玻璃蒸汽導(dǎo)管29/32(短)11062186
¥1272.76¥1414.18 已售:6件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 R-100/R3蒸汽導(dǎo)管 V/C + 夾頭 NS29/32  032339
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 R-100/R3蒸汽導(dǎo)管 V/C + 夾頭 NS29/32 032339
¥1261.65¥1401.83 已售:5件
瑞士步琦 BUCHI 密封墊圈KD22訂貨號(hào)000636,R-100/R-3/R-114
瑞士步琦 BUCHI 密封墊圈KD22訂貨號(hào)000636,R-100/R-3/R-114
¥431.72¥479.69 已售:13件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀,進(jìn)樣器 NS 18.8/38,040627
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀,進(jìn)樣器 NS 18.8/38,040627
¥553.40¥614.89 已售:4件
BUCHI 步琦 1000ml梨形蒸發(fā)瓶NS29/32  000435
BUCHI 步琦 1000ml梨形蒸發(fā)瓶NS29/32 000435
¥752.51¥836.12 已售:4件
瑞士步琦BUCHI GL14螺母套裝(10個(gè)裝)041956
瑞士步琦BUCHI GL14螺母套裝(10個(gè)裝)041956
¥309.86¥344.29 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI GL14白接頭套裝(4個(gè)裝)037287
瑞士步琦BUCHI GL14白接頭套裝(4個(gè)裝)037287
¥265.59¥295.10 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI真空管Vacuum hose 16/6 mm(1米)017622
瑞士步琦BUCHI真空管Vacuum hose 16/6 mm(1米)017622
¥232.43¥258.26 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 硅膠管,每米,直徑 9/6 mm 004133
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 硅膠管,每米,直徑 9/6 mm 004133
¥66.31¥73.68 已售:1件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦, 旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀,2000ml梨形蒸發(fā)瓶NS29/32,000436
BUCHI 瑞士步琦, 旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀,2000ml梨形蒸發(fā)瓶NS29/32,000436
¥1239.61¥1377.34 已售:2件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀,20 ml圓管,用于多歧管,000477
BUCHI瑞士步琦,旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀,20 ml圓管,用于多歧管,000477
¥852.16¥946.84 已售:0件
¥818.69¥909.66 已售:0件
¥1073.47¥1192.75 已售:0件
¥885.30¥983.67 已售:0件
¥498.03¥553.37 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,平行蒸發(fā)儀樣品管60ml(25個(gè)裝),049662
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,平行蒸發(fā)儀樣品管60ml(25個(gè)裝),049662
¥2136.02¥2373.36 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,平行蒸發(fā)儀 P-12空位樣品管堵頭(PETP),11055812
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,平行蒸發(fā)儀 P-12空位樣品管堵頭(PETP),11055812
¥498.03¥553.37 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,平行蒸發(fā)儀,R-12支架的玻璃管套(12 個(gè)裝),040907
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,平行蒸發(fā)儀,R-12支架的玻璃管套(12 個(gè)裝),040907
¥6718.11¥7464.57 已售:0件
¥1803.94¥2004.38 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,平行蒸發(fā)儀,密封圈SVL22, 048899
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,平行蒸發(fā)儀,密封圈SVL22, 048899
¥320.97¥356.63 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,P-6空位樣品管堵頭(PETP),11055811
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,P-6空位樣品管堵頭(PETP),11055811
¥719.35¥799.28 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI Melting point tubes熔點(diǎn)管1000根 001759(需等)
瑞士步琦BUCHI Melting point tubes熔點(diǎn)管1000根 001759(需等)
¥2279.75¥2533.06 已售:13件
瑞士步琦BUCHI Melting point tubes熔點(diǎn)管100根 017808
瑞士步琦BUCHI Melting point tubes熔點(diǎn)管100根 017808
¥365.23¥405.81 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex Diol 二醇基柱
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex Diol 二醇基柱
¥2644.95¥3111.70 已售:0件
¥1992.11¥2213.46 已售:3件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,K-35x, K-360 & K-370玻璃防濺罩, 043332
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,K-35x, K-360 & K-370玻璃防濺罩, 043332
¥9130.48¥10144.98 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,環(huán)形彈簧管夾(6個(gè)裝),11055984
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,環(huán)形彈簧管夾(6個(gè)裝),11055984
¥1040.33¥1155.92 已售:0件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,蒸餾儀凱氏定氮儀,Unisil 管 9/5 mm,026013
BUCHI瑞士步琦,蒸餾儀凱氏定氮儀,Unisil 管 9/5 mm,026013
¥420.61¥467.34 已售:0件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,消化爐K-446/449,玻璃帽 1套4個(gè),040049
BUCHI瑞士步琦,消化爐K-446/449,玻璃帽 1套4個(gè),040049
¥2202.34¥2447.04 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,抽吸模塊接頭,11055367
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,抽吸模塊接頭,11055367
