

 本公司專業(yè)生產(chǎn)各種類型的直流電源 直流穩(wěn)壓電源 60HZ變頻電源 400HZ中頻電源 穩(wěn)頻穩(wěn)壓電源 交流恒流源 等各種電源 以及代理各個品牌的電子儀器SBW-30KVA




聯(lián)系人:王行   15669069297


SBW-30KVA ·采用全密封油浸式水冷式,能夠在惡劣的下工作。 ·變壓器及功率元件采用油浸式能夠散熱面,使元件散熱快,整流器的使用壽命。 ·采用變壓器專用10#、25#油,絕緣及熱傳導(dǎo)性好。 ·箱體外安裝散熱片,冷卻效果更佳。 ·油位直接可在面板上油表顯示。 ·穩(wěn)壓、穩(wěn)流控制。 ·保護功能完善:具有過壓、過流、過熱、缺相、缺水及短路等保護功能。 ·可手動調(diào)節(jié),也可數(shù)字網(wǎng)絡(luò)化控制。 ·采用普通自來水冷卻即可,推薦采用去離子水。 極性保護 直流電源模塊開關(guān)穩(wěn)壓器的輸入一般都是未穩(wěn)壓直流電源,由于操作失誤或者意外情況會將其極性接錯, 此時將會損壞開關(guān)穩(wěn)壓電源。極性保護的目的就是使開關(guān)穩(wěn)壓器僅當(dāng)以正確的極性接上未穩(wěn)壓直流電源時才能 工作。利用單向?qū)ㄆ骷梢詫崿F(xiàn)電源的極性保護。簡單的極性保護電路如圖1所示。由于二極管D流過開關(guān) 穩(wěn)壓器的輸入總電流,因此這種電路應(yīng)用在小功率的開關(guān)穩(wěn)壓器上比較。在較大功率的,則把極性保 護電路作為程序保護中的一個環(huán)節(jié),可以省去極性保護所需的大功率二極管,功耗也將減小。為了操作方便, 便于識別極性開關(guān)正確與否,在圖1中的二極管之后接指示燈。 程序保護  開關(guān)電源為佳,對于電磁和電源純凈性有要求的地方(例如電容漏電檢測)多選用線性電源。另外當(dāng)電路中需要作隔離的時候現(xiàn)在多數(shù)用DC-DC來做對隔離部分供電(DC-DC從其工作原理上來說就是開關(guān)電源)。還有,開關(guān)電源中用到的高頻變壓器可能繞制起來比較麻煩 開關(guān)電源和線性電源在內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)上是完全不一樣的,開關(guān)電源顧名思義有開關(guān),它利用變占空比或變頻的實現(xiàn)不同的電壓,實現(xiàn)較為復(fù)雜,大的優(yōu)點是率,一般在90%以上,缺點是文波和開關(guān)噪聲較大,適用于對文波和噪聲要求不高的;而線性電源沒有開關(guān),屬于連續(xù)模擬控制,內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)相對簡單,芯片謬也較小,成本較低,優(yōu)點是成本低,文波噪聲小,大的缺點是效率低。它們各有有缺點在應(yīng)用上互補共存! 一、線性電源的原理: 線性電源主要包括工頻變壓器、輸出整流濾波器、控制電路、保護電路等。 線性電源是先將交流電經(jīng)過變壓器變壓,再經(jīng)過整流電路整流濾波未的直流電壓,要達到高精度的直流電壓,必須經(jīng)過電壓貳輸出電壓,這種電源技術(shù)荷熟,可以達到很高的度,波紋也很小,而且沒有開關(guān)電源具有的與噪音。但是它的缺點是需要龐大而笨重的變壓器,所需的濾波電容的體積和重量也相當(dāng)大,而且電壓貳電路勝作在線性狀態(tài),管上有一定的電壓降,在輸出較大工作電流時,致使管的功耗太大,轉(zhuǎn)換效率低,還要安裝很大的散熱片。這種電源不適合計算機等設(shè)備的需要,將逐步被開關(guān)電源所取代。 二、開關(guān)電源的原理: 開關(guān)電源主要包括輸入電網(wǎng)濾波器、輸入整流濾波器、逆變器、輸出整流濾波器、控制電路、保護電路。它們的功能是:  組成全橋變換電路。當(dāng)PWM輸出控制通過隔離驅(qū)動器分別驅(qū)動功率模塊,兩組對杰分別交替導(dǎo)通,在高頻變壓器初級產(chǎn)生高頻脈沖電壓,次級電壓由高頻變壓器變壓后整流向負載提供能量。   輸出端分別接有穩(wěn)壓、限流和穩(wěn)流、限壓等的貳環(huán)路,當(dāng)面板開關(guān)置于穩(wěn)汛態(tài)時,穩(wěn)壓和限流電路起作用,當(dāng)輸出電壓升高或下降時,取樣電壓通過穩(wěn)壓電路內(nèi)部電壓比較器跟基準(zhǔn)電壓比較,其誤差電壓加到PWM控制電路,使PWM輸出脈寬作相應(yīng)變化,從而輸出電壓,如負載電流過高時,限流電路工作,使輸出電流在限流設(shè)定值內(nèi)。   同樣,在穩(wěn)流狀態(tài)下,穩(wěn)流電路作用,使輸出電流在設(shè)定值內(nèi),而當(dāng)過壓時,限壓電路使輸出電壓鉗壓在限壓值。當(dāng)有異常情況(如輸入過壓或欠壓,過流或過熱等)產(chǎn)生保護加到保護控制電路時,保護電路輸出一個電壓加到PWM電路,使PWM電路停止輸出,從而達到保護目的。 20173四、技術(shù)參數(shù):專業(yè)致力于基于高頻軟開關(guān)技術(shù)的大功率程控直流穩(wěn)壓電源的研發(fā)和生產(chǎn),經(jīng)過多年的研制和的累積,率先使用具有先進水平的全負載范圍實現(xiàn)ZVZCS軟開關(guān)技術(shù)的直流電源商業(yè)化,使SDC系列程控直流穩(wěn)壓電源具有極高的可靠性,技術(shù)達到先進水平,深得用戶的信賴和認可。我公司程控直流穩(wěn)壓電源具有以下突出的優(yōu)勢:=的負載一般都是用大量的集成化程度很高的器件安裝的電子。晶體管和集成器件耐受電、熱沖擊的能力 YT-SKG性能指標(biāo) 容量 SDC50-500-T 輸入 輸入電壓范圍 三相380V±15% 47-63HZ 輸出 外特性 恒電壓CV & 恒電流CC 額定輸出電壓 50V 輸出電壓范圍 0~50V 虧 額定輸出電流 500A 輸出電流范圍 0~500A 虧 源電壓效應(yīng) <±0.1% 負載效應(yīng) <±0.5%(阻性負載) 滿載紋波有效值 <100mV 高頻噪聲 <±1% 負載響應(yīng)時間 1ms 效率 >90% @ load 顯示 數(shù)字電壓表 4LED顯示 規(guī)格:±0.5%rdg 2digit 數(shù)字電流表 4LED顯示 規(guī)格:±0.5%rdg 2digit 工作條件 儲綽度 -30~ 60℃ 工作溫度 -20℃~ 50℃ 高頻開關(guān)直流電源可以分為極性保護和程序保護、過電流保護、過電壓保護、欠電壓保護、過熱保護。 高頻開關(guān)直流電源模塊中所使用的大功率開關(guān)器件價格較貴,其控制電路亦比較復(fù)雜,另外,開關(guān)電源 的負載一般都是用大量的集成化程度很高的器件安裝的電子。晶體管和集成器件耐受電、熱沖擊的能力 較差。因而開關(guān)電源模塊的保護應(yīng)該兼顧其本身和負載的。保護電路的種類很多,這里介紹極性保護、 程序保護、過電流保護、過電壓保護、欠電壓保護以及過熱保護等電路。通常選用幾種保護加以組合, 構(gòu)成完善的保護。 開關(guān)直流電源 1、輸入電網(wǎng)濾波器:來自電網(wǎng),如電動機的啟動、電器的開關(guān)、雷擊碟生的,同時也防止開關(guān)電源產(chǎn)生的高頻噪聲向電網(wǎng)擴散。 2、輸入整流濾波器:將電網(wǎng)輸入電行整流濾波,為變換器提供直流電壓。 3、逆變器:是開關(guān)電源的關(guān)鍵部分。它把直流電壓變換成高頻交流電壓,并且起到將輸出部分與輸入電網(wǎng)隔離的作用。 4、輸出整流濾波器:將變換器輸出的高頻交流電壓整流濾波需要的直流電壓,同時還防止高頻噪聲對負載的。 5、控制電路:檢測輸出直流電壓, 直流穩(wěn)壓穩(wěn)流電源 無錫安耐斯電子科技有限公司 前 言 尊敬的用戶,您好: 感謝您選擇并使用無錫安耐斯電子科技有限公司的產(chǎn)品! 無錫安耐斯電子科技有限公司是一家專業(yè)設(shè)計研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)銷售各類、工業(yè)用和民用高性能交直流電源產(chǎn)品及電力電氣集成設(shè)備的無錫市高新技術(shù)企業(yè),豎內(nèi)外的電源行業(yè)解決方案及產(chǎn)品提供商。 為保證設(shè)備的可靠運行,因使用不當(dāng)造成對設(shè)備及您的工作帶來的影響,請您使用前仔細閱讀本說明書,它包括產(chǎn)品型號說明、容量選型方案、使用操作以及使用中應(yīng)注意的事項,這將有助于您的使用和優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)。 安耐斯電子秉承“專業(yè)守護,成就用戶價值!”的服務(wù)理念,為您提供“可靠 綠色 ”的電源產(chǎn)品。 目 錄 ,對策:更替電鉆漿葉;變速機敗壞,對策: 都是直流電 按要求不同使用不同 ,線性電源好 他輸出的是線性直流電,可以用在要求高的,開關(guān)電源次之,他是由很高的開關(guān)速度的變壓器和開關(guān)管,特點是重量小,容量大,輸出高,相控電原用在要求不高,電流特大的 線性電源,開關(guān)電源區(qū)別 線性電源的管工作在放大狀態(tài),因而量大,效率低(35%左右),需要加體積龐大的散熱片,而且還需要同樣也是大體積的工頻變壓器,當(dāng)要制作多組電壓輸出時變壓器會更龐大。 開關(guān)電源的管工作在飽和和截至狀態(tài),因而量小,效率高(75%以上)而且省掉了大體積的變壓器。但開關(guān)電源輸出的直流上冕疊加較大的紋波(50mV at 5V output typical),在輸出端并接穩(wěn)壓二極管可以,另外由于開關(guān)管工作是會產(chǎn)生很大的尖峰脈沖,也需要在電路中串連磁珠加以。相對而言線性電源就沒有以上缺陷,它的紋波可以做的很小(5mV以下)。 對于電源效率和安裝體積有要求的地方用 ?? 王中林院士說,“一個人一天正常行走的輸出功率是67瓦,有11瓦可以轉(zhuǎn)換崇能。”發(fā)電機為我們回收生活中的涓滴微能,這些涓滴細流能否匯成大貉芯客哦釉誚凇蹲勻?-通訊》上發(fā)表的文章表明,他們已經(jīng)找到了發(fā)電機輸出功率大幅的有效通道,有望突破應(yīng)用,讓發(fā)電成為大規(guī)模能源供給的綠色新途徑。 ?? “我們的高性能納米發(fā)電機,已經(jīng)可以直接驅(qū)動常規(guī)電器,如閱讀燈、傳感器等。”據(jù)悉,式直流納米發(fā)電機,已經(jīng)將兩種材料轉(zhuǎn)動而發(fā)電的發(fā)電效率到24%50%,可以進行較為可觀的電流輸出。 ?? 潮汐能收集裝置是另一個有利于實現(xiàn)大規(guī)模能源供給的發(fā)明。 ?? 潮汐能是一種潛力巨大的新能源。海洋謬占全球總謬的71%,海浪的運動有4種,海流、海波起伏、海浪拍打、海浪漲落與沙灘間的。采用發(fā)電的電磁感應(yīng)發(fā)電機,由于結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜裝置沉重,只有海流可以帶動轉(zhuǎn)子發(fā)電,因此只能收集海流的能量,其他三種海浪運動能量都浪費了。而納米發(fā)電機結(jié)構(gòu)簡單輕巧,可以把發(fā)電單元做成乒乓球大小并浮于水中,海浪運動的4種能量全部可以收集,把這些乒乓球結(jié)成網(wǎng)放到5米深的海水里,表面1平方公里的海面就能產(chǎn)生兆瓦級的電能。 ?? 生活中少不了和震動,從起搏到鍵盤,從海浪起伏到交通運輸,都是發(fā)電機的適用范圍。過去,這些能量全部浪費了。未,發(fā)電機可以桃們把它們收集起來,讓我們擁有無處不在的微能源。 ?? 團結(jié)就是力量,當(dāng)這些微小能源被集中起來時, 研究發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)電機的電輸出與動力源(12.02, -0.15, -1.23%)的性質(zhì)有明顯的相關(guān)性,可以用來反映物體的信息。這種傳感器為突出的優(yōu)點,是在感受終端無需電源,能夠通過被對象自身的活動來驅(qū)動,實現(xiàn)自驅(qū)動的式傳感。這在人機交互界面、智能傳感和智能皮膚領(lǐng)域?qū)⒂蟹浅V闊的應(yīng)用前景。 ?? 研究人員將納米發(fā)電機做成自驅(qū)動聲源定位儀,利用聲音發(fā)電來定位。將三個輕小的發(fā)電機作為傳感器,屋里的三個角落,根據(jù)聲波傳到不同傳感器的時間差來定位。“桌子大的地方定點度拷5厘米,大操場的定位精度也是5厘米,因為場地越大時間差越大,定位就更準(zhǔn)確。” ?? 納米發(fā)電機作為傳感器使用時,可以做成自驅(qū)動設(shè)備。做在門把手上、車門上,一就發(fā)電;地態(tài)不用定期更換電池,就能監(jiān)控家里老人小孩是否摔跤;做到衣物上,遇到地震等重大災(zāi)難時,被困人員可通過發(fā)電為搜救人員提供重要位置信息。 ?? 輕巧靈活的納米發(fā)電機,給我們帶來了撒豆成兵的無限可能。 ?? 前景:考驗象力 都是直流電 按要求不同使用不同 ,線性電源好 他輸出的是線性直流電,可以用在要求高的,開關(guān)電源次之,他是由很高的開關(guān)速度的變壓器和開關(guān)管,特點是重量小,容量大,輸出高,相控電原用在要求不高,電流特大的 線性電源,開關(guān)電源區(qū)別 線性電源的管工作在放大狀態(tài),因而量大,效率低(35%左右),需要加體積龐大的散熱片,而且還需要同樣也是大體積的工頻變壓器,當(dāng)要制作多組電壓輸出時變壓器會更龐大。 開關(guān)電源的管工作在飽和和截至狀態(tài),因而量小,效率高(75%以上)而且省掉了大體積的變壓器。但開關(guān)電源輸出的直流上冕疊加較大的紋波(50mV at 5V output typical),在輸出端并接穩(wěn)壓二極管可以,另外由于開關(guān)管工作是會產(chǎn)生很大的尖峰脈沖,也需要在電路中串連磁珠加以。相對而言線性電源就沒有以上缺陷,它的紋波可以做的很小(5mV以下)。 對于電源效率和安裝體積有要求的地方用 1、輸入電網(wǎng)濾波器:來自電網(wǎng),如電動機的啟動、電器的開關(guān)、雷擊碟生的,同時也防止開關(guān)電源產(chǎn)生的高頻噪聲向電網(wǎng)擴散。 2、輸入整流濾波器:將電網(wǎng)輸入電行整流濾波,為變換器提供直流電壓。 3、逆變器:是開關(guān)電源的關(guān)鍵部分。它把直流電壓變換成高頻交流電壓,并且起到將輸出部分與輸入電網(wǎng)隔離的作用。 4、輸出整流濾波器:將變換器輸出的高頻交流電壓整流濾波需要的直流電壓,同時還防止高頻噪聲對負載的。 5、控制電路:檢測輸出直流電壓, 286)。在如此大的電流下,稍有不良便會影響整體設(shè)備的運行可靠性。為此,要實現(xiàn)故障機在整體設(shè)備運行的情況下能卸下,在每個功率組元的輸出加一對保護開關(guān)(此方案為冗余N X模塊)。 如下圖示: 當(dāng)功率組元出現(xiàn)故障后,分斷輸入與輸出的保護開關(guān),故障組元可以地卸下。   1.集控室DCS,“蓄電池熔斷器熔斷”燈滅(或“蓄電池組空氣開關(guān)跳閘”光字牌亮);   2.直流母線電壓波動,蓄電池的浮充電流為零。 處理:   1.復(fù)歸音響;   2.檢查確認蓄電池出口熔斷(或出口空氣開關(guān)跳閘); 經(jīng)過機械轉(zhuǎn)動,使S式攪和槳繚繞,推植物料往返,勻稱混合,操作時采溺器,可設(shè)定混合工夫,到時停機,直流穩(wěn)壓電源從而普及每批物料的混合品質(zhì)。接回電源、設(shè)定混合工夫,按動電門、經(jīng)過機械傳動使物料往返來失掉混合勻稱的出品,整機為全不銹鋼打造,運用容易、不便,適宜制藥、化工、廠等。的混合重要靠機械攪和器、氣旋和待混的射流等,使待混物料受到攪動,以達成勻稱混合。攪動全體固定,固定又激發(fā)其四周的,后果在溶器內(nèi)構(gòu)成輪回液流,由此產(chǎn)生的之間的放散稱為主體對流放散。關(guān)于密度、成份相反、互不相溶的,攪和產(chǎn)生的夾作用和強烈的湍動將密度大的撕碎成小液滴并使其勻稱地疏散到主中。直流穩(wěn)壓電源攪和產(chǎn)生的固定進度務(wù)必大于液滴的沉降進度?赡苡楷F(xiàn)的故障,容易的來說有以次多少種,囊括啟動、長機震撼、長機漏油之類。那么暇時該怎么留神該署上面呢?,啟動時困苦及無奈啟動,招致此種景象的起因正常歸納為以次三種狀況,也囊括三種應(yīng)的克服:滿載且超載啟動運行,克服:縮小負載,先運行后加料;電源未接入、缺相,對策:請電工接入直流穩(wěn)壓電源、線路;電壓過低,對策:避過用水頂峰或確保電壓畸形。第二,的長機震撼及樂音異響,直流穩(wěn)壓電源對準(zhǔn)此景象囊括五種誘因以及五種應(yīng)的克服措施:漿軸敗壞,對策:更替漿軸;裝置未好,對策:從新裝置并混合機水立體;電鉆漿葉敗壞 性是對公共汽車技能情況繼續(xù)綜合評估不行或缺的不足道環(huán)節(jié),直流穩(wěn)壓電源具體咱們能夠經(jīng)過底試在啟動機在于額外扭矩或額外功率工況下,對驅(qū)動輪輸入的無效功率值繼續(xù)比擬性評估。然而,這一容易的一組操作有時產(chǎn)生的景象卻使許多運用者疑惑不解。重要體現(xiàn)在測功狀態(tài)下,受檢車變速器置于間接擋或高速擋,啟動機滿載荷運行,電水渦機產(chǎn)生的反向作使勁經(jīng)過滾筒將驅(qū)動輪的線進度降至事后設(shè)定的值,但此時往往會產(chǎn)生車速平衡,電腦零碎使不得取值,且受檢車在底盤電機轉(zhuǎn)子上沿縱向軸線的景象。直流穩(wěn)壓電源造成車夫長,數(shù)據(jù)反復(fù)性差,狀況重大的乃至使無奈繼續(xù)上去。此外一些運用者將問題歸納于底盤電機轉(zhuǎn)子性能不好。 實則,要切施行展的作用,一是理解和主宰的原理;二是理解和主宰受檢車在時的作業(yè)情況。直流穩(wěn)壓電源測功先對受檢車的狀態(tài)提出了寬大務(wù)求,即變速比盡可能地瀕臨啟動機水溫、油溫應(yīng)達成工況務(wù)求并滿載荷運行(節(jié)氣門全開),目標(biāo)是使啟動機外特點(額外功率、額外扭矩)盡可能地傳送到驅(qū)動輪下去。而電機轉(zhuǎn)子的性能則是電水渦機經(jīng)過滾筒強加給驅(qū)動輪反向制能源,一是強制受檢車啟動機因驅(qū)動輪加大負載而降速增扭;二是將反向制能源值以電質(zhì)變遷的形式給出,隨著水渦機的直流穩(wěn)壓電源一直加大,滾筒強加給驅(qū)動輪的反向制能源就越大。功率Pv有莫須有的一個是驅(qū)能源Fi,另一個就是進度Vi,直流穩(wěn)壓電源其中任一個量的平衡固都會造成難以取值從理論操作的觀點而言,某個規(guī)模越窄,的反復(fù)性就越好。但思忖時可變成分的莫須有,又使不得將點的取值容許規(guī)模設(shè)置得過窄,而無奈在規(guī)范規(guī)程的穩(wěn)固工夫內(nèi)(15s)實現(xiàn)取值。啟動機在于低轉(zhuǎn)速大載荷工況而收回爽朗的音調(diào),受檢車結(jié)束沿縱向軸向,電腦界面上的車速預(yù)示量值和扭矩量值均涌現(xiàn)大規(guī)模的,取值程序無奈繼續(xù),至使無果。就一輛車而言,一旦車況被確定,式中唯有啟動轉(zhuǎn)速ne是變量,且對驅(qū)能源Fi的量值穩(wěn)固有著間接的莫須有?偠灾畷r電機轉(zhuǎn)子電腦零碎使不得取值的重要起因來自于受檢車輛運行進度的平衡固性。保障正確應(yīng)兩個根本條件:一述筒與驅(qū)動輪的線進度應(yīng)維持統(tǒng)一;二是驅(qū)動輪上的驅(qū)能源與水渦機作用在滾簡上的反向制能源務(wù)必大小相當(dāng)、位置相同。因而,在運用電機轉(zhuǎn)子對公共汽車整車能源性能繼續(xù)時,直流穩(wěn)壓電源我提議除根據(jù)有關(guān)規(guī)范和技能對受檢車的載荷、輪帶、燃油、光滑及熱狀態(tài)等提出務(wù)求外,還應(yīng)答啟動機作業(yè)情況提出相應(yīng)務(wù)求。 286)。在如此大的電流下,稍有不良便會影響整體設(shè)備的運行可靠性。為此,要實現(xiàn)故障機在整體設(shè)備運行的情況下能卸下,在每個功率組元的輸出加一對保護開關(guān)(此方案為冗余N X模塊)。 如下圖示: 當(dāng)功率組元出現(xiàn)故障后,分斷輸入與輸出的保護開關(guān),故障組元可以地卸下。 關(guān)于整機繼續(xù)嘗試,直流穩(wěn)壓電源那樣能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)子零碎埋伏的故障,推遲克服措施與計劃,盡早做到改良與。從而對其同類儀器量具可以及早經(jīng)過批改通路和工藝繼續(xù)彌補,無利于普及儀器量具的耐用性和牢靠性。其中重要是零碎的各共性能的老化嘗試和條件嘗試,上面將詳盡的說明。老化對全體儀器量具繼續(xù)短工夫回電運行,并測量其均勻無端障作業(yè)工夫,綜合下結(jié)論該署儀器量具的故障特點,找到它們的共性問題加以克服。況且對各共性能模塊繼續(xù)陸續(xù)及老化,達成上千次之上。條件嘗試正常依據(jù)儀器量具的作業(yè)條件而確定具體的嘗試意思,并依照行政區(qū)劃規(guī)程的步驟繼續(xù)嘗試。條件正常勝場小組、試驗室等。條件嘗試正常只對小全體出品繼續(xù),常見的條件嘗試意思和步驟如次:熱度嘗以熱度條件對儀器量具精度和穩(wěn)固性的莫須有,直流穩(wěn)壓電源確定儀器量具在高柔和高溫條件下作業(yè)和貯存的相配性,它囊括高柔和高溫嘗試、高柔和高溫貯存對量具精度的莫須有。熱度載荷嘗試是將樣品在不包裝、不回電和畸形作業(yè)地位狀態(tài)下,把各個模塊放入熱度嘗試箱內(nèi),繼續(xù)額外運用的上、上限作業(yè)熱度的嘗試。所以出品須要經(jīng)過物流能力送來揣所在地,因而須要對零碎繼續(xù)振動嘗試儀器量具禁受振動的穩(wěn)固性。其步驟是將樣品生動在振動臺上,通過模仿生動效率(50HZ)、變頻(5-2KHZ)等各族振動條件繼續(xù)嘗試。在現(xiàn)在能源 (1) 主、備交流電源投切的原因 ① 實際測得主電源的波動范圍很大,--般二次電壓變化范圍在290V-425V之間,其中二次電 壓低于320V的很。 ② 直流電源裝置的交流電壓低整定值為323V。主、備交流電源延時投切時間為0s。 ③ 當(dāng)主電源低于323V時,直流電源裝置自動投入備用電源供電;當(dāng)主電源有電后(高于323V) ,直流電源裝置自動返回主電源供電。 從上可見,直流電源裝置交流電壓低整定值(323V)在主電源電壓變化范圍(290V-425V)之間 ,根據(jù)主、備交流電源的投切原理,主、備交流電源在主電源電壓波動的時候,必然會造成 投切的結(jié)果。 7、電壓取樣及電壓調(diào)節(jié):檢測直流穩(wěn)壓電源輸出電壓值及設(shè)定調(diào)節(jié)直流穩(wěn)壓電源的輸出電壓值。 8、比較放大電路:將直流穩(wěn)壓電源的輸出電壓值與基準(zhǔn)源的電行比較取得誤差電壓后,進行放大貳及控制線性元件而保證輸出電壓。 9、電流檢測電路:取得直流穩(wěn)壓電源輸出電流值,作限流或保護控制的信息。 10、驅(qū)動電路:為驅(qū)動可執(zhí)行元件而設(shè)置的功率放大電路。 11、顯示器:直流穩(wěn)壓電源輸出電壓值及輸出電流值的顯示。 η,式中η是變壓器的效率。 (2)整流濾波電路:整流電路將交流電壓Ui變換成脈動的直流電壓。再經(jīng)濾波電路濾除較大的紋波成分,輸出 紋波較小的直流電壓U1。常用的整流濾波電路有全波整流濾波、橋式整流濾波等。 各濾波電容CRL-C=(3~5T/2,或中T為輸入交流周期,RL為整流濾波電路的等效負載電阻。 并將其與基準(zhǔn)電壓比較,進行放大。調(diào)制振蕩器的脈沖寬度,從而控制變換器以保持輸出電壓的。 6、保護電路:當(dāng)開關(guān)電源發(fā)生過電壓、過電流短路時,保護電路使開關(guān)電源停止工作以保護負載和電源本身。 開關(guān)電源是將交流電先整流成直流電,在將直流逆變成交流電,在整流輸出成所需要的直流電壓。這樣開關(guān)電源省去下線性電源中的變壓器,以及電壓貳電路。而開關(guān)電源中的逆變電路完全是數(shù)字,同樣能達到非常高的精度。 開關(guān)電源的主要優(yōu)點: 體積小、重量輕(體積和重量只有線性電源的2030%)、效率高(一般為6070%,而線性電源只有3040%)、自身抗性強、輸出電壓范圍寬、模塊化。 開關(guān)電源的主要缺點: 過熱保護 >85℃時保護并 絕緣要求 絕緣強度 輸入對機殼AC2500V/1分鐘,漏電流10mA 輸入對輸出AC3000V/1分鐘,漏電流10mA 輸出對機殼AC3000V/1分鐘,漏電流10mA 絕緣電阻 輸入對殼:DC1000V,大于20MΩ 輸入對輸出:DC1000V,大于20MΩ 輸出對殼:DC1000V,大于20MΩ 冷卻裝置 強制風(fēng)扇冷卻 允許連續(xù)工作 > 8小時 14.輸出電壓、電流顯示(任意選擇):①LED數(shù)碼管顯示;②屏顯示 15.輸出電壓、電流顯示分辨率:1V;10A 16.特殊化控制設(shè)計,內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)采用防酸、堿設(shè)計,使用壽命 四.產(chǎn)品性能 全新型結(jié)構(gòu)整流柜,不僅具有非同相逆并聯(lián)結(jié)構(gòu)整流柜的優(yōu)點,而且又有一些新的技術(shù)特點,此結(jié)構(gòu)適應(yīng)了各個行業(yè)對整流裝置的新要求(系列電壓等級高),也彌補了一些立式結(jié)構(gòu)(同相逆并聯(lián)結(jié)構(gòu))不足的地方。其系數(shù)遠遠高于同相逆并聯(lián),且故障率低,方便。正負整流組前后錯位布置,用絕緣材料完全隔開,形成正負兩個完全的單元,不會產(chǎn)生正負拉弧現(xiàn)象。兩同相的同極性元件橋臂采用對夾安裝的固定在同一元件排上,形成兩個橋臂合并,由此可使整流臂從原來的12個到6個,并分別采用彈簧鋼板和鋼板壓塊對稱尋,元件均流好。安裝元件螺桿為絕緣復(fù)合螺桿,隔斷了元件壓接件的磁路;柜殼架采用特殊鋁型材組裝而成,結(jié)構(gòu)更加新穎美觀,隔磁效果大幅,避免了殼體。 五.我司所生產(chǎn)的大功率整流裝置用可插拔式冗余模塊電源。故而電源較普通的電源擁有以下優(yōu)勢: 1、由于每個模塊電源具有儒拔功能,所以在某一塊模塊電源無常工作時,可以在不關(guān)停電源的情況下袒該模塊電源,實現(xiàn)不間斷供電,也不會影響客戶的正常生產(chǎn)(每一個電源模塊為一個單元,彼此之間互不影響,每單元實際輸出功率不超過24kW)。 2、電源中冗余的控制模塊具有電源模塊的電流突變的功能,以防止電源模塊在或時造襯電流浪涌現(xiàn)象。 3、當(dāng)其中某一模塊電源無常工作時,電源會將該模塊電路切斷,并將該模塊的負載電流平均分配到正常工作的電源模塊中去,這樣總輸出電流和電壓就不會因某一塊電源的損壞而發(fā)生變化,影響正常生產(chǎn)。同時也使得更加方便。 4、此模塊式電源對之后擴建功率也是非常方便的,只需添加單元就好。