¥1759.68¥1955.20 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,抽吸模塊,11055849
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,抽吸模塊,11055849
¥5389.79¥5988.66 已售:0件
¥464.88¥516.53 已售:0件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀蒸餾儀,密封圈 SVL 22, 002073
BUCHI瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀蒸餾儀,密封圈 SVL 22, 002073
¥250.50¥278.33 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀, 墊圈套 (防濺保護(hù)器),043065
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀, 墊圈套 (防濺保護(hù)器),043065
¥1040.33¥1155.92 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 水射泵,塑料 002913
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 水射泵,塑料 002913
¥2091.76¥2324.18 已售:0件
¥4294.09¥4771.21 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦, 凱氏定氮儀K-360,K-370,K-375 接收杯, 043390
BUCHI 瑞士步琦, 凱氏定氮儀K-360,K-370,K-375 接收杯, 043390
¥2921.69¥3246.32 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,500毫升消化管套裝(4根裝),043982
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,消化爐,500毫升消化管套裝(4根裝),043982
¥6473.23¥7192.48 已售:0件
¥1992.11¥2213.46 已售:1件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀,型連接件管夾 'Hypalon',019002
BUCHI瑞士步琦,凱氏定氮儀,型連接件管夾 'Hypalon',019002
¥199.28¥221.42 已售:0件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,蒸餾儀凱氏定氮儀,Unisil 管 9/5 mm,026013
BUCHI瑞士步琦,蒸餾儀凱氏定氮儀,Unisil 管 9/5 mm,026013
¥420.61¥467.34 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,E-914窄口接受瓶240ml(6個(gè)裝),052672
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,E-914窄口接受瓶240ml(6個(gè)裝),052672
¥962.90¥1069.89 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,用于 B-400的密封膜, PP,026900
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,用于 B-400的密封膜, PP,026900
¥1173.12¥1303.47 已售:0件
BUCHI瑞士步琦,萃取儀B-811溶劑杯套, 150 ml, 4 個(gè),037276
BUCHI瑞士步琦,萃取儀B-811溶劑杯套, 150 ml, 4 個(gè),037276
¥3386.57¥3762.85 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI  萃取腔Extraction vessel 40ml 051235
瑞士步琦BUCHI 萃取腔Extraction vessel 40ml 051235
¥4946.96¥5496.62 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI 萃取腔底部纖維質(zhì)過(guò)濾片,100片,049569
瑞士步琦BUCHI 萃取腔底部纖維質(zhì)過(guò)濾片,100片,049569
¥564.34¥627.04 已售:0件
瑞士步琦BUCHI 萃取腔頂部纖維質(zhì)過(guò)濾片,100片,049572
瑞士步琦BUCHI 萃取腔頂部纖維質(zhì)過(guò)濾片,100片,049572
¥575.45¥639.39 已售:0件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,石英砂(2.5kg裝),037689
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,石英砂(2.5kg裝),037689
¥1294.80¥1438.67 已售:3件
瑞士步琦BUCHI 密封墊圈WD26訂貨號(hào)048021,R-300 / R-210/ R-215
¥431.72¥479.69 已售:17件
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex C18柱
瑞士步琦BUCHI FlashPure(包) EcoFlex C18柱
¥1057.98¥1244.68 已售:8件
瑞士步琦BUCHI 帶卡扣的玻璃蒸汽導(dǎo)管29/32(短)11062186
瑞士步琦BUCHI 帶卡扣的玻璃蒸汽導(dǎo)管29/32(短)11062186
¥1272.76¥1414.18 已售:6件
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 R-100/R3蒸汽導(dǎo)管 V/C + 夾頭 NS29/32  032339
BUCHI 瑞士步琦 R-100/R3蒸汽導(dǎo)管 V/C + 夾頭 NS29/32 032339
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瑞士步琦 BUCHI 密封墊圈KD22訂貨號(hào)000636,R-100/R-3/R-114
瑞士步琦 BUCHI 密封墊圈KD22訂貨號(hào)000636,R-100/R-3/R-114
¥431.72¥479.69 已售:13件
瑞士步琦BUCHI Melting point tubes熔點(diǎn)管1000根 001759(需等)
瑞士步琦BUCHI Melting point tubes熔點(diǎn)管1000根 001759(需等)
¥2279.75¥2533.06 已售:13件
BUCHI 步琦 1000ml梨形蒸發(fā)瓶NS29/32  000435
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BUCHI 瑞士步琦,旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀,進(jìn)樣器 NS 18.8/38,040627
BUCHI 瑞士步琦,旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀,進(jìn)樣器 NS 18.8/38,040627
¥553.40¥614.89 已售:4件
該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 美國(guó)瓦克夏waukesha辛烷值十六烷值備件 美國(guó)PAC公司optidist 德國(guó)ELEMENTAR艾力蒙塔 澳大利亞ECOTECH 英國(guó)PCS 美國(guó)熱電thermofisher氣體分析儀 日本horiba堀場(chǎng)氣體分析儀備件 TELEDYNE API分析儀備件 API環(huán)境分析儀器備件 美國(guó)熱電THERMO在線氣體分析儀 teledyne氣體分析儀 美國(guó)antek硫氮儀器備件 島津SHIMADZU 美國(guó)PAC旗下antek硫氮儀 美國(guó)Hanson Research公司 德國(guó)Pharma-test 美國(guó)SP Scientific 日本島津shimadzu 美國(guó)Savillex 美國(guó)熱電THERMOFISHER

德國(guó)gerhardt格哈特 12-0308消化管

 德國(guó)gerhardt格哈特  12-0308消化管
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 1
Standard configuration VAP50s VAP50s carousel
Automatic addition H3BO3
Automatic addition H2O
Automatic addition NaOH
Programmable reaction time
Programmable distillation time
Variable steam power 30 - 100 %
Automatic suction of sample waste
Automatic suction of the receiver
Selection of language
Optical and acoustical error messages
Main programs any any
Protection door with safety switch
Automatic check of chemical reservoir
Kjeldahl digestion tubes can be used1)
Kjeldahl-flasks can be used1) -
Automatic titration
Micro dosing pump for titration
RS 485 interface
Connection for scale
Result print out
Autosampler (carousel) -
Set of storage tanks -
VAPODEST® 50S / 50S CAROUSEL - Systems in comparison
= Standard configuration
1) = see digestion tubes and Kjeldahl-flasks on page 3
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 2
Order informations VAPODEST®
Type VAP 50s VAP 50s carousel
Cooling water consumption [l/min] ca. 5 ca. 5
Distillation time [min] 2 - 4 2 - 4
Recovery rate [%] > 99,5 > 99,5
Reproducibility [%] +/- 1 +/- 1
Detection limit N [mg] 0,1 0,1
Rated voltage [VAC] 230 230
Frequency [Hz] 50 50
Rated power input [W] 1600 1830
Weight [kg] ca. 37 198
Dimensions W / D / H [mm] 440 / 340 / 690 10101) / 670 / 1655
1) 1290 mm with board attached on the side for monitor or printer
Special voltages on request
1) special for dosing of phosphoric acid max. 85 % and hydrochloric acid max. 5 % - more acids on request
Order No. Type Description
12-0040 VAP50s VAPODEST® 50s, Distillation system, Version Standard,
especially for the Kjeldahl determination
12-0470 VAP50s VAPODEST® 50s, Distillation system, Version acid resistant,
Equipped with acid resistant pumps1)
12-0048 VAP50s OT VAPODEST® 50s OT, Distillation system, identical to 12-0040,
prepared for a possible upgrade to a VAPODEST® 50s carousel at a later time
12-0050 VAP50s C VAPODEST® 50s carousel, distillation system
complete with carousel for 20 x 250/300 ml tubes
12-0051 VAP50s C VAPODEST® 50s carousel, distillation system
complete with carousel for 16 x 400 ml tubes
12-0052 VAP50s C VAPODEST® 50s carousel, distillation system
complete with carousel for 12 x 800 ml tubes
12-0053 VAP50s C VAPODEST® 50s carousel, distillation system
complete with carousel for 16 x BS 400 ml tubes
Typ VAP 50s VAP 50s carousel
Distillation system 1 x 1 x
Autosampler (carousel) - 1 x
KJELDATHERM® digestion tube 1 x
depending on carousel
20 x, 16 x or 12 x
pH-electrode 1 x 1 x
Buffer solution pH7 1 x 1 x
Buffer solution pH4 1 x 1 x
KCL-solution 1 x 1 x
CD with VAPODEST® Manager 1 x 1 x
PC connection set 1 x 1 x
Tubing set 1 x 1 x
Computer: Personal computer and printer are not included the delivery.
Operating system: Windows XP®, Vista®, Windows 7®, 1 x USB-interface
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 3
Order information accessories and consumables
12-0301 12-0306 12-0308 12-0310 12-0311
12-0304 12-0305 12-0307 12-0312 12-0313 12-0314
1) VAPODEST® 50s carousel only possible for single determination with adapter
Make sure to use only original C. Gerhardt spare parts in order to obtain the best possible results. These parts have been
tested thoroughly for the operation with VAPODEST® in the C. Gerhardt application lab.
Depending on sample type and sample quantity VAPODEST® can use a lot of Kjeldahl-digestion tubes as well as
Kjeldahl-flasks. All tubes are made of high standard Duran® material.
Order No. Type Description
12-0301 KTG KJELDATHERM®-digestion tube, macro 250/300 ml - 10 pcs
12-0306 KTG/E KJELDATHERM®-digestion tube, macro 250/300 ml, with constriction + calibrated at 250 ml
12-0308 BS-400 KJELDATHERM®-digestion tube, 400 ml, diminished
12-0310 KDD400 Jumbo-digestion tube 400 ml - 4 pcs
12-0311 KDD800 Jumbo-digestion tube 800 ml - 4 pcs
12-0243 KDD12001) Jumbo-digestion tube 1.200 ml
12-0304 KMT1) KJELDATHERM®-digestion glas, micro 100 ml - 10 pcs
12-0305 KMT/E1) KJELDATHERM®-digestion glas, micro 100 ml with constriction + calibrated at 100 ml
12-0307 KMT1) KJELDATHERM®-Glas, mikro 100 ml, calibrated at 100 ml + 75 ml
12-0312 KD2501) Kjeldahl-flask 250 ml, with enlarged neck
12-0313 KD5001) Kjeldahl-flask 500 ml, with enlarged neck, 4 pcs
12-0314 KD7501) Kjeldahl-flask 750 ml, with enlarged neck, 4 pcs
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 4
Order information accessories and consumables
Order No. Type Description
1009310 NIV50 Universal level control set for 3 chemical tanks, 1 sample
waste tank and and 1 titration tank, consisting of:
- 2 x Universal level control for chemicals , no. 1005098
- 1 x Universal level control for H3BO3, no. 1005276
- 1 x Universal level control for sample waste, no. 1005721
- 1 x Storage tank 5 L for titration acid, incl. level control
Tank level control
Order No. Type Description
12-0354 ET-KCL pH-combined electrode KCL, require regularly filling with
12-0355 ET-GEL pH-combined electrode gel electrolyte, maintenance free
pH-combined electrode
Order No. Type Description
1000178 Electrolyte solution KCL
1000176 Buffer solution pH 4
1000177 Buffer solution pH 7
KCL and Buffer solution
Order No. Type Description
1005849 KAN10 Tank made of HDPE, 10 L
1005850 KAN20 Tank made of HDPE, 20 L
Storage tanks
Position in tank
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 5
Order information accessories and consumables
Anschlussstopfen Viton
Bestellnr. Typ Beschreibung
12-0477 Connection stopper viton, suitable for
PP-distribution head, no.: 1005828
12-0351 Connection stopper viton, suitable for:
- distribution head glass, no.: 12-0554 and
- PP-distribution head, no.: 1003795
12-0567 Connection stopper viton, special version
suitable for upgrade kit Büchi, no. 12-0568
Order No. Type Description
1005828 PP Distribution head, New version as from 2012
1003795 PP-Distribution head, Version before 2012
1005063 PP-Distribution head upgrade kit, complete with:
Connection stopper viton, holder, fastening screws
PP Distribution head
Order No. Type Description
12-0352 Connection stopper VK, Isoversinic micro, special edition for
the use of micro digestion tubes 100 ml
Connection stopper, Micro
Order No Type Description
12-0568 Büchi - Upgrade kit, complete with:
1 x Viton-connection stopper, No. 12-0351, version standard
1 x Viton-connection stopper, No. 12-0567, version Büchi
1 x Adapter PP-nature
Upgrade kit Büchi
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 6
Distillation condenser glass
Order information accessories and consumables
Order No. Type Description
1000059 DKPP Distillation condenser glass with short outlet pipe, for PP-distribution head 1003795
with connecting piece for ventilation valve