該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 轉(zhuǎn)換開關(guān) 按鈕 雙電源 軟起動器 控制器 變頻器 絕緣子 避雷器 3TH系列 JT3系列 ABE系列 HSM1系列 TLM1系列 T1N系列 ABB系列 HA1系列 DW16系列 DW45系列 DW450系列 DW10系列


該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 清選機

mouse BALB/c H-2d T cells x mouse AKR Thyoma,BW.

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BS2390 Do-11-10 85082301 mouse BALB/c H-2d T cells x mouse AKR Thyoma,BW..BS2391 DoCl1S+L- 90102523 canine kidney,moloney sarcoma virus infectedBS2392 DOK 94122104 human caucasian dysplastic oral keratinocyteBS2393 DON 87091501 hamster chinese lungBS2394 DSL6A/C1 94022431 rat pancreatic carcinomaBS2395 Duck Embryo 89051503 duck pekin embryoBS2396 E.Derm 88032803 horse dermisBS2397 E.H.IVElaine… 90121307 human caucasian infectious mononucleosis lymphocyt…BS2398 E11 01110916 snakehead fish,whole fry tissueBS2399 Ea.4 98073116 saltmarsh caterpillar estigmena acrea subclone 4BS2400 EasyCeL-Hep2 05121905 easycel tube format:human negroid cervix carcinom…BS2401 EasyCel-MDCK 05121904 easycel tube format:canine cocker spaniel kidneyBS2402 EasyCeL-MRC- 505121901 easycel tube format:human foetal lungBS2403 EasyCeL-PLC/PRF… 05121902 Easycel tube format:human liver hepatoma,alexand…BS2404 EasyCeL-Vero 05121903 easycel tube format:monkey african green kidneyBS2405 EBJC 89072703 gorilla peripheral 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cell 94042252 human eosinophilic leukaemiaBS2425 Eos-HL-60 96100920 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemiaBS2426 EPC 931280820 fish epitheliomaBS2427 ESK-4 93120821 porcine kidneyBS2428 EZZ TOU II-4 93093003 human B cell lymphocyte,EBV transformedBS2429 F-36P 99072808 human leukemia,myelodysplastic syndromeBS2430 F4NMEL 96121718 mouse erythroleukemiaBS2431 F5-5.F1 99072803 mouse lymphocyte,friend leukemiaBS2432 F9 85061803 mouse 129 embryo teratocarcinomaBS2433 Fao 89042701 rat hepatomaBS2434 FB2.Sp 90031908 bovine spleenBS2435 Fc2Lu 90112712 cat lungBS2436 Fc3Tg 90073002 cat tongueBS2437 FEA4+ PFSC/C1 90031402 cat domestic embryo fibroblastBS2438 FEL 89020802 rabbit embryo skinBS2439 FER 90031401 cat domestic embryo fibroblastBS2440 FGC4 94101904 rat hepatoma [alb-gpt plasmid]BS2441 FHM 88102401 fish fat head minnowBS2442 FLHeLa deriva… 90111810 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2443 FLYA13 95091901 human fibrosarcoma retroviral packaging cellsBS2444 FLYRD18 95091902 human fibrosarcoma retroviral packaging cellsBS2445 FM3A 87100804 mouse C3H manmmary carcinomaBS2446 FM3A ts C1.T85 87111904 mouse C3H manmmary carcinomaBS2447 FoLu 90120501 fox grey lungBS2448 FR 87020503 rat sprague-dawley skinBS2449 Fr2 98031102 human breast epithelial,SV40 transformedBS2450 FR5 98031103 human breast epithelial,SV40 transformedBS2451 FRTL-5 91030711 rat thyroidBS2452 FT 90102525 bull frog tongueBS2453 FTC-133 94060901 human follicular thyroid carcinomaBS2454 FTC-236 06030202 human thyroid cancer neck lymph node metastasisBS2455 FTC-238 94060902 humna follicular thyroid carcinpmaBS2456 G 94101453 rat dunning R-3327, prostatic adenocarcinomBS2457 G-292 Clione A14… 90110522 human caucasian osteosarcomaBS2458 G-361 88030401 human caucasian malignant melanomaBS2459 G-401 87042204 human caucasian rhabdoid tumour formerly classifi…BS2460 G-402 90112715 human caucasian renal leiomoblastomaBS2461 G-7 90110520 mouse swiss-webster myoblastBS2462 G-8 89050906 mouse swiss-webster myoblastBS2463 GEEP 92062401 goat x sheep hybrid,skinBS2464 GH1 89072610 rat wistar-furth pituitary tumourBS2465 GH3 87012603 rat wistar-furth pituitary tumourBS2466 GIRARDIHEART … 93120822 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2467 GL-1 89072612 lizard gekko lungBS2468 GM1899A 98120701 human lymphoblast,HPRT-deficientBS2469 GP2d 95090714 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS2470 GP5d 95090715 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS2471 GRL101 KC7 94071259 hamster chinese ovary transfected with lymnea re…BS2472 GRL101 MIX 94071258 hamster chinese ovary transfected with lymnea re…BS2473 GR-M 95032301 human caucasian melanomaBS2474 Grunt Fin GF 88010601 fish grunt fin tissue blue stripedBS2475 GS-109-V-20 90110505 human caucasian skin fibroblast gardner''s syndromeBS2476 GS-109-V-34 90110504 human caucasian skin fibroblast gardner''s syndromeBS2477 GS-109-V-63 90110503 human caucasian skin fibroblast gardner''s syndromeBS2478 GS-9L 94110705 rat gliomaBS2479 H2.35 94050407 mouse hepatocyte,SV40 tsA255 transformedBS2480 H33HJ-JA1 90112119 human lymphomaBS2481 H4II 89042702 rat skin hepatocellular carcinomaBS2482 H-4-II-E 87031301 rat hepatoma reuber H35BS2483 H4-II-E-C3 85061112 rat liver hepatomaBS2484 H4S 89102001 rat liver hepatomaBS2485 H5 94101905 rat hepatomaBS2486 H69 91091802 human caucasian lung small cell carcinomaBS2487 H69V 91091803 human lung small cell carcinomaBS2488 H9 85050301 human T ceellBS2489 H9c2 2-1 88092904 rat BDIX heart myoblastBS2490 HAE/CTVM 8 94022802 tick hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum embryoeggsBS2491 Hak 90102522 hamster syrian kidneyBS2492 Hap-T1 93121054 hamster syrian adenocarcinomaBS2493 HCA-2 06061901 human sigmoid colon adenocarcinomaBS2494 HCA-24 06061903 human colon adenocarcinomaBS2495 HCA-7 Coloy 29 02091238 human colon carcinoma subpopulation isolated from…BS2496 HCT 116 91091005 human colon carcinomaBS2497 HCT-15 91030712 human colon adenocarcinomaBS2498 HCT-8 90032006 human ileocecal adenocarcinomaBS2499 HEL 12469 94101201 human embryonic lung fibroblastBS2500 HEL 299 87042207 human negroid embryo lungBS2501 HEL92.1.7 92111706 human caucasian erythroleukaemiaBS2502 HeLa 93021013 human negroid cervix epitheloid carcinomaBS2503 HeLa B 85060701 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2504 HeLa DH 96112022 human cervix carcinomaBS2505 HeLa Ohio 84121901 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2506 HeLa S3 87110901 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2507 HeLa 229 86090201 human cervix carcinomaBS2508 H-EMC-SS 94042258 human chondrosarcomaBS2509 Hep 3B 86062703 human negroid hepatocyte carcinomaBS2510 Hep G2 85011412 human caucasian hepatocyte carcinomaBS2511 Hep2Clone 2B… 85030501 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2512 Hep2cHeLa de… 86030501 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2513 Hep-2CHeLa de… 85020207 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2514 Hepa 1-6 92110305 mouse hepatomaBS2515 Hepa-1c1c7 95090613 mouse hepatomaBS2516 Hepa-E1 99072812 eel liverBS2517 Hepa-T1 99072813 eel liverBS2518 HEPM 90120505 human embryonic palatal mesenchymeBS2519 HF1 94101908 rat hepatoma hybrid [H5xFao]BS2520 HF1-5 94101909 rat hepatoma hybrid [H5xFao]BS2521 HF19 85011418 human foetal lung fibroblastBS2522 HF2x653 90012609 human WI-L2-792-FF2x mouse P3X63/Ag8.653hete…BS2523 HFFF2 86031405 human caucasian foetal foreskin fibroblastBS2524 HFL1 89071902 human foetal lung fibroblastBS2525 HG261 90112603 human caucasian skin fanconi''s anaemiaBS2526 HGC-27 94042256 human gastric carcinomaBS2527 HH-8 99090226 human embryo kidneyBS2528 HKT-1097 98061003 syrian hamster kidneyBS2529 HL 96121720 human lung fibroblastBS2530 HL60 98070106 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemiaBS2531 HL60 15-12 88120805 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemiaBS2532 HL60 Ast.3 88120801 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemiaBS2533 HL60 Ast.4 88120802 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemiaBS2534 HL60 M2 88120803 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemiaBS2535 HL60 M4 88120804 human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemiaBS2536 HMT-3522 S1 98102210 human caucasian breast epithelialBS2537 HTT-3522 S2 98102211 human caucasian breast epithelialBS2538 HMT-3522 T4-2 98102212 human caucasian breast epithelialBS2539 HMVII 92042701 human vaginal maligant melanomaBS2540 HOS 87070202 human caucasian osteosarcoma,TE85BS2541 HR5 95091409 human cervix carcinoma,HeLa derivative,transform…BS2542 HR5-CL11 95091411 human cervix carcinoma,HeLa derivative,transform…BS2543 HRT-18 86040306 human rectum adenocarcinomaBS2544 Hs 27 94041901 human foreskin,fibroblastBS2545 Hs 578T 86082104 human breast carcinomaBS2546 Hs 633T 89050201 human fibrosarcoma MBA/8387BS2547 Hs 68 89051701 human newborn foreskinBS2548 Hs 888Lu 90112709 human breast carcinoma normal lung tissueBS2549 Hs1.Tes 97123004 human normal testisBS2550 HSDM1C1 90112810 mouse Swiss Albino fibrosarcomaBS2551 HSG HeLa deriv… 95031024 human asian neoplastic epithelial intercalated duc

…BS2552 HS-Sultan 87012701 human caucasian plasma cell plasmacytomaBS2553 HT 1080 85111505 human fibrosarcomaBS2554 HT 1197 87032403 human caucasian bladder carcinomaBS2555 HT 1376 87032402 human caucasian bladder carcinomaBS2556 HT115 85061104 human colon carcinomaBS2557 HT2 Clone A5E 92021401 mouse helper T cellBS2558 HT29 91072201 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS2559 HT29 gluc C1 92012401 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS2560 HT29/219 85061109 human caucasian colon carcinomaBS2561 HT55 85061105 human colon carcinomaBS2562 HTC 93120108 rat hepatomaBS2563 HTCBUdR 85061110 rat liver hepatomaBS2564 HTK- 88022409 human osteomyelomaBS2565 HT-STAR 04072122 Packaging cell line for HIV based vectorsBS2566 HT-STAR-A 04072123 Packaging cell line for HIV based vectorsBS2567 HtTA-1 95091410 human cervix carcinoma,HeLa derivative,transform…BS2568 HUC-Fm 87100801 human umbilical cord fibroblastBS2569 Huh-7D12 01042712 human hepatocellular carcinomaBS2570 HuP-T3 93121055 human pancreatic adenocarcinomaBS2571 HuP-T4 93121056 human pancreatic adenocarcinomaBS2572 HUT-78 88041901 human T cell lymphomaBS2573 l-10 89031605 mouse BALB/c Leydig cell testicular tumourBS2574 La-Xs SBR 88090801 holtzmann rat small bowel adenocarcinomaBS2575 ICR-2A 89072615 frog grass embryoBS2576 IEC 18 88011801 normal rat ileumBS2577 IEC 6 88071401 rat small intestine epithelialBS2578 IgH-2 90030804 lguana heartBS2579 II b 86072805 mouse/human hybridBS2580 IIC9 CHO 00030814 chinese hamster embryo fibroblastBS2581 IM 9 86051302 human B lymphocyteBS2582 IMR 32 86041809 human caucasian neuroblastomaBS2583 IMR-33 96020931 gerbil fibromaBS2584 IMR-90 85020204 human caucasian foetal lung fibroblastBS2585 IMT 9 95060901 indian muntjac skin fibroblastBS2586 Indian Muntjac 90112813 muntjac skinBS2587 INT 407HeLa de… 85051004 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2588 IPDDC-A2 99050529 human astrocytomagrade 2BS2589 IPI-1 93100621 boar miniature male ileum,SV40 transformedBS2590 IPI-2l 93100622 boar miniature male ileum,SV40 transformedBS2591 IPTP/98 99050528 human brain,glioblastoma multiformeBS2592 Ishikawa 99040201 human asian endometrial adenocarcinomaBS2593 Ishikawaherak… 98032302 human endometrial adenocarcinomaBS2594 J.CaM1.6 96060401 human T cell,mutant derivative of jurkatBS2595 J45.01 93031145 human acute T cell leukaemiaBS2596 J558L 88032902 mouse BALB/c myelomaBS2597 J774.2 85011428 mouse BALB/c monocyte macrophageBS2598 J774A.1 91051511 mouse BALB/c monocyte macrophageBS2599 JEG3 92120308 human chondrosarcomaBS2600 Jensen sarcoma 90111913 rat sarcoma,asparagine requiringBS2601 JH4 clone 1 86070201 guinea pig lungBS2602 JIIIHeLa deri… 93120824 humna negroid cervix carcinomaBS2603 JIYOYE 88071302 human negroid burkitt''s lymphomaBS2604 JM 86010201 human T cellBS2605 JTC-19 87111902 rat lungBS2606 JTC-27 94042255 rat hepatomaBS2607 Jurkat E6.1 88042803 human leukaemic T cell lymphoblastBS2608 JVM-13 96090516 human caucasian B-prolymphocytic leukaemia,EBV-tr…BS2609 JVM-2 96090515 human caucasian B-prolymphocytic leukaemia,EBV-tr…BS2610 K1 92030501 human thyroid carcinomaBS2611 K562 89121407 human caucasian chronic myelogenous leukaemiaBS2612 K562 AZQR 93112521 human caucasian chronic myelogenous leukaemia drug…BS2613 K562 cl.6 85011407 human caucasian chronic myelogenous leukaemiaBS2614  K6H6/B5 89101606 mouse x human hybrid myelomaBS2615 KATO-III 86093004 human gastric carcinomaBS2616 KBHeLa deriva… 94050408 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2617 K-BALBK-234 89092101 mouse A31 embryo kirsten sarcoma,transformedBS2618 KC 90070550 Drosophila embryoBS2619 KCB 85015 93052110 black bear lungBS2620 KCB 89001 93052109 sambar deer skinBS2621 KCB89018 93052111 fox red lung,MNNG transformed fibroblastBS2622 KELLY 92110411 human neuroblastomaBS2623 KG-1 86111306 human caucasian bone marrow myelogenous leukaemiaBS2624 KG1a 91030101 human caucasian bone marrow acute myelogenouse leuk…BS2625 KHOS/NP 84102903 human caucasian osteosarcomaBS2626 KHOS-240S 86112810 human caucasian osteosarcomaBS2627 KHOS-312H 86112811 human caucasian osteosarcomaBS2628 KLN 205 90110519 mouse squamous cell carcinomaBS2629 KNRK 87061001 normal rat kidney,kirsten MSV transformedBS2630 KRJ-1 95041223 human caucasian carcinoid of th small intestineBS2631 KU-812 90071807 human myelogenous leukaemiaBS2632 KU-812E 90071803 human myelogenous leukaemiaBS2633 KU-812F  90071804 human myelogenous leukaemiaBS2634 KYSE-30 94072011 human asian squamous cell carcinomaBS2635 L1210 87092804 mouse DBA/2 lymohocytic leukaemiaBS2636 L132HeLa deri… 89111004 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2637 L14 91012317 porcine peripheral blood B cellBS2638 L-2 90112811 rat lungBS2639 L23 91012318 porcine peripheral blood B cellBS2640 L35 91012319 porcine peripheral blood B cellBS2641 L-41HeLa deriv… 96121716 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS2642 L45 91012320 porcine peripheral blood T cellBS2643 L5178Y 87111908 mouse DBA/2 lymphomaBS2644 L5178Y-R 90062802 mouse DBA/2 lymohomaBS2645 L5178Y-S 93050408 mouse DBA/2 lymphomaBS2646 L52 91012321 porcine peripheral blood B cellBS2647 L6.C11 92102119 rat skeletal muscle myoblastBS2648 L6.G8 92102117 rat skeletal muscle myoblastBS2649 L6.G8.C5 92121114 rat skeletal muscle myoblastBS2650 L8 95102434 rat skeletal muscle myoblastBS2651 L929 85011425 mouse C3H/An connective tissue BS2652 L929NCTC 85103115 mouse C3H/An areolaradipose tissueBS2653 L929/R 04102001 mouse C3H/An connective tissue cisplatin resistantBS2654 L929S 86032004 mouse areolar adipose tissueBS2655 LA1-55n 06041203 human neuroblastomaBS2656 LA1-5s 06041204 human neural crest-derived non-neuronal progenitorBS2657 LA-4 90040512 nmouse A/He lung adenomaBS2658 LA-N-1 06041201 human neuroblastoma bone marrow metastasisBS2659 LB173 98062316 human lymphoblastoid,normal,EBV-transformedBS2660 LB182 98062317 human lymphoblastoid,normal,EBV-transformedBS2661 LB185 98062318 human lymphoblastoid,normal,EBV-transformedBS2662 LB198 98062320 human lymphocytes,trichothiodystrophy heterozygor…BS2663 LB199 98062321 human lymphocyte,trichothiodystrophy,EBV-transfo…BS2664 LB205 98062329 human lymphocytes,xeroderma pigmentosum variant,…BS2665 LB242 98062324 human caucasian lymphoblastoid,cockayne syndrome,…BS2666 LB253 98062330 human lymphocytes,xeroderma pigmentosum group C,…BS2667 LB277 98062331 human lympoblastoed,xeroderma pigmentosum,EBV-tra…BS2668 LB316 98062333 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum,EBV-tra…BS2669 LB42 98062313 human lymphocytes,normal,EBV-transformedBS2670 LB443 98062322 human lymphoblastoid,trichothiodystrophy,EBV-tra….BS2671 LB541 98062326 human lymphoblastoid,ataxia telangiectasia varian…BS2672 LB58 98062325 human lymphoblastoid,lymphoblastoid,ataxia telangiectasia,EBV-tBS2673 LB687 98062335 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum comple…BS2674 LB7 98062312 human lymphocytes,normal,EBV-transformedBS2675 LB707 98062336 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum hetero…BS2676 LB708 98062337 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum,EBV-tBS2677 LB750 98062323 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum,EBV-tra…BS2678 LB81 98062327 human lymphoblastoid,xeroderma pigmentosum hetero…BS2679 LB823 98062338 human lymphocytes,xeroderma pigmentosunm, EBV-tran…BS2680 LB83 98062328 human lymphocytes,xeroderma pigmentosunm, EBV-tran…BS2681 LBRM TG6 96020937 mouse lymphoma radiation-inducedBS2682 LBRM-33-1 A5 86060302 mouse B10.BR lymphomaBS2683 LC540 89031604 rat fischer leydig cell testicular tumourBS2684 LL/2LLc1 90020104 mouse C57BL Lewis lung carcinomaBS2685 LL24 90073001 human diploid lungBS2686 LL29AnHa 87112508 human caucasian diploid lungBS2687 LL47MaDo 90102538 human negroid diploid lungBS2688 LL86LeSa 90102541  human caucasian diploid lungBS2689 LLCMK2 Origina… 85062804 monkey rhesus kidneyBS2690 LLC-PK1 86121112 porcine kidneyBS2691 LLC-WRC 256 87061101 rat walker carcinoma epithelialBS2692 L-M 87032401 mouse C34/An connective tissueBS2693 L-M TK- 90083001 mouse C34/An connective tissueBS2694 LNCap clone FGC 89110211 human caucasian prostate carcinomaBS2695 LoVo 87060101 human colin adenocarcinomaBS2696 LS 123 94120801 human colin adenocarcinomaBS2697 LS174T 87060401 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS2698 LS180 87021202 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS2699 LT 96061947 human lung smooth muscle,lymphangioleiomyomatosisBS2700 LTK- 85011432 mouse C34/An connective tissueBS2701 LUDLU-1 92012463 human caucasian lung squamous cell carcinomaBS2702 M.dunniclone… 94101211 mouse tail,normal fibroblastBS2703 M1 911107011 mouse myeloblastBS2704 M1 93120826 mouse myeloblastBS2705 M-1 95092201 mouse kidney cortical collecting duct,SV40 transf…BS2706 M15 85102517 mouse mesonephric epithelium,polyoma virus large…BS2707 M1WT3 940822109 hamster chinese ovary transfected with rat m1 Mac…BS2708 M3 Clone M-3 93120827 mouse cloudman S 91 melanomaBS2709 MA104 85102918 monkey akrican green kidneyBS2710 MAT-Lu 94102735 rat dorasl prostate adenocarcinomaBS2711 MAT-LyLu 94101454 rat prostate adenocarcinomaBS2712 MC116 90110501 human lymphomaBS2713 MC3T3-E1 99072710 mouse C57BL/6 calvariaBS2714 MCA-RH 7777 90021504 rat buffalo hepatomaBS2715 MCCOY 90010305 mouse fibroblastBS2716 MCF7 86012803 human caucasian breast adenocarcinomaBS2717 MDA-MB-157 92020422 human negroid breast medulla carcinomaBS2718 MDA-MB-231 92020424 human caucasian breast adenocarcinomaBS2719 MDA-MB-361 92020423 human caucasian breast adenocarcinomaBS2720 MDBK 90050801 bovine kidneyBS2721 MDCK 85011435 canine cocker spaniel kidneyBS2722 MDCK 84121903 canine cocker spaniel kidneyBS2723 MDCK I 00062106 canine cocker spaniel kidneyBS2724 MDCK II 00062107 canine cocker spaniel kidneyBS2725 MDCK-Protein Fr… 02050101 canine cocker spaniel kidneyBS2726 MDCK-SIAT1 05071502 canine cocker spaniel kidney sialic acid over expr…BS2727 MDST8 99011801 human colon carcinomaBS2728 MEF-1 98061101 mouse embryo fibroblast,SV40-transformedBS2729 MEG-01 94012401 human megakaryoblastic leukaemiaBS2730 MEGS-SA 95051030 human uterus sarcomaBS2731 MES-SA/Dx-5 95051031 human uterus sarcomaBS2732 Meta 10 90062271 mouse TS/A lung metastasesBS2733 Meta 15 90062270 mouse TS/A lung metastasesBS2734 Meta 7 90062272 mouse TS/A lung metastasesBS2735 MEWO 93082609 human malignant melanomaBS2736 MFE-280 98050131 human caucasian endometrial adenocarcinomaBS2737 MFE-296 98031101 human caucasian endometrial adenocarcinomaBS2738 MFM-223 98050130 human caucasian mammary carcinomaBS2739 MG-63 86051601 human osteosarcomaBS2740 MH1C1 85112702 rat liver hepatomaBS2741 MH-22A 96121721 mouse C3HA hepatocarcinomaBS2742 MH-S 95090612 mouse alveolar macrophage,SV40 transformedBS2743 MIA-PA-CA-2 85062806 human caucasian pancreatic carcinomaBS2744 MICL1S+L- 86020603 mink lung,moloney murine sarcoma virus infectedBS2745 ML-1 88113007 human acute myeloblastic leukaemiaBS2746 MLA144 86102901 gibbon lymphosarcomaBS2747 MLg 90112707 mouse ddY lungBS2748 M-MSV-BALB/3T 390030802 mouse BALB/3T3 embryo,moloney sarcoma virus trans…BS2749 MMT-060562 90111911 mouse C57BL x A/F 1 mammary tumourBS2750 MNNG/HOSTE85… 87070201 human caucasian osteosarcoma,chemically transform…BS2751 MOCHA 02111901 mouse skin fibroblastBS2752 MOG-G-CCM 86022702 human brain astrocytomaBS2753 MOG-G-UVW 86022703 human brain astrocytomaBS2754 MOHTOU II-3 93093002 human B lymphocyte,EBV transformedBS2755 MOLT-3 90021901 human acute T lymphoblastic leukaemiaBS2756 MOLT-4 85011413 human acute T lymphoblastic leukaemiaBS2757 MOP-8 92111707 mouse,SV40 Polyoma transformed NIH/3T3 cellsBS2758 MOPC 315 85022106 mouse myelomaBS2759 MOPC 31C 90110707 mouse BALB/c plasmacytoma,lgG secretingBS2760 MOR/0.2R 96042335 human lung adenocarcinoma,drug-resistantBS2761 MOR/0.4R 96042334 human lung adenocarcinoma,drug-resistantBS2762 MOR/CPR 96042333 human lung adenocarcinoma,drug-resistantBS2763 MOUSE LCELLS… 90110101 mouse embryo fibroblast,moloney sarcoma virus tra…BS2764 MPC-11 91031103 mouse BALB/c myelomaBS2765 MPK 87032604 minipig kidneyBS2766 MRC-5 97112601 human foetal lungBS2767 MRC-5 pd13 05011802 human foetal lungBS2768 MRC-5 pd19 05072101 human foetal lungBS2769 MRC-5 pd25 05081101 human foetal lungBS2770 MRC-5 pd30 05090501 human foetal lungBS2771 MRC-5 pd30 84101801 human foetal lungBS2772 MRC-5 SV1TG1 85042501 human foetal lung,SV40 transformedBS2773 MRC-5 SV1 TG2 85042502 human foetal lung,SV40 transformedBS2774 MRC-5 SV2 84100401 human foetal lung,SV40 transformedBS2775 MRC-7 85020203 human foetal lungBS2776 MRC-9 85020202 human caucasian foetal lungBS2777 MS 91070510 monkey african green