1000058 DK8 Distillation condenser glass with long outlet pipe, for glass distribution head 1004455
with connecting piece for ventilation valve
1000036 Ventilation valve for distillation condenser
Order No. Type Description
1004320 Screw cap GL14, nat. white
1004321 Screw cap GL18, nat. white
1004322 Screw cap GL 32, nat. white
1000358 Silicone seal GL 14 with connection, straight
1000356 Silicone-seal GL 18
1000357 Silicone-seal GL 32
GL-Screw caps + seals
Please see the product data sheet KJELDATHERM® for more insert racks and
Order No. Type Description
12-0269 EG625 Insert rack 6-place for tubes 250 ml
12-0273 EG125 Insert rack 12-place for tubes 250 ml
12-0271 EG440 Insert rack 4-place for tubes 400 ml
12-0272 EG480 Insert rack 4-place for tubes 800 ml
12-0277 EG12-100 Insert rack 12-place for tubes 100 ml
Insert racks for digestion tubes
Insert racks made of stainless steel, best for collecting the single digestion tubes, e.g. for direct distillation.
Order No. Type Description
10-0045 FL1201 Recirculating cooler 230 V / 50 Hz, 1200 W,
for economical and environmentally friendly cooling water
supply of VAPODEST®
10-0047 FL1201 Identical to 10-0045, but in version 115 V / 60 Hz
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 7
Order No. Type Description
1000394 Water inlet tube 10/17, 2 m long, 90bar, 3/8 x 1/2“+ 3/8 x 3/4“
1000047* PVC-tubing, 8 x 12 mm
1000500* PVC-tubing 4 x 7 mm
1000499* Verpren-tubing 8 x 12 mm, Ø außen 12 mm
1000567 PVC-pipe 400 mm long, 10,2 x 1,4 mm
1000566 PVC-pipe 400 mm long, 6 x 1 mm
10-0058 Mains cable, 3 m
1004365 USB-cable, 2 m
10-0193 Data cable DK45, RS232, connection adapter PC 5 m
Tubes / Cable
*length needed when order
Order information accessories and consumables
Carousel Upgrade Kits
Order No. Type Description
12-0231 KIT800 Upgrade Kit for carousel 12x800
for tubes 800 ml, complete with:
- Sample tube guide cage, 800 ml
- carousel 12-place, PP-nature Ø 415 mm
12-0230 KIT400 Upgrade Kit Carousel 16x400,
for tubes 400 ml and BS 400 ml, complete with:
- Sample tube guide cage 400
- carousel 16-place, PP-nature Ø 415 mm
12-0229 KIT250 Upgrade Kit Carousel 20x250
for tubes 250/300 ml, complete with:
- Sample tube guide cage 250
- carousel 20-place, PP-nature Ø 415 mm
For the use of different glass tubes C. Gerhardt offers upgrade kits with suitable carousel inserts and sample tube guide
Order No. Type Description
1001797 Sample tube guide cage compl. for 250 ml tubes
1001804 Sample tube guide cage compl. for 400 ml tubes
1001807 Sample tube guide cage compl. for 800 ml tubes
Guide cage Carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 8
Order information support and service
In addition to its high quality instruments, C. Gerhardt offers comprehensive services to maintain the functionality and
effeciency of your equipment.
Selection Type Description
( ) ABI-VAP Setup and installation VAPODEST®:
- connection of the system
- easy performance check
( ) MEB-VAP Method creation and guidance VAPODEST®:
- Guidance and intense instruction of the system
- Creation of a first method
- applicative advice and support
( ) IQ-VAP Installation Qualification VAPODEST® incl. documentation
( ) OQ-VAP Operational Qualification VAPODEST® incl. documentation
( ) PQ-VAP Performance Qualification VAPODEST® incl. documentation
( ) GQF-VAP Equipment qualification VAPODEST®, complete service package incl.:
- Setup and installation
- Creation of a method and advice
- Complete IQ / OQ / PQ incl. documentation
- VAPODEST®-Document folder
- Training document
- Certificate...
For detailed information on trainings and workshops, please contact your local authorised C. Gerhardt representative.
For detailed information on servicing and maintenance concepts, please contact your local authorised C. Gerhardt representative.
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 9
Order information application data sheet
Selection Description
( ) Non Protein content in Meat
( ) Nitrogen in bread and rolls
( ) Total Nitrogen in Raw Material for Breweries
( ) Solulable Nitrogen Content Wort
( ) Raw Protein Determination in Eggs
( ) Total Protein in Margarine
( ) Tomato puree and Ketchup
( ) Nitrogen in Milk and Dairy Products
( ) Nitrogen in Cream
( ) Protein in Milk Powder
( ) Non-Protein in Milk and Dairy Products
( ) Raw Protein in Meat and Meat Products
( ) Raw Protein in Grain and Grain Products
( ) Raw Protein in Beer and Wort acc. to Lochner
( ) Total Nitrogen in Sugar at very low N-content
( ) Nitrogen in Starch
( ) Nitrogen in Fish and Fish Products
( ) Nitrogen in Chocolate
( ) Total Protein in Fresh Yeast
( ) Raw Protein in Feed
( ) Volatile Acids in Wine
( ) Sulphur Dioxide in Food
( ) Sorbic acid in wine
( ) TVBN in Fish and Fish Products
( ) Vicinal Diketones in Beer
( ) Alcohol in Beverages and Intermediates
Selection Description
( ) Coagulated Nitrogen
( ) Nitrogen Determination in Fertilizers with Nitrate
( ) Fertilizers without Nitrate Content
( ) Ammonium Determination in Fertilizers
( ) Water soluable Ammonium nitrogen in Fertilizers
( ) Determination of Nitrat and Ammonium Nitrogen fert
( ) Total Nitrogen in Xanthan
( ) Total Nitrogen in Water
( ) Total Nitrogen in Soil
( ) Total Nitrogen in Grass and Plant Material
( ) Total Nitrogen in Coal
( ) Phenol Index in Soils and Water
( ) Ammonium in Solid Samples
( ) Ammonium in Aqueous Samples
( ) Nitrate in Aqueous Samples and Eluates
( ) Total Cyanide in Water, Soil and Sludge
( ) Volatile Organic Acids in Sludge
( ) Total Formaldehyde in Aminoplast Adhesive
The following listed applications are examples from our comprehensive application data base. Please contact your local
C. Gerhardt representative or write to application@gerhardt.de to ask for one of the listed application data sheets or to
ask for an application which is not yet listed.
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 10
Customer No.
Send offer to:
Quantity Order No. Type Description
Quantity Order No. Type Description
Quantity Order No. Type Description
Please arrange the required system
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 11
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Presented by:
C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG
Cäsariusstraße 97 · 53639 Königswinter, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2223 2999-0 · www.gerhardt.de
該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 美國(guó)瓦克夏waukesha辛烷值十六烷值備件 美國(guó)PAC公司optidist 德國(guó)ELEMENTAR艾力蒙塔 澳大利亞ECOTECH 英國(guó)PCS 美國(guó)熱電thermofisher氣體分析儀 日本horiba堀場(chǎng)氣體分析儀備件 TELEDYNE API分析儀備件 API環(huán)境分析儀器備件 美國(guó)熱電THERMO在線氣體分析儀 teledyne氣體分析儀 美國(guó)antek硫氮儀器備件 島津SHIMADZU 美國(guó)PAC旗下antek硫氮儀 美國(guó)Hanson Research公司 德國(guó)Pharma-test 美國(guó)SP Scientific 日本島津shimadzu 美國(guó)Savillex 美國(guó)熱電THERMOFISHER