kidneyBS2778 MSV.B 90031901 mouse BALB/c embryonic fibroblast,M-MSV transform…BS2779 MSVIF-TK+ 90031902 mouse BALB/c embryonic fibroblast,M-MSV transform…BS2780 MT-2 93121518 human T cellBS2781 MT4 91102415 human T cell lymphoblastBS2782 MTC SK  92013101 human medullary thyroid carcinomaBS2783 Mv.1.Lu 88050503 mink lungBS2784 My-La CD8+ 95051033 human caucasian T Lymphocyte,mycosis fungoides.BS2785 N18 88112301 mouse neuroblastoma x rat glioma hybridBS2786 N1E-115 88112303 mouse neuroblastomaBS2787 N1-S1 90011902 rat hepatomaBS2788 Namalwa 87060801 human burkitt''s lymphomaBS2789 Nb2-11 97041101 rat lymohomaBS2790 NB4 1A3 89121405 mouse C-1300 NeuroblastomaBS2791 NB69 99072802 human neuroblastoma stage IIIBS2792 NBT-II 93012901 rat wistar bladder tumourBS2793 NC-37 89111414 human caucasian periphral blood lymphocyteBS2794 NCI-H292 91091815 human negroid lung,mucoepidermoid carcinomaBS2795 NCI-H322 95111734 human caucasian bronchioalveolar carcinomaBS2796 NCI-H358 95111733 human caucasian bronchioalveolar carcinomaBS2797 NCI-H510A 96020944 human lung carcinoma,adrenal gland metastasisBS2798 NCI-H69/CPR 96042328 human small cell lung cancer,drug-resistantBS2799 NCI-H69/LX10 96042331 human small cell lung cancer,drug-resistantBS2800 NCI-H69/LX20 96042332 human caucasian small cell lung carcinomaBS2801 NCI-H69/LX4 96042329 human caucasian small cell lung carcinoma drug-reBS2802 NCI-H69VCR/R 96042330 human small cell lung cancer,drug-resistantBS2803 NCI-H727 94060303 human lung non-small cell carcinomaBS2804 NCI-H929 95050415 human caucasian lgA-producing plasmacytomaBS2805 NCTC 2071 90050803 mouse C3H/An connective tissueBS2806 NCTC 4093 90102530 mouse C57B1/KaLw embryoBS2807 NCTC 4206 91010303 hamster chinese peritoneumBS2808 NCTC clone 1469 88111403 mouse C3H/An liverBS2809 NCTC clone 929 88102702 mouse C3H/An connective tissueBS2810 ND15 92090907 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybridBS2811 ND27 92090912 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybridBS2812 ND3 92090901 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybridBS2813 ND7/23 92090903 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybridBS2814 ND8/34 92090904 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybridBS2815 ND-C 92090913 mouse neuroblastoma x rat neurone hybridBS2816 Neopu 90070561 Drosophila embryoBS2817 Neuro 2a 89121404 mouse albine neuroblastomaBS2818 NFS-25 C-3 93090713 mouse pre-B lymphoblastBS2819 NFS-5 C1 88041904 mouse pre-B lymphoblastBS2820 NFS-70 C10 88041905 mouse pre-B lymphoblastBS2821 NG108-15 88112302 mouse neuroblastoma x rat glioma hybridBS2822 NG115-401L 87032003 mouse neuroblastoma x rat glioma hybridBS2823 NH17 92111101 human T cell lymphoblastic leukaemiaBS2824 NIH 3T3 93061524 mouse swiss NIH embryoBS2825 NIH-3T3 4-2 86041101 mouse fibroblastBS2826 NIH-3T3D4 85111801 mouse swiss NIH embryoBS2827 NMuMG 94081121 mouse mammary gland,normal epithelialBS2828 NRK 86032002 rat kidney fibroblastBS2829 NRK-49F 86101301 rat kidney fibroblastBS2830 NRK-52E 87012902 rat kidney fibroblastBS2831 NSO 85110503 mouse myelomaBS2832 NSO-Serum-Free 03061601 mouse myeloma,serum-freeBS2833 NSO-Turbodoma 06020202 mouse myeloma,serum-free,without cholesterolBS2834 NTERA-2 clone D… 01071221 human thyroid follicular epithelial carcinomaBS2835 Nthy-ori 3-1 90011609 human thyroid follicular epithelialBS2836 Nthy-ts1 90011610 human thyroid follicular mutant epithelialBS2837 OAW28 85101601 human ovarian tumour epithelialBS2838 OAW42 85073102 human ovarian tumour epithelialBS2839 OE19 96071721 human caucasian oesophageal carcinomaBS2840 OE21 96062201 human caucasian oesophageal squamous cell carcinom…BS2841 OE33 96070808 human caucasian oesophageal carcinomaBS2842 OK 91021202 american opossum,kidneyBS2843 OMK637-69 90110510 Owl monkey kidneyBS2844 OVNIS 93122324 Ovine thyroid epithelialBS2845 P1.HTR 87121104 mouse DBA/2 mastocytomaBS2846 P1.HTR.TK- 87121103 mouse DBA/2 mastocytomaBS2847 P19 95102107 mouse teratocarcinomaBS2848 P1Bb1.1DBA/2 97121102 mouse DBA/2 mastocytomaBS2849 P22 89030317 hanster chinese ovaryBS2850 P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1 85011427 mouse myelomaBS2851 P388.D1Clone… 85011429 mouse lymphoid macrophageBS2852 P3HR-1 86010701 human burkitt''s lymphomaBS2853 P3U1 85011417 mouse myelomaBS2854 P3X63Ag8 85011401 mouse myelomaBS2855 P3X63Ag8.653 85011420 mouse BALB/c myelomaBS2856 P3X63Ag8.653-Tu… 03092502 mouse BALB/c myeloma.serum-freeBS2857 P3X63Ag8U.1 94120802 mouse myelomaBS2858 P815-1-1 85011406 mouse DBA/2 mastocytomaBS2859 PA-1 90013101 human caucasian ovary teratocarcinomaBS2860 PA317 89032007 mouse fibroblast with herpes TK geneBS2861 PANC-1 87092802 human caucasian pancreasBS2862 PC-12 88022401 rat adrenal phaeochromocytomaBS2863 PC-14 90071810 human adenocarcinomaBS2864 PC-3 90112714 human caucasian prostate adenocarcinomaBS2865 PD5 93120830 porcine kidneyBS2866 PDVC 57B 01022129 mouse spindle cell carcinomaBS2867 PE/CA-PJ15 96121230 human roal squamouse cell carcinomaBS2868 PE/CA-PJ34clone… 97062513 human basaloid squamous cell carcinomaBS2869 PE/CA-PJ41clone… 98020207 human oral squamous cell carcinomaBS2870 PE/CA-PJ49 00060606 human oral squamouse cell carcinomaBS2871 PEA-10 97040310 mouse embryo fibroblast,LRP-deficient,heterozygo…BS2872 PEA-13 97040311 mouse embryo fibroblast,LRP-deficient,heterozygo…BS2873 PG 95070629 fish northerm pike ovariesBS2874 PG13 95110215 mouse embryo fibroblast,GALV-based retrovirusBS2875 PG-4 94102703 cat brain moloney sarcoma virus-transformedBS2876 Phi-1 85061101 rat liver hepatomaBS2877 PL.1 Ut 90111909 racoon uterusBS2878 PLC/PRF/5 85061113 human liver hepatoma,alexander cell lineBS2879 PMK 98020308 primary rhesus macaque kidney cells,blood,serumBS2880 PNT1A 95012614 human post pubertal prostate normal,immortalised…BS2881 PNT2 95012613 human prostate normal,immortalised with SV40BS2882 PORTHOS 93122323 porcine thyroid epithelialBS2883 Pr8/22 93112518 mouse DBA/2 lymphoid neoplasm derivative;drug res…BS2884 PSA1 85011403 mouse SIM embryo teratocarcinomaBS2885 Psi-CRE 94090902 mouse NIH 3T3 transformed with moloney murine leuk…BS2886 Psi-CRIP 94090901 mouse NIH 3T3 transformed with moloney murine leuk…BS2887 PSN1 94060601 human pancreatic adenocarcinomaBS2888 Ptk1 91013163 potoroo kidneyBS2889 Ptk2 88031601 potoroo kidneyBS2890 Pu-518 85051501 mouse BALB/c lymphoid macrophageBS2891 PUTKO 88042802 human K562 x Human P3HR-1 hybrid myeloid leukaemiaBS2892 QIMR-WIL 86030601 human myelogenous leukaemia lymphoblastBS2893 QT 35 93120832 quail japanese fibrosarcomaBS2894 QT 6 93120831 quail japanese fibrosarcomaBS2895 R74 93120215 rat embryonic fibroblasts RSV-33 transformedBS2896 R9 93120214 rat embryonic fibroblasts RSV-33 transformedBS2897 R9ab 88011502 rabbit new zealan white lungBS2898 RAB-9 87042203 rabbit new zealan white adult skin fibroblastBS2899 RaBE 04100601 rat bronchial epithelial cellsraBEBS2900 RaBESlow Grow… 04100602 rat bronchial epithelial cellsraBE slow growthBS2901 RAG 89040605 mouse BALB/cd renal adenocarcinomaBS2902 RAJl 85011429 human negroid burkitt''s lymphomaBS2903 RAJl TK- 91112125 human negroid burkitt''s lymphomaBS2904 RAJl TK+ 91112124 human negroid burkitt''s lymphomaBS2905 RAJl''A'' 85022102 human negroid burkitt''s lymphomaBS2906 RAMOS 85030802 human caucaian burkitt''s lymphomaBS2907 RAMOSRA.1 91030710 human caucaian burkitt''s lymphomaBS2908 RAMOS-AW 85062003 human caucaian burkitt''s lymphomaBS2909 RAMOS-EHRB 85030804 human caucaian burkitt''s lymphomaBS2910 RAT-2 94050409 rat embryoBS2911 RAW 264 85062803 mouse leukaemic monocyte-macrophageBS2912 RAW 264.7 91062702 mouse monocyte macrophageBS2913 RBL-1 86061001 rat basophilic leukaemia granulocyteBS2914 RC-4B/C1 94020810 rat pituitary adenomaBS2915 RCC4 plus vecto… 03112702 renal cell carcinoma ell line RCC4 stably transfe…BS2916 RCC4plusVHL 03112703 renal cell carcinoma ell line RCC4 stably transfe…BS2917 RCE 95081046 rabbit corneal epithelial cells,SV40 transformedBS2918 RCP 00031626 rat choroid plexusBS2919 RD 85111502 human caucasian embryo rhabdomyosarcomaBS2920 RED.1 85092601 mouse leukaemic lymphoblastBS2921 REM 885 06070401 human EBV transformed lymphocytes alzheimerBS2922 RENE 1 92092510 rat sprague-dawley,primary endometrial,adenoviru…BS2923 RENE 2 92092511 rat sprague-dawley,primary endometrial,adenoviru…BS2924 RENT 4 92092512 rat sprague-dawley,primary endometrial,SV40 larg….BS2925 RENT RO1 92092513 rat sprague-dawley,primary endometrial,SV40 T an…BS2926 RENT RO3 92092514 rat sprague-dawley,primary endometrial,SV40 T an…BS2927 RENT ts3.1 92092516 rat sprague-dawley,primary endometrial,SV40 T an…BS2928 RENT tsS1.1 92092515 rat sprague-dawley,primary endometrial,SV40 T an…BS2929 RFL-6 86072501 rat sprague-dawley lungBS2930 Ri-1 96090512 human caucasian B-cell lymphomaBS2931 RIN-5F 95090402 rat islet cell tumourBS2932 RIN-m 95071701 rat islet cell tumourBS2933 RK13 00021715 rabbit kidney,BVDV negativeBS2934 RLC 27 90071811 rat liverBS2935 RN 22 93011414 rat schwann cell ,immatureBS2936 RO82-W-1 92030502 human follicular thryoid carcinomaBS2937 Rolf B1.T 03071601 adult rat olfactory nerve ensheathing cellsBS2938 RPMI 1788 85112106 human caucasian peripheral blood lymphocyteBS2939 RPMI 1846 90102527 hamster golden syrian melanotic melanomaBS2940 RPMI 1846 93120834 hamster syrian melanotic melanomaBS2941 RPMI 2650 88031602 human nasal septum quasidiploid tumourBS2942 RPMI 6666 87081807 human caucasian lymphoblast,hodgkins diseaseBS2943 RPMI 7666 87012703 human caucasian lymphoblastBS2944 RPMI 7932 94072246 human pleural effusion from a patient with malign…BS2945 RPMI 8226 87012702 human myelomaBS2946 RPMI 8866 95041316 human B lymphocyteBS2947 RR 1022 90102526 rat amsterdam schmidt-ruppin sarcomaBS2948 RR-CHOKI 92052129 hamster chinese ovaryBS2949 RT 1 94011416 rat lewis fibrosarcomaBS2950 RT112/84 85061106 human bladder carcinoma epithelialBS2951 RT4 91091914 human caucasian bladder transitional-cell carcinoma….BS2952 RT4-D6P2T 93011415 rat schwann cell,immatureBS2953 RTG-2 90102529 trout rainbow gonad tissueBS2954 S1814.PB5 85011402 human embryo fibroblastBS2955 SAF-1 00122301 gilt head seabream caudal finBS2956 Saos-2 89050205 human primary osteogenic sarcomaBS2957 SBAC 91021201 bovine adrenal cortex,normalBS2958 SC 11 90011892 mouse marsupial sminthopsis crassicaudata kidneyBS2959 SC-1 86060301 mouse feral embryoBS2960 Sci-1 96090513 human caucaisian B cell lymphomaBS2961 SCP 89101302 ovine brain choroid plexusBS2962 Sf 1Ep 90092702 rabbit epidermis,cottontailBS2963 Sf21 05022801 spodoptera frugiperda pupal ovarian tissueBS2964 Sf21 TitreHigh… 05030202 spodoptera frugiperda pupal ovarian tissue,serum-…BS2965 Sf9 89070101 spodoptera frugiperda pupal ovarian tissueBS2966 Sf9 Titrehigh A… 05011001 spodoptera frugiperda pupal ovarian tissue,serum-…BS2967 SHK-1 97111106 atlantic salmon head kidneyBS2968 SHOK 90071805 hamster syrian embryoBS2969 SHP-77 98110201 human caucasian lung small cell carcinoma,large c…BS2970 SH-SY5Y 94030304 human neuroblastomaBS2971 SIRC 89090404 rabbit corneal epithelial cells,SV40 transformedBS2972 SJMRF 92020421 buffaloBS2973 SK LU 1 93120835 human caucasian lung adenocarcinomaBS2974 SK MES 1 93120837 human caucasian lung squamous carcinomaBS2975 SK-HEP-1 91091816 human liver adenocarcinomaBS2976 SK-MES 91091804 human lung squamous carcinomaBS2977 SK-N-AS 94092302 human neuroblastomaBS2978 SK-N-BE2 95011815 human caucasian neuroblastomaBS2979 SK-N-DZ 94092305 human neuroblastomaBS2980 SK-N-F1 94092304 human neuroblastomaBS2981 SK-N-MC 90022302 human neuroipithelioma,metastasis to supra-orbita…BS2982 SK-N-SH 86012802 human caucasian neuroblastomaBS2983 SK-OV-3 91091004 human caucasian ovary adenocarcinomaBS2984 SK-PN-DW 94092301 human primitive neuroectodermal tumourBS2985 SNU-C2B 96020932 human colorectal carcinomaBS2986 Sp1K 89120705 dolphin kidneyBS2987 SP2/0-Ag14 85072401 mouse x mouse hybridoma,non-producingBS2988 SP2/0-Ag14-turb 03092501 mouse x mouse hybridoma,non-producing,serum-freeBS2989 SR-4987 94102704 mouse bone marrow stromal cellsBS2990 SSE-5 95122021 fish sockeye salmon embryoBS2991 SSN-1 96082808 fish striped snakehead fry,spontaneous production…BS2992 ST 92040221 porcine testis,foetalBS2993 STAR 04072119 Packaging cell line for HIV based vectorsBS2994 STAR-A 04072118 Packaging cell line for HIV based vectorsBS2995 STAR-A-HV#2 04072115 produces disabled lentivirus expressing GFP & amph…BS2996 STAR-G+ 04072116 Packaging cell line for HIV based vectorsBS2997 STAR-G+-HV#2 04072113 produces disabled lentivirus expressing GFP & GALVBS2998 STAR-Rdpro 04072117 Packaging cell line for HIV based vectorsBS2999 STAR-Rdpro-HV#1 04072114 produces disabled lentivirus expressing GFP&RD11…BS3000 STE-137 95122020 fish steelhead trout embryoBS3001 STO 86032003 mouse SIM embryo fibroblastBS3002 Subclone 707 BU… 91112122 mouse friend leukaemic lymphoblastBS3003 Subclone 707 DA… 91112129 mouse friend leukaemic lymphoblastBS3004 SUP-T1 95013123 human T cell lymphoblastic lymphomaBS3005 SV3T3B 85011409 mouse SIM embryo fibroblastBS3006 SVCT 94122105 human breast epithelium,SV40 transformedBS3007 SVCT-MI2 98031105 human breast epithelium,SV40 transformedBS3008 SV-T2 90030801 mouse BALB/3T3 clone A31BS3009 SW 1116 87071006 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS3010 SW 13 87031801 human caucasian adrenal cortex adenocarcinomaBS3011 SW 1417 90102543 human colon adenocarcinomaBS3012 SW 1463 90112713 human caucasian rectum adenocarcinomaBS3013 SW 403 87071008 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS3014 SW 48 89012702 human colon adenocarcinomaBS3015 SW 480 87092801 human colon adenocarcinomaBS3016 SW 620 87051203 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS3017 SW 837 91031104 human caucasian rectum adenocarcinomaBS3018 SW 948 91030714 human caucasian colon adenocarcinomaBS3019 T/G HA-VSMC 94102702 human caucasian aorta,normal smooth muscleBS3020 T24/83 85061107 human bladder carcinoma epithelialBS3021 T-3-CI-2-0.fl 99072804 mouse friend leukaemic lymphoblastBS3022 T47D 85102201 human breast tumourBS3023 T84 88021101 human colon carcinomaBS3024 T98G 92090213 human caucasian glioblastomaBS3025 TA3 Hauschka 85061102 mouse mammary carcinomaBS3026 TAK3 93093004 human B cell lymphocyte,EBV transformedBS3027 TB1 LuNBL-12 90020805 bat lungBS3028 TE 671 89071904 human caucasian medulloblastomaBS3029 TE671 Subline N… 94052610 human caucasian medulloblastomaBS3030 TF1 93022307 human erythroleukaemiaBS3031 TGP 49 94022427 mouse pancreatic acinar carcinomaBS3032 TGP 52 94022429 mouse islet cell tumourBS3033 TGP 54 94022430 mouse pancreatic islet cell tumourBS3034 TGP 55 95062833 mouse pancreatic small cell anaplastic carcinomaBS3035 TH-1 subline B1 90102528 turtle heartBS3036 THP 1 88081201 human monocytic leukaemiaBS3037 TK6 95111735 human lymphoblast,thymidine kinase heterozygoteBS3038 TK6TGR 87020507 human lymphoblastBS3039 TK-TS 13 93120838 hamster syrian kidneyBS3040 TM3 91060526 mouse BALB/c testis,leydig cellBS3041 TM4 88111401 mouse BALB/c testis sertoli cellBS3042 Tn5 B1-4 94020901 trichoplusia ni ovaBS3043 TOUTOU I-2 93093001 human B lymphocyte,EBV transformedBS3044 TPS 96112539 fish rainbow trout pronephric stromaBS3045 TR33B 85040102 rat wistar-furth oligodendrogliomaBS3046 TR6Bc1 85042301 mouse C3H.He schwannomaBS3047 TRA-171 90120514 insect larvae,mosquitoBS3048 tsA201 96121229 human embryonal kidney,SV40 transformedBS3049 tsDC 01081609 lmmortalised mouse dendritic cell lineBS3050 TT 92050721 human caucasian thyroid medullary carcinomaBS3051 Tufted Deer 96011147 tufted deer lungBS3052 U-2 OS 92022711 human osteosarcomaBS3053 U266B1 85051003 human myelomaBS3054 U373 MG 89081403 human glioblastoma astrocytomaBS3055 U-87 MG 89081402 human gliobl,astoma astrocytomaBS3056 U937 85011440 human caucasian histiocytic lymphomaBS3057 U937CD59+ 95102435 human caucasian histiocytic lymphomaBS3058 U-BLC1 06013102 human bladder transitional cell carcinomaBS3059 UMR-106 90111314 rat osteosarcomaBS3060 UMR-108 91060527 rat sprague-dawley osteosarcomaBS3061 UM-UC-3 96020936 human bladder transitional cell carcinomaBS3062 UT-1 87100701 hamster chinese ovaryBS3063 V79 86041102 hamster chinese lung maleBS3064 V79-4 93010723 hamster chinese lungBS3065 V79-HG04 87020406 hamster chinese embyro ling fibroblast transformedBS3066 VA-ES-BJ 94092303 human skin epithelioid sarcomaBS3067 VCAP 06020201 human prostate cancer metastasisBS3068 Vero 84113001 monkey african green kidneyBS3069 Vero 317 89070502 monkey african green kidneyBS3070 Vero C1008 85020206 monkey african green kidneyBS3071 CeroWHO 88020401 monkey african green kidneyBS3072 Vero/Hslam 04091501 moukey african green kidney human cdw150 SLAMme…BS3073 Vero76 85020205 monkey african green kidneyBS3074 Vero-hektor 03092503 african green monkey kidney cells,serum-freeBS3075 VH2 90102539 viper russells heartBS3076 VP229 05092804 human breast cancerBS3077 VP267 05092805 human breast cancerBS3078 VP303 05092806 human breast cancerBS3079 Vx2 90030912 rabbit tumourBS3080 WB2054M 91011802 rat colon carcinomaBS3081 WEHI 164 87022501 mouse BALB/c fibrosarcomaBS3082 WEHI 3B 86013003 mouse BALB/c myelomonocyteBS3083 WEHI 3BD 92110401 mouse BALB/c granulocytic leukaemiaBS3084 WEHI-231 85022107 mouse B cell lymphomaBS3085 WEHI-274.1 91061231 mouse monocyteBS3086 WEHI-279 94110901 mouse B cell lymphomaBS3087 WES 91011612 chimpanzee skin,SV40 transformedBS3088 WI 26 VA4 89101301 human caucasian foetal lung,SV40 transformedBS3089 WI 38 90020107 human caucasian foetal lungBS3090 WI 38VA13 Subl… 85062512 human caucasian foetal lung,SV40 transformedBS3091 WiDr 85111501 human colon adenocarcinomaBS3092 WIL2 NS 90112121 human caucasian B lymphocyteBS3093 WIL2.NS.6TG 93031001 human caucasian B lymphocyteBS3094 WILCL 89120565 human caucasian normal B cellBS3095 WISH HeLa deri… 88102403 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS3096 WKD HeLa deriv… 93120839 human negroid cervix carcinomaBS3097 WM 266-4 91061233 human melanomaBS3098 WM-115 91061232 human melanomaBS3099 WRC 88031148 rat walker carcinomaBS3100 WRL 68 HeLa de… 89121403 human liver embryoBS3101 WS1 88021104 human negroid skin embryoBS3102 WX310 85022818 mouse tumour of unknown lineageBS3103 X1/5 95051229 human HeLa with TtABS3104 XC 88120601 rat wistar sarcomaBS3105 XrS6 92052128 hamster chinese ovaryBS3106 XrS6-hanKu80 96012301 hamster chinese ovary,transformed with hamster Ku….BS3107 Y1 85062807 mouse LAF1 adrenal cortex tumourBS3108 Y3.AG.1.2.3 85110502 rat LOU myelomaBS3109 Y79 86093003 human caucasian retinoblastoma BS3110 YAC-1 86022801 mouse lymphoid BS3111 YO 85110501 rat myeloma BS3112 ZR-75-1 87012601 human caucasian breast carcinoma BS3113 ZR-75-30 88113004 human negroid breast carcinoma BS3114 07-4D 91121239 anti-desmocollins,lgG bovin… BS3115 10AATClone A 02043015 anti-lgG1 alpha1-antitrypsin… BS3116 111A3 85062504 non lg secreting   antibody not secreted BS3117 11- 89050905 anti-I-Ak lgG2b BS3118 11-5F 91121236 anti-desmoplakins lgG1 BS3119 13C4 95032701 anti-shigella-like toxin…lgG1 BS3120 16-23 99043001 anti-HLA-DR3DR52a lgM BS3121 17D 91060551 anti-CD4,ovine BS3122 1B8-F11 95022202 anti-bovine herpes virus… BS3123 1D10ATTClone… 02043018 alpha1-antitrypsin… lgG1BS3124 1E7GC Clone B 02043020 anti-group specific comp… lgG1,lgGMBS3125 20.27 SBU-T6… 93070779 anti-CD1,sheepcatt… lgG1BS3126 20.76 93100510 anti-leukocyte molecules… lgG1BS3127 2-179-E11 92030602 anti-TNF alpha,human lgG1BS3128 25.32 91060546 anti-CD44,ovine lgG1BS3129 2A2PGM1Clone… 02043024 anti-phosphoglucomutase-… lgG1BS3130 2D12 91051509 anti-yellow fever virus lgG2a,kappaBS3131 2G2BAAT Clone… 02043016 anti-alpha1-antitrypsin… lgG2bBS3132 2H6-C2 95022203 anti-bovine herpes virus… lgG2bBS3133 3.C2 92092320 anti-myelin,fish lgG1,kappaBS3134 32-2B 91121237 anti-desmoglein lgG2a,kappaBS3135 33-3D 91121238 anti-desmoglein lgMBS3136 347C2 93071515 anti-F5K99pilus anti… Bovine lgG1BS3137 347C2b/D4 93071503 anti-F5K99pilus anti… Bovine lgG1BS3138 348C6 85062511 anti-F5K99pilus anti… Bovine lgG1BS3139 351D2/D7 93071501 anti-F5K99pilus anti… Bovine lgG1BS3140 357-101-4 92030603 anti-TNF alpha,human lgG1BS3141 357-167-24 92030604 anti-TNF alpha,human lgG1BS3142 359-238-8 92030605 anti-TNF ? Human  lgG1BS3143 359-81-11 92030606 anti-TNF ? Human  lgG1BS3144 36F 91060547 anti-CD2,ovine lgG2aBS3145 3C9-D11-H11 92022115 anti-porcine parvovirus… lgG1BS3146 4.6.5A114K 93062218 anti-madin-darby canine… lgG1,kappaBS3147 455 92090408 anti-epidermal growth fa… lgG1BS3148 4G5PGM1Clone… 02043023 anti-phosphoglucomutase-… lgG1BS3149 4H8GC Clone4… 02043019 anti-group specific comp… lgG2bBS3150 4SB3 92030610 anti-interferon gamma,h… lgG1BS3151 50 AZA SEL 85062505 non lg secreting antibody not secretedBS3152 1950-11-10 94020814 anti-CD5,human lgG1,kappaBS3153 52-3D 91121235 anti-desmocollins lgG1BS3154 537-B1-1 93102701 anti-lymphocytes/endothe… lgMBS3155 53B3 85062501 non lg secreting antibody not secretedBS3156 54B3 93071512 non lg secreting antibody not secretedBS3157  55-6 97040308 anti-HIV-1 gp120 lgG2aBS3158 6.23.58K 93062219 anti-madin-darby canine… lgG1,kappaBS3159 6D8 MB4 95022201 anti-gp50 region of pseu… lgG2bBS3160 6G5AAT Clone… 02043017 anti-alpha1-antitrypsin… lgG1BS3161 6H7PGM1Clone… 02043022 anti-phosphoglucomutase-… not specifiedBS3162 7.4.C4 92092321 anti-fish leukocytes,re… lgG1,kappaBS3163 73B 91060554 anti-CD45RA,ovine lgG1BS3164 7C2 91060550 anti-CD8,ovine lgG2aBS3165 7D4 88111402 anti-interleukin-2 recep… rat lgm,kappaBS3166 7E10GCClone… 02043021 anti-group specific comp… lgG1BS3167 7R2/A4 92030601 anti-interferon gamma,h… lgG1BS3168 86D 91060557 anti-T cell receptorTc… lgG1BS3169 8A12 94091319 anti-guinea pig major ba… lgG1BS3170 8C9 99072805 anti-CD36,human lgMBS3171 8D12 94091320 anti-guinea pig major ba… lgG1BS3172 94A1 85062503 anti-forssman Bovine lgG1BS3173 A1H4 93062220 anti-madin-darby canine… lgG1,kappaBS3174 A2B5 clone 90070501 anti-retinal neuron glyc… lgMBS3175 AFRC 17D1 94120825 non lg secreting antibody not secretedBS3176 AFRC 56D2 94120826 anti- haemagglutinin,inf… horse lgGBS3177 AFRC 58D6 94120827 anti- haemagglutinin,inf… horse lgGBS3178 AFRC 78A3 94120828 anti- haemagglutinin,inf… horse lgGBS3179 AFRC 84B4 94120829 anti- haemagglutinin,inf… horse lgGBS3180 AFRC 84C6 94120830 anti- haemagglutinin,inf… horse lgGBS3181 AFRC 85A2 94120831 anti- haemagglutinin,inf… horse lgGBS3182 AFRC 85B5 94120832 anti- haemagglutinin,inf… horse lgGBS3183 AFRC 85D6 94120833 anti- haemagglutinin,inf… horse lgGBS3184 AFRC IAH-CC1 95072101 anti-CD45,bovine lgG1BS3185 AFRC 99011338 anti-WC1 lgG2aBS3186 IAH-CC101  bovine/porcine BS3187 AFRC IAH-CC104 95072105 anti-CD11b,bovine lgG2bBS3188 AFRC IAH-CC13 88022403 anti-CD1,bovine lgG3BS3189 AFRC IAH-CC14 88022404 anti-CD1,bovine lgG1BS3190 AFRC IAH-CC15 88022410 anti-CD1,bovine lgG2aBS3191 AFRC IAH-CC17 88022406 anti-CD5,bovine lgG2aBS3192 AFRC IAH-CC171 99011340 anti-CD45,bovine lgG1BS3193 AFRC IAH-CC20 91080605 anti-CD1,bovine lgG1BS3194 AFRC IAH-CC21 88022411 anti-WC3,bovine lgG1BS3195 AFRC IAH-CC29 88022407 anti-CD5,bovine lgG1BS3196 AFRC IAH-CC30 88022412 anti-CD4,Bovine lgG1BS3197 AFRC IAH-CC32 95072102 anti-L-selectin lgG1BS3198 AFRC IAH-CC37 92021415 anti-WC3,bovine lgG1BS3199 AFRC IAH-CC38 88022413 anti-CD6,Bovine lgG2bBS3200 AFRC IAH-CC39 91080607 anti-WC1,bovine lgG1BS3201 AFRC IAH-CC42 88022408 anti-CD2,ovine lgG1BS3202 AFRC IAH-CC51 88022414 anti-WC3,bovine lgG2bBS3203 AFRC IAH-CC55 91080604 anti-WC4,bovine lgG1BS3204 AFRC IAH-CC56 91080609 anti-B cells,bovine lgG2aBS3205 AFRC IAH-CC57 91080608 anti-WC4,bovine lgG1BS3206 AFRC IAH-CC58 91080606 anti-CD8,Bovine lgG1BS3207 AFRC IAH-CC62 99011334 anti-CD26formerly WC10… lgG2bBS3208 AFRC IAH-CC63 91080603 anti-CD8,Bovine lgG2aBS3209 AFRC IAH-CC76 95072103 anti-CD45R,bovine lgG1BS3210 AFRC IAH-CC8 88022405 anti-CD4,Bovine lgG2aBS3211 AFRC IAH-CC94 95072104 anti-CD11b,bovine lgG1BS3212 AFRC IAH-CC98 99011337 anti-WC6,bovine lgG2bBS3213 AFRC MAC 61.6 01010804 anti-abscisic acid,plan… lgG2CBS3214 AFRC MAC 1 85102263 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgG2aBS3215 AFRC MAC 10 85102274 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3216 AFRC MAC 11 85102273 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgmBS3217 AFRC MAC 12 86030301 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3218 AFRC MAC 127 92102334 anti-LDL,human lgG2bBS3219 AFRC MAC 128 92102335 anti-LDL,human lgMBS3220 AFRC MAC 129 92102340 anti-LDL,human lgG1BS3221 AFRC MAC 13 86030302 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3222 AFRC MAC 130 92102342 anti-LDL,human lgG2aBS3223 AFRC MAC 131 92102343 anti-LDL,human lgG2aBS3224 AFRC MAC 132 92102341 anti-LDL,human lgG2bBS3225 AFRC MAC 133 92102344 anti-LDL,human lgG2bBS3226 AFRC MAC 14 86030303 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3227 AFRC MAC 15 86030304 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3228 AFRC MAC 156 93090996 anti-cytokinin,plant rat lgG2aBS3229 AFRC MAC 157 93090997 anti-cytokinin,plant rat lgG2aBS3230 AFRC MAC 158 93090998 anti-cytokinin,plant rat lgMBS3231 AFRC MAC 159 93090999 anti-isopentenyladenosin… rat lgMBS3232 AFRC MAC 160 93091001 anti-cytokinin,plant rat lgG2aBS3233 AFRC MAC 17 86030306 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3234 AFRC MAC 18 86030307 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3235 AFRC MAC 188 92102372 