德國(guó)gerhardt格哈特 12-0310消化管

 德國(guó)gerhardt格哈特  12-0308消化管
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 1
Standard configuration VAP50s VAP50s carousel
Automatic addition H3BO3
Automatic addition H2O
Automatic addition NaOH
Programmable reaction time
Programmable distillation time
Variable steam power 30 - 100 %
Automatic suction of sample waste
Automatic suction of the receiver
Selection of language
Optical and acoustical error messages
Main programs any any
Protection door with safety switch
Automatic check of chemical reservoir
Kjeldahl digestion tubes can be used1)
Kjeldahl-flasks can be used1) -
Automatic titration
Micro dosing pump for titration
RS 485 interface
Connection for scale
Result print out
Autosampler (carousel) -
Set of storage tanks -
VAPODEST® 50S / 50S CAROUSEL - Systems in comparison
= Standard configuration
1) = see digestion tubes and Kjeldahl-flasks on page 3
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 2
Order informations VAPODEST®
Type VAP 50s VAP 50s carousel
Cooling water consumption [l/min] ca. 5 ca. 5
Distillation time [min] 2 - 4 2 - 4
Recovery rate [%] > 99,5 > 99,5
Reproducibility [%] +/- 1 +/- 1
Detection limit N [mg] 0,1 0,1
Rated voltage [VAC] 230 230
Frequency [Hz] 50 50
Rated power input [W] 1600 1830
Weight [kg] ca. 37 198
Dimensions W / D / H [mm] 440 / 340 / 690 10101) / 670 / 1655
1) 1290 mm with board attached on the side for monitor or printer
Special voltages on request
1) special for dosing of phosphoric acid max. 85 % and hydrochloric acid max. 5 % - more acids on request
Order No. Type Description
12-0040 VAP50s VAPODEST® 50s, Distillation system, Version Standard,
especially for the Kjeldahl determination
12-0470 VAP50s VAPODEST® 50s, Distillation system, Version acid resistant,
Equipped with acid resistant pumps1)
12-0048 VAP50s OT VAPODEST® 50s OT, Distillation system, identical to 12-0040,
prepared for a possible upgrade to a VAPODEST® 50s carousel at a later time
12-0050 VAP50s C VAPODEST® 50s carousel, distillation system
complete with carousel for 20 x 250/300 ml tubes
12-0051 VAP50s C VAPODEST® 50s carousel, distillation system
complete with carousel for 16 x 400 ml tubes
12-0052 VAP50s C VAPODEST® 50s carousel, distillation system
complete with carousel for 12 x 800 ml tubes
12-0053 VAP50s C VAPODEST® 50s carousel, distillation system
complete with carousel for 16 x BS 400 ml tubes
Typ VAP 50s VAP 50s carousel
Distillation system 1 x 1 x
Autosampler (carousel) - 1 x
KJELDATHERM® digestion tube 1 x
depending on carousel
20 x, 16 x or 12 x
pH-electrode 1 x 1 x
Buffer solution pH7 1 x 1 x
Buffer solution pH4 1 x 1 x
KCL-solution 1 x 1 x
CD with VAPODEST® Manager 1 x 1 x
PC connection set 1 x 1 x
Tubing set 1 x 1 x
Computer: Personal computer and printer are not included the delivery.
Operating system: Windows XP®, Vista®, Windows 7®, 1 x USB-interface
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 3
Order information accessories and consumables
12-0301 12-0306 12-0308 12-0310 12-0311
12-0304 12-0305 12-0307 12-0312 12-0313 12-0314
1) VAPODEST® 50s carousel only possible for single determination with adapter
Make sure to use only original C. Gerhardt spare parts in order to obtain the best possible results. These parts have been
tested thoroughly for the operation with VAPODEST® in the C. Gerhardt application lab.
Depending on sample type and sample quantity VAPODEST® can use a lot of Kjeldahl-digestion tubes as well as
Kjeldahl-flasks. All tubes are made of high standard Duran® material.
Order No. Type Description
12-0301 KTG KJELDATHERM®-digestion tube, macro 250/300 ml - 10 pcs
12-0306 KTG/E KJELDATHERM®-digestion tube, macro 250/300 ml, with constriction + calibrated at 250 ml
12-0308 BS-400 KJELDATHERM®-digestion tube, 400 ml, diminished
12-0310 KDD400 Jumbo-digestion tube 400 ml - 4 pcs
12-0311 KDD800 Jumbo-digestion tube 800 ml - 4 pcs
12-0243 KDD12001) Jumbo-digestion tube 1.200 ml
12-0304 KMT1) KJELDATHERM®-digestion glas, micro 100 ml - 10 pcs
12-0305 KMT/E1) KJELDATHERM®-digestion glas, micro 100 ml with constriction + calibrated at 100 ml
12-0307 KMT1) KJELDATHERM®-Glas, mikro 100 ml, calibrated at 100 ml + 75 ml
12-0312 KD2501) Kjeldahl-flask 250 ml, with enlarged neck
12-0313 KD5001) Kjeldahl-flask 500 ml, with enlarged neck, 4 pcs
12-0314 KD7501) Kjeldahl-flask 750 ml, with enlarged neck, 4 pcs
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 4
Order information accessories and consumables
Order No. Type Description
1009310 NIV50 Universal level control set for 3 chemical tanks, 1 sample
waste tank and and 1 titration tank, consisting of:
- 2 x Universal level control for chemicals , no. 1005098
- 1 x Universal level control for H3BO3, no. 1005276
- 1 x Universal level control for sample waste, no. 1005721
- 1 x Storage tank 5 L for titration acid, incl. level control
Tank level control
Order No. Type Description
12-0354 ET-KCL pH-combined electrode KCL, require regularly filling with
12-0355 ET-GEL pH-combined electrode gel electrolyte, maintenance free
pH-combined electrode
Order No. Type Description
1000178 Electrolyte solution KCL
1000176 Buffer solution pH 4
1000177 Buffer solution pH 7
KCL and Buffer solution
Order No. Type Description
1005849 KAN10 Tank made of HDPE, 10 L
1005850 KAN20 Tank made of HDPE, 20 L
Storage tanks
Position in tank
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
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Order information accessories and consumables
Anschlussstopfen Viton
Bestellnr. Typ Beschreibung
12-0477 Connection stopper viton, suitable for
PP-distribution head, no.: 1005828
12-0351 Connection stopper viton, suitable for:
- distribution head glass, no.: 12-0554 and
- PP-distribution head, no.: 1003795
12-0567 Connection stopper viton, special version
suitable for upgrade kit Büchi, no. 12-0568
Order No. Type Description
1005828 PP Distribution head, New version as from 2012
1003795 PP-Distribution head, Version before 2012
1005063 PP-Distribution head upgrade kit, complete with:
Connection stopper viton, holder, fastening screws
PP Distribution head
Order No. Type Description
12-0352 Connection stopper VK, Isoversinic micro, special edition for
the use of micro digestion tubes 100 ml
Connection stopper, Micro
Order No Type Description
12-0568 Büchi - Upgrade kit, complete with:
1 x Viton-connection stopper, No. 12-0351, version standard
1 x Viton-connection stopper, No. 12-0567, version Büchi
1 x Adapter PP-nature
Upgrade kit Büchi
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
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Distillation condenser glass
Order information accessories and consumables
Order No. Type Description
1000059 DKPP Distillation condenser glass with short outlet pipe, for PP-distribution head 1003795
with connecting piece for ventilation valve
1000058 DK8 Distillation condenser glass with long outlet pipe, for glass distribution head 1004455
with connecting piece for ventilation valve
1000036 Ventilation valve for distillation condenser
Order No. Type Description
1004320 Screw cap GL14, nat. white
1004321 Screw cap GL18, nat. white
1004322 Screw cap GL 32, nat. white
1000358 Silicone seal GL 14 with connection, straight
1000356 Silicone-seal GL 18
1000357 Silicone-seal GL 32
GL-Screw caps + seals
Please see the product data sheet KJELDATHERM® for more insert racks and
Order No. Type Description
12-0269 EG625 Insert rack 6-place for tubes 250 ml
12-0273 EG125 Insert rack 12-place for tubes 250 ml
12-0271 EG440 Insert rack 4-place for tubes 400 ml
12-0272 EG480 Insert rack 4-place for tubes 800 ml
12-0277 EG12-100 Insert rack 12-place for tubes 100 ml
Insert racks for digestion tubes
Insert racks made of stainless steel, best for collecting the single digestion tubes, e.g. for direct distillation.
Order No. Type Description
10-0045 FL1201 Recirculating cooler 230 V / 50 Hz, 1200 W,
for economical and environmentally friendly cooling water
supply of VAPODEST®
10-0047 FL1201 Identical to 10-0045, but in version 115 V / 60 Hz
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 7
Order No. Type Description
1000394 Water inlet tube 10/17, 2 m long, 90bar, 3/8 x 1/2“+ 3/8 x 3/4“
1000047* PVC-tubing, 8 x 12 mm
1000500* PVC-tubing 4 x 7 mm
1000499* Verpren-tubing 8 x 12 mm, Ø außen 12 mm
1000567 PVC-pipe 400 mm long, 10,2 x 1,4 mm
1000566 PVC-pipe 400 mm long, 6 x 1 mm
10-0058 Mains cable, 3 m
1004365 USB-cable, 2 m
10-0193 Data cable DK45, RS232, connection adapter PC 5 m
Tubes / Cable
*length needed when order
Order information accessories and consumables
Carousel Upgrade Kits
Order No. Type Description
12-0231 KIT800 Upgrade Kit for carousel 12x800
for tubes 800 ml, complete with:
- Sample tube guide cage, 800 ml
- carousel 12-place, PP-nature Ø 415 mm
12-0230 KIT400 Upgrade Kit Carousel 16x400,
for tubes 400 ml and BS 400 ml, complete with:
- Sample tube guide cage 400
- carousel 16-place, PP-nature Ø 415 mm
12-0229 KIT250 Upgrade Kit Carousel 20x250
for tubes 250/300 ml, complete with:
- Sample tube guide cage 250
- carousel 20-place, PP-nature Ø 415 mm
For the use of different glass tubes C. Gerhardt offers upgrade kits with suitable carousel inserts and sample tube guide