anti-LDL receptor,rabbi… lgG1BS3236 AFRC MAC 19 86030308 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3237 AFRC MAC 2 85102264 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgG2cBS3238 AFRC MAC 20 86030309 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3239 AFRC MAC 22 92102336 anti-LDL,rabbit lgG2aBS3240 AFRC MAC 23 92102338 anti-LDL,rabbit lgG2aBS3241 AFRC MAC 24 92102337 anti-LDL,rabbit lgMBS3242 AFRC MAC 25 92102330 anti-LDL,rabbit lgMBS3243 AFRC MAC 252 01071008 anti-abscisic acid,plan… lgG2aBS3244 AFRC MAC 256 89120557 anti-maize membrane auxi… lgG2aBS3245 AFRC MAC 257 89120558 anti-maize membrane auxi… rat lgMBS3246 AFRC MAC 258 89120559 anti-maize membrane auxi… lgMBS3247 AFRC MAC 259 89120560 anti-maize membrane auxi… lgG2aBS3248 AFRC MAC 26 92102345 anti-LDL,rabbit lgG2aBS3249 AFRC MAC 260 89120561 anti-maie membrane auxi… rat lgG2cBS3250 AFRC MAC 27 92102339 anti-LDL,rabbit lgG2aBS3251 AFRC MAC 28 92102331 anti-LDL,rabbit lgG2bBS3252 AFRC MAC 29 92102332 anti-LDL,rabbit lgG2aBS3253 AFRC MAC 3 85102265 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgG2aBS3254 AFRC MAC 31 92102333 anti-LDL,rabbit lgG2aBS3255 AFRC MAC 4 85102266 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgG2aBS3256 AFRC MAC 48 85060403 anti-phytochrome lgG2aBS3257 AFRC MAC 49 85060404 anti-phytochrome lgG1BS3258 AFRC MAC 5 85102267 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgG2bBS3259 AFRC MAC 50 85102259 anti-phytochrome lgG2aBS3260 AFRC MAC 51 85060405 anti-phytochrome lgG2bBS3261 AFRC MAC 52 85060406 anti-phytochrome lgG2aBS3262 AFRC MAC 54 85060407 anti-phytochrome lgG2aBS3263 AFRC MAC 57 86030310 anti-lipopolysaccharide lgMBS3264 AFRC MAC 6 85102268 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3265 AFRC MAC 60 86052303 anti-sbscisic acid,plan… lgG2aBS3266 AFRC MAC 61 86051201 anti-sbscisic acid,plan… lgG2cBS3267 AFRC MAC 63 86030311 anti-peribacteroid membr… lgMBS3268 AFRC MAC 65 86030313 anti-peribacteroid membr… lgMBS3269 AFRC MAC 7 85102269 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3270 AFRC MAC 74 86112690 anti-nitrate reductase lgG2aBS3271 AFRC MAC 75 85102260 anti-nitrate reductase lgG1BS3272 AFRC MAC 76 85102261 anti-nitrate reductase lgG2aBS3273 AFRC MAC 77 85102262 anti-nitrate reductase lgG2bBS3274 AFRC MAC 78 85102272 anti-nitrate reductase lgG2aBS3275 AFRC MAC 79 86112691 anti-nitrate reductase lgGBS3276 AFRC MAC 8 85102270 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3277 AFRC MAC 9 85102271 anti-glycoprotein of chl… lgMBS3278 B1D6 98042014 anti-annexin II,human lgG1BS3279 B3/25 94050507 anti-haematopoietic cell… lgGBS3280 BBA4 00020912 anti-Trypanosoma brucei… lgMBS3281 BC9 95030301 anti-TNF,bovine lgG1BS3282 BF-11 95050413 anti-erythropoietin,human… rat lgG2aBS3283 BMAC-1 89062103 anti-CD45 determinant 2b… lgG1BS3284 BMAC-3 89062105 anti-CD45 determinant 2a… lgG1BS3285 C1 99061825 anti-HLA DQ2 lgMBS3286 C3B9 00020913 anti-acetylated alpha tu… lgG12bBS3287 C7 88090802 anti-LDL receptors,human… lgG2bBS3288 CAR-2/3F4 97011602 anti-thioredoxin,human lgG1BS3289 CAR-XP10 97011601 anti-thioredoxin,human lgG2aBS3290 CIIC1 89083001 anti-type II collagen lgG2a,kappaBS3291 CLONE 197 91060548 anti-T19,ovine lgG2bBS3292 CLONE 218 91060545 anti-CD49d,ovine lgG2bBS3293 CT14-B2 85102205 anti-c-myc gene product,… lgG1,kappaBS3294 CT9-B7 85102206 anti-c-myc gene product,… lgG1,kappaBS3295 DA6.147 90110605 anti-MHC class II alpha… lgG1BS3296 DA6.231 90110606 anti-MHC class II alpha c… lgG1BS3297 Du 1-29 91060553 anti-L-selectin,ovine lgG1BS3298 ED1 89040701 anti-macrophagem,rat lgG1BS3299 ED17 95110627 anti-myeloid antigen 55k… lgG1BS3300 ED2 89040702 anti-macrophagem,rat lgG1BS3301 ED3 89040703 anti-macrophagem,rat lgG2aBS3302 ED7 95110624 anti-CD11bCR3,rat lgG1BS3303 ED8 95110625 anti-CD11bCR3,rat lgG1BS3304 ED9 95110626 anti-myeloid protein,ra… lgG1BS3305 F10-150 91060552 anti-CD11aLFA-1,ovin… lgG1BS3306 F10-150.58 93100509 anti-LFA-1,sheep lgG1BS3307 F10-89-4 89062101 anti-CD45 determinant 1,… lgG2aBS3308 F12 92032412 anti-haemolysin,aeromon… lgG1BS3309 F15-42-1-5 89062107 anti-thy-1,human lgG1BS3310 F16-4-4-11 89062109 anti-MHC class I RT1-A… lgG1BS3311 F17-23-2 89062110 anti-MHC class II RT1-B… lgG1BS3312 F3-20-7 89062112 anti-Thy-1,canine lgG1BS3313 F3-87-8-1 89062108 anti-CNS specific membra… lgG1BS3314 F8-11-13 89062102 anti-CD45R,human lgG1BS3315 FC4.14F8 93100516 anti-leukocyte molecules… lgG1BS3316 FL.1 92092319 anti-protein-tyrosine ph… lgG2b,kappaBS3317 FS6-14.13 Ag2.1 85082303 T cell hybridoma BS3318 FW 11.10.3 93070776 anti-CD44 v4,human  lgG2aBS3319 FW 93070775 anti-CD44 v9,human  lgG1BS3320 FE 93070778 anti-CD44 v6,human LGg2ABS3321 FW 4.101 93070777 anti-CD29? Integrin lgG1BS3322 FW 14.14.8 93100512 anti-alpha-6 integrin,h… lgG1BS3323 FW 3.132.6 93100514 anti-leukocyte molecules… lgG1BS3324 FW 3.151 93100515 anti-leukocyte 44kDa a… lgG2bBS3325 FW3-47 91060559 anti-CD29,ovine lgG1BS3326 GA4 85062502 non lg secreting antibody not secretedBS3327 GAD-1 92020601 anti-glutamic acid decar… lgG1BS3328 H129-121.6.8 85103103 anti-transferrin recepto… rat lgG2bBS3329 H129-19.6.8 85103101 anti-L3T4,mouse lgG2a,kappaBS3330 H139-52 85103111 anti-kappa chain,mouse rat lgG1,kappaBS3331 H1a 93031701 anti-lgM,grey seal lgG2aBS3332 H24b 93031702 anti-lgM,grey seal lgG1BS3333 H25B10 90120615 anti-hepatitis B surface… lgG1BS3334 H49a 93031703 anti-lgG1,grey seal lgG1BS3335 H6/31HL 85102214 anti-lgD,mouse lgMBS3336 H81-208.22.6 85062136 anti-I-Ek lgG2a,kappaBS3337 H9-14.8 85103106 anti-I-Ek lgG2a,kappaBS3338 H97-102.11.3 85062137 anti-H-2Dd lgG2a,kappaBS3339 HA cl.55 95040311 anti-measles virus haema… lgG2bBS3340 HFN 36.3 8906006 anti-fibronectin lgG1BS3341 HFN 7.1 89062001 anti-fibronectin,human lgG1BS3342 HK-PEG-1 90112229 anti-influenza virus lgG3BS3343 HP 6053 94050510 anti-kappa chain,human lgG2aBS3344 HP 6054 93092704 anti-lambda light chain,… lgG2aBS3345 HyGPD-YK-1-1 92120704 anti-muscle glyceraldehy… lgG2bBS3346 IC-01 93042001 anti-galactocerebroside,… lgMBS3347 IC-07 93062301 anti-galactocerebroside,… lgG3BS3348 IC-08 93062302 anti-oligodendrocytes an… lgGBS3349 IC-09 93062303 anti-oligodendrocytes an… lgG3BS3350 lgG-6A6 97040309 anti-VLDL receptor lgG1BS3351 lgG-B16 94080428 anti-oxysterol binding p… lgG2aBS3352 IL-A105 91072535 anti-CD8,bovine lgG2aBS3353 IL-A11 91072511 anti-CD4,Bovine lgG2aBS3354 IL-A16 91072514 anti-CD11c,bovine lgG1BS3355 IL-A19 91072515 anti-MHC class I,bovine lgG2aBS3356 IL-A2 91072510 anti-lgG,bovine lgG1BS3357 IL-A21 91072516 anti-MHC class II,bovin… lgG2aBS3358 IL-A24 91072517 anti-myeloid cells,bovine… lgG1BS3359 IL-A29 91072519 anti-WC1,bovine lgG1BS3360 IL-A30 91072520 anti-lgMmonomorphic ep… lgG1BS3361 IL-A42 91072521 anti-CD2,bovine lgG2aBS3362 IL-A43 91072522 anti-CD2,bovine lgG2aBS3363 IL-A46 91072523 anti-myeloid cells,bovine… lgMBS3364 IL-A50 91082524 anti-lgMpolymorphic de… lgG2aBS3365 IL-A57 91072526 anti-CD6,Bovine lgG2aBS3366 IL-A58 91072527 anti-lg light chain,bovine… lgG2aBS3367 IL-A59 91072528 anti-lg light chain,bovine… lgG1BS3368 IL-A60 91072529 anti-lgG1,brovine lgG1BS3369 IL-A71 91072532 anti-lgG1,brovine lgG2aBS3370 IL-A88 91072534 anti-MHC class I,bovine lgG2aBS3371 J5 91072536 anti-T cell activation a… lgG2bBS3372 JB1 01091808 anti-aggregated HFE prot… lgG3BS3373 JW183/5/1 87080703 anti-NP4-hydroxy-3 nit… lgG2BS3374 JW184/2/1 87080704 anti-NP4-hydroxy-3 nit… lgG4BS3375 JW393/A 87080702 anti-NP4-hydroxy-3 nit… lgA2BS3376 JW8/5/13 87080706 anti-NP4-hydroxy-3 nit… lgEBS3377 KM703 94090613 anti-pgp-1,murine homol… rat lgG2aBS3378 L180/1 91060558 anti-CD58LFA-3,ovine lgG1BS3379 LDS 73/LW1 96050401 anti-glutathione S-trans… lgG2aBS3380 LR-3 93062221 anti-heat stable antigen… rat lgMBS3381 Lu2 99043003 anti-DR11 lgMBS3382 Lu6 99043004 anti-HLA DRII lgG3BS3383 LY9 99061826 anti-HLA DR7,DRw10,DRw5 lgG3BS3384 M290 93012001 anti-alpha-Ealpha-M290… rat lgG2aBS3385 Mc 39-16 89072609 anti-A31 idiotype,murin… rat lgG2aBS3386 MCP21 96030418 anti-proteasomes,human lgG1BS3387 MH01 93062401 anti-neurones human lgMBS3388 MN4-91-6.E2 89062111 anti-RT1-A MHC clss I a lgG1BS3389 MT3/B4 92030607 anti-rh interferon alpha… lgG1BS3390 MT4/E4 92030608 anti-interferon alpha-2… lgG1BS3391 Myb2-32 84101003 anti-myb gene products,… lgG1,kappaBS3392 myb2-37 84110802 anti-myb gene products,… lgG2b,kappaBS3393 Myb2-7 84110801 anti-myb gene products,… lgG1,kappaBS3394 Mycl-3C7 85102203 anti-myb gene products,… lgG1,kappaBS3395 Mycl-8F9 85102204 anti-myb gene products,… lgG1,kappaBS3396 Mycl-9E10 85102202 anti-myb gene products,… lgG1,kappaBS3397 NA1/34.HLK 85102243 anti-CD1a,human lgG2aBS3398 NI 92030611 anti-interleukin-1,human lgG1BS3399 NI3 416/6C6-6 92030615 anti-interleukin-3,human lgG1BS3400 NI 3 416/7B5-5 92030616 anti-interleukin-3,human lgG1BS3401 NI 4 426/1A6-10 92030617 anti-interleukin-4,human lgG1BS3402 NI 4 426/7A3-3 92030618 anti-interleukin-4,human lgG1BS3403 NI 4 426/8B1-7 92030619 anti-interleukin-4,human lgG1BS3404 NI G 386/3B6-12 92030614 anti-granulocyte colony… lgG2aBS3405 NI G 386/3D1-16 92030613 anti-granulocyte colony… lgG2aBS3406 NI GM 465/7A6-3 92030620 anti-GM-CSF,human lgG2aBS3407 NP cl.120 95040312 anti-measles virus nucle… lgG2aBS3408 NP cl.25 95051114 anti-measles virus nucle… lgG2aBS3409 NRbM 91073008 anti-lgM,rabbit lgG1BS3410 OKM1 88012702 anti-CD11b,human lgG2bBS3411 OKT1 86022705 anti-CD5,human lgG1BS3412 OKT10 87021903 anti-CD38,human lgG1BS3413 OKT11 86050802 anti-CD2,human lgG1BS3414 OKT3 86022706 anti-CD3,human lgG2aBS3415 OKT4 87012602 anti-CD4,human lgG2bBS3416 OKT5 88070705 anti-suppresser/cytotoxi… lgG2BS3417 OKT6 87091001 anti-CD1a,human lgG1BS3418 OKT8 85112802 anti-CD8,human lgG2aBS3419 OKT9 86022707 anti-CD71,human lgG1BS3420 OX-1 84112004 anti-CD45,rat lgG1BS3421 OX-101 03062503 anti-CD47,rat lgG1BS3422 OX-102 03062504 anti-CD200 receptor,rat lgG1BS3423 OX-104 03062505 anti-CD200OX2human lgG1BS3424 OX-12 88051301 anti-kappa chain,rat lgG2aBS3425 OX-14 87112401 anti-lgG2b,rat lgG1BS3426 OX-17 84112010 anti-la-E,rat lgG1BS3427 OX-18 84112011 anti-MHC class I,rat lgG1BS3428 OX-19 84112012 anti-CD5,rat lgG1BS3429 OX-2 84112005 anti-thymocyte,brain,B… lgG1BS3430 OX-20 88070801 anti-kappa chain,mouse lgG1BS3431 OX-21 91060417 anti-C3b inativator,human lgG1BS3432 OX-22 84112013 anti-CD45,rat lgG1BS3433 OX-23 00010402 anti-factor H,human lgG1BS3434 OX-24 00010403 anti-factor H,human lgG1BS3435 OX-26 84112014 anti-transferrin recepto… lgG2aBS3436 OX-27 84112015 anti-MHC class Ipolymo… lgG2aBS3437 OX-29 88070802 anti-CD45,rat lgG2aBS3438 OX-3 84112006 anti-lapolymorphic,rat… lgG1BS3439 OX-30 86100901 anti-CD45,rat lgG2aBS3440 OX-32 88051302 anti-CD45,rat lgG2bBS3441 OX-33 86100902 anti-CD45,rat BS3442 OX-34 96100903 anti-CD2,rat BS3443 OX-35 clone 5 89041184 anti-CD4,rat BS3444 OX-36 clone 3 91051422 anti-CD4,rat BS3445 OX-38 88051303 anti-CD4,ratBS3446 OX-39 86100905 anti-CD25,ratBS3447 OX-40 86100906 anti-CD134,ratBS3448 OX-41 88051304 anti-macrophagem,subset,…BS3449 OX-42 87081803 anti-CD11,ratBS3450 OX-43 87081804 anti-macophages,red bl…BS3451 OX-44 92102355 anti-CD53,ratBS3452 OX-45 86100910 anti-BCM1,ratBS3453 OX-47 90071611 anti-lymphocytesactiva…BS3454 OX-49 91062501 anti-CD44,ratBS3455 OX-50 91062502 anti-CD44,ratBS3456 OX-52 87081805 anti-pan T cell,ratBS3457 OX-53 89081707 anti-CD2,ratBS3458 OX-54 88070803 anti-CD2,ratBS3459 OX-55 88070804 anti-CD2,ratBS3460 OX-57 91051424 anti-CD43,ratBS3461 OX-58 91051425 anti-CD43,ratBS3462 OX-59 92102356 anti-lgG,ratBS3463 OX-6 84112007 anti-la,ratBS3464 OX-60 92102357 anti-lgD,ratBS3465 OX-61 91100409 anti-CD26,ratBS3466 OX-62 91061805 anti-dendritic cells,rabbitBS3467 OX-68 94011007 anti-CD4,ratBS3468 OX-7 84112008 anti-Thy-1.1BS3469 OX-74 91051426 anti-CD43,ratBS3470 OX-75 91051427 anti-CD43,ratBS3471 OX-78 92102358 anti-BCM1,mouseBS3472 OX-8 84112009 anti-CD8,ratBS3473 OX-81 95040518 anti-interleukin-4,ratBS3474 OX-85 95111405 anti-L-selectin,ratBS3475 OX-86 96110601 anti-CD134,mouseBS3476 OX-87 95102516 anti-interleukin 4,ratBS3477 OX-89 03062501 anti-OX40 ligandCD134…BS3478 OX-90 03062502 anti-CD200OX2,mouseBS3479 PAP 7 86080701 anti-papaya proteinase 4BS3480 PAP 8 86080702 anti-papaya proteinase o…BS3481 PC615.3 88041902 anti-T cell IL-2 receptor…BS3482 PNMR 120E 01080926 anti-neural crestQuail…BS3483 PNMR 160D 01080923 anti-neural crestQuail…BS3484 PNMR OE 01080925 anti-neural crestQuail…BS3485 PNV35B 01080924 anti-osteocalstshuman…BS3486 PS/2 93091302 anti-VLA-4 integrin-like…BS3487 P-tyr-1 95092903 anti-phosphotyrosineBS3488 R1 99043005 anti-HLA-DQ lgMBS3489 R4-6A2 91032502 anti-interferon gamma,m… rat lgG1,kappaBS3490 R73 90091904 anti-T cell receptorTc… lgG1BS3491 RFAL3 87100702 anti-CD10,human lgM