Order No. Type Description
1001797 Sample tube guide cage compl. for 250 ml tubes
1001804 Sample tube guide cage compl. for 400 ml tubes
1001807 Sample tube guide cage compl. for 800 ml tubes
Guide cage Carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 8
Order information support and service
In addition to its high quality instruments, C. Gerhardt offers comprehensive services to maintain the functionality and
effeciency of your equipment.
Selection Type Description
( ) ABI-VAP Setup and installation VAPODEST®:
- connection of the system
- easy performance check
( ) MEB-VAP Method creation and guidance VAPODEST®:
- Guidance and intense instruction of the system
- Creation of a first method
- applicative advice and support
( ) IQ-VAP Installation Qualification VAPODEST® incl. documentation
( ) OQ-VAP Operational Qualification VAPODEST® incl. documentation
( ) PQ-VAP Performance Qualification VAPODEST® incl. documentation
( ) GQF-VAP Equipment qualification VAPODEST®, complete service package incl.:
- Setup and installation
- Creation of a method and advice
- Complete IQ / OQ / PQ incl. documentation
- VAPODEST®-Document folder
- Training document
- Certificate...
For detailed information on trainings and workshops, please contact your local authorised C. Gerhardt representative.
For detailed information on servicing and maintenance concepts, please contact your local authorised C. Gerhardt representative.
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 9
Order information application data sheet
Selection Description
( ) Non Protein content in Meat
( ) Nitrogen in bread and rolls
( ) Total Nitrogen in Raw Material for Breweries
( ) Solulable Nitrogen Content Wort
( ) Raw Protein Determination in Eggs
( ) Total Protein in Margarine
( ) Tomato puree and Ketchup
( ) Nitrogen in Milk and Dairy Products
( ) Nitrogen in Cream
( ) Protein in Milk Powder
( ) Non-Protein in Milk and Dairy Products
( ) Raw Protein in Meat and Meat Products
( ) Raw Protein in Grain and Grain Products
( ) Raw Protein in Beer and Wort acc. to Lochner
( ) Total Nitrogen in Sugar at very low N-content
( ) Nitrogen in Starch
( ) Nitrogen in Fish and Fish Products
( ) Nitrogen in Chocolate
( ) Total Protein in Fresh Yeast
( ) Raw Protein in Feed
( ) Volatile Acids in Wine
( ) Sulphur Dioxide in Food
( ) Sorbic acid in wine
( ) TVBN in Fish and Fish Products
( ) Vicinal Diketones in Beer
( ) Alcohol in Beverages and Intermediates
Selection Description
( ) Coagulated Nitrogen
( ) Nitrogen Determination in Fertilizers with Nitrate
( ) Fertilizers without Nitrate Content
( ) Ammonium Determination in Fertilizers
( ) Water soluable Ammonium nitrogen in Fertilizers
( ) Determination of Nitrat and Ammonium Nitrogen fert
( ) Total Nitrogen in Xanthan
( ) Total Nitrogen in Water
( ) Total Nitrogen in Soil
( ) Total Nitrogen in Grass and Plant Material
( ) Total Nitrogen in Coal
( ) Phenol Index in Soils and Water
( ) Ammonium in Solid Samples
( ) Ammonium in Aqueous Samples
( ) Nitrate in Aqueous Samples and Eluates
( ) Total Cyanide in Water, Soil and Sludge
( ) Volatile Organic Acids in Sludge
( ) Total Formaldehyde in Aminoplast Adhesive
The following listed applications are examples from our comprehensive application data base. Please contact your local
C. Gerhardt representative or write to application@gerhardt.de to ask for one of the listed application data sheets or to
ask for an application which is not yet listed.
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 10
Customer No.
Send offer to:
Quantity Order No. Type Description
Quantity Order No. Type Description
Quantity Order No. Type Description
Please arrange the required system
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel • C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG • www.gerhardt.de
Issue: 11/2017 • Subject to technical amendments
Page 11
Product data sheet VAPODEST® 50s / 50s carousel
Presented by:
C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG
Cäsariusstraße 97 · 53639 Königswinter, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2223 2999-0 · www.gerhardt.de
該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 美國(guó)瓦克夏waukesha辛烷值十六烷值備件 美國(guó)PAC公司optidist 德國(guó)ELEMENTAR艾力蒙塔 澳大利亞ECOTECH 英國(guó)PCS 美國(guó)熱電thermofisher氣體分析儀 日本horiba堀場(chǎng)氣體分析儀備件 TELEDYNE API分析儀備件 API環(huán)境分析儀器備件 美國(guó)熱電THERMO在線氣體分析儀 teledyne氣體分析儀 美國(guó)antek硫氮儀器備件 島津SHIMADZU 美國(guó)PAC旗下antek硫氮儀 美國(guó)Hanson Research公司 德國(guó)Pharma-test 美國(guó)SP Scientific 日本島津shimadzu 美國(guó)Savillex 美國(guó)熱電THERMOFISHER