三相:380V±20% 三相四線制,相電壓220V、線電壓380V
響應(yīng)時間:< 2S
1KVA、2KVA、3 KVA、5 KVA、6 KVA、7 KVA、8 KVA、9 KVA、10 KVA、15 KVA、20 KVA、30 KVA、40 KVA、50 KVA、60 KVA、80 KVA、100 KVA、150 KVA、180 KVA、200 KVA、220 KVA、260 KVA、300 KVA、400 KVA、500 KVA、600 KVA、800 KVA、1200 KVA、1500 KVA、2000 KVA、3200 KVA。
適用于各類建筑、電子廠、機械加工廠、監(jiān)控、醫(yī)療系統(tǒng)、交通系統(tǒng)、金融系統(tǒng)、機關(guān)、商場、學(xué)校、碼頭、廣場等場所的各重要部分。價格說明 面議.....


M5五合多氣體檢測儀  、M5(光電離PID型)五合多氣體檢測儀 、 M5(紅外IR型)五合多氣體檢測儀小巧輕便的 BW原裝進口M5多功能氣體檢測儀【馬科 18660196936 】|復(fù)合式氣體檢測儀|多種氣體檢測儀|五氣體檢測儀將多種氣體探測加入BW TechnOIO防水探測儀行列。在低、高、TWA、STEL四個別報警狀況出現(xiàn)時發(fā)出聲光振動警報。另外還能選擇電動泵,除了BW便攜式氣體探測儀的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)性能,如提示音、全功能自檢、自動校準(zhǔn)和密碼保護, BW原裝進口M5多功能氣體檢測儀|復(fù)合式氣體檢測儀|多種氣體檢測儀|五氣體檢測儀用戶還有更多選擇包括:秘密模式、背光選擇、可選擇ppm精度、STEL和TWA測量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)選擇、可燃氣體/PID修正因數(shù)選擇、用戶自設(shè)校準(zhǔn)氣體濃度和多種語言支援。M5五合有毒氣體檢測儀特點:       與同類儀器相比更為小巧,重量減輕半以上        連體式外殼,既防震又防水        LCD顯示屏可同時持續(xù)顯示五種氣體濃度        測量 0 - 1000 ppm 的 VOC(揮發(fā)性有機化合物)        連體采樣泵可用于遠距離采樣        兩種供電方式:AA 堿性電池,或者可隨地更換的充電電池組        報警時發(fā)出95分貝高音和兩段明亮廣角警報燈        內(nèi)置振動報警器,適用于非常嘈雜環(huán)境        支援多國語言:英文、法文、德文、西班牙語、        西班牙文和葡萄牙文        三種背景光模式可供選擇:標(biāo)準(zhǔn)模式-弱光下(自動),        報警時(自動),和需要時激活;報警模式-報警下激活,需要時再次激活;秘密模式        四個警報別:所有氣體的瞬時低限和高限警報;VOC 和有毒        氣體的 TWA(時間加權(quán)平均值)和 STEL(短期曝露限)警報        簡單的自動校準(zhǔn)程序;與 BW MicroDock II自動測試和校準(zhǔn)站兼容        記錄和指令下顯示TWA,STEL和氣體暴露大值        用戶可選擇的現(xiàn)場選項包括:PID/可燃氣體修正因數(shù)、語言選        擇、提示音、校準(zhǔn)氣體濃度、設(shè)置 TWA/STEL 計算選項、設(shè)置        校準(zhǔn)到期日、密碼保護、鎖定警報、“SAFE”顯示功能、靜默模        式以及選擇某些氣體的 ppm 精度(如將 SO2 的測量精度設(shè)為0.1 ppm)        全功能自檢包括:傳感器、電池和電路的完整性;        聽覺/視覺報警  二、M5系列多種氣體檢測儀(GasAlertMicro 5)可以檢測氣體種類: 硫化氫,氧化碳,氧氣,二氧化硫,磷化氫,氨氣,二氧化氮,氫化氫,CL2  二氧化氯,臭氧和可燃氣體

三、M5系列多種氣體檢測儀(GasAlertMicro 5)測量范圍:O2: 0–30.0% vol

CO: 0–999 ppm

CO (TwinTox傳感器): 0-500 ppm

H2S: 0 – 500 ppm

H2S (TwinTox傳感器): 0-500 ppm

可燃氣體:0–100% LEL ,或者0–5.0% v/v 甲烷

PH3: 0–5.0 ppm

SO2: 0–150 ppm

Cl2: 0–50.0 ppm

NH3: 0–100 ppm

NO2: 0–99.9 ppm

HCN: 0–30.0 ppm

ClO2: 0–1.00 ppm

O3: 0–1.00 ppm

VOC: 0 - 1000 ppm

CO2 IR: 0–50,000 ppm ,或者0-5.0% v/v CO2

四、M5系列多種氣體檢測儀(GasAlertMicro 5)評和認證:(本質(zhì)安全性) ATEX: X g II 1 G T4   EEx ia IIC T4

 IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4

 Class I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, D

 American Bureau of Shipping



該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 空氣呼吸器 空氣呼吸器 杜邦人體防化服 法國巴固呼吸器 思博瑞安氣體檢測儀 美國梅思安 日本新宇宙氣體檢測儀 德國德爾格氣體檢測儀 礦用呼吸器 正壓式空氣呼吸器