10014245 8*250ml消化管架 10014248 8*100ml消化管架 10014240 20*250ml消化管架 10014246 20*100ml消化管架 60025133 20*400ml消化管架 60025317 40*100ml消化管架  

該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 配件 耗材 耗材 配件




















1. 良好的透明性,穩(wěn)定,肉眼可以看到瓶?jī)?nèi)容積平滑的表面, 瓶?jī)?nèi)外壁平滑,易于清洗,瓶口瓶?jī)?nèi)壁處不容易有液體殘留

2. 瓶口和瓶蓋密封性好,無(wú)需瓶塞,液體不滲漏;

3. 耐強(qiáng)酸、強(qiáng)堿、王水、魔酸、氫氟酸和各種有機(jī)溶劑

4. 低析出,極低的溶出和析出,是儲(chǔ)存標(biāo)準(zhǔn)物質(zhì)、強(qiáng)腐蝕性、昂貴超高純?cè)噭┑臉O佳器皿

5. 耐高溫,使用溫度在-200+260

6. 防污染:極低的金屬元素空白值

7. PFA溶樣罐可以存放低濃度的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)元素較長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,非常適用于痕量、超痕量分析




該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 氣體反應(yīng)裝置 儀器類 上海屹堯系列 邁爾斯通系列 山東海能系列 趕酸儀,消解儀,電熱板 CEM系列 普通塑料產(chǎn)品 微波罐系列 酸純化器 PFA系列類產(chǎn)品 FEP系列類產(chǎn)品 四氟系列類產(chǎn)品 高壓消解罐 四氟反應(yīng)釜氟化氫反應(yīng)釜系列


LabS消化管采用優(yōu)質(zhì)實(shí)驗(yàn)玻璃加工制造,品質(zhì)優(yōu)良,是世界多家儀器公司的配套替代產(chǎn)品,更是自己品牌LabS消化系統(tǒng)標(biāo)配的樣品消化和其它前處理的專用試管。選材和加工特別考究,材質(zhì)和加工選用了像國(guó)際頂級(jí)產(chǎn)品德國(guó)Gerhardt和以前的瑞典tecator(已被FOSS并購(gòu))相同,凸顯其品質(zhì)的優(yōu)越,所有試管都經(jīng)過(guò)特殊退火處理,消除了內(nèi)應(yīng)力,保證不會(huì)出現(xiàn)加熱過(guò)程炸裂、穿孔等廉價(jià)試管常見的煩事。尺寸控制在各家產(chǎn)品的內(nèi)限,獨(dú)特的接口結(jié)構(gòu),不但使labS消化管適合于LabS消化系統(tǒng)、Gerhardt消化系統(tǒng)、FOSS消化系統(tǒng)及一些國(guó)產(chǎn)常規(guī)消化等產(chǎn)品的優(yōu)質(zhì)配套,而且因其特別設(shè)計(jì)的接口結(jié)構(gòu),使與其連接的橡膠接頭使用壽命延長(zhǎng)一倍以上時(shí)間(以目前FOSS和任何國(guó)產(chǎn)管來(lái)比較)。常備貨物:30X41mm,250ml,做常量分析用其它規(guī)格(100ml/400ml等)需要訂貨。L1011158 4X5支包裝(20支/箱),包裝規(guī)格:試管有保護(hù)護(hù)套,雙層紙箱包裝L1012504 4支裝(4支/盒),包裝規(guī)格:試管有保護(hù)護(hù)套,再紙箱包裝

該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 配件 耗材 耗材 配件






該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 配件 耗材 耗材 配件


LabS消化管采用優(yōu)質(zhì)實(shí)驗(yàn)玻璃加工制造,品質(zhì)優(yōu)良,是世界多家儀器公司的配套替代產(chǎn)品,更是自己品牌LabS消化系統(tǒng)標(biāo)配的樣品消化和其它前處理的專用試管。選材和加工特別考究,材質(zhì)和加工選用了像國(guó)際頂級(jí)產(chǎn)品德國(guó)Gerhardt和以前的瑞典tecator(已被FOSS并購(gòu))相同,凸顯其品質(zhì)的優(yōu)越,所有試管都經(jīng)過(guò)特殊退火處理,消除了內(nèi)應(yīng)力,保證不會(huì)出現(xiàn)加熱過(guò)程炸裂、穿孔等廉價(jià)試管常見的煩事。尺寸控制在各家產(chǎn)品的內(nèi)限,獨(dú)特的接口結(jié)構(gòu),不但使labS消化管適合于LabS消化系統(tǒng)、Gerhardt消化系統(tǒng)、FOSS消化系統(tǒng)及一些國(guó)產(chǎn)常規(guī)消化等產(chǎn)品的優(yōu)質(zhì)配套,而且因其特別設(shè)計(jì)的接口結(jié)構(gòu),使與其連接的橡膠接頭使用壽命延長(zhǎng)一倍以上時(shí)間(以目前FOSS和任何國(guó)產(chǎn)管來(lái)比較)。 常備貨物:30X41mm,250ml,做常量分析用 其它規(guī)格(100ml/400ml等)需要訂貨。 L1011158 4X5支包裝(20支/箱),包裝規(guī)格:試管有保護(hù)護(hù)套,雙層紙箱包裝 L1012504 4支裝(4支/盒),包裝規(guī)格:試管有保護(hù)護(hù)套,再紙箱包裝

該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 配件 耗材 耗材 配件


熱門儀器: 液相色譜儀 氣相色譜儀 原子熒光光譜儀 可見分光光度計(jì) 液質(zhì)聯(lián)用儀 壓力試驗(yàn)機(jī) 酸度計(jì)(PH計(jì)) 離心機(jī) 高速離心機(jī) 冷凍離心機(jī) 生物顯微鏡 金相顯微鏡 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)物質(zhì) 生物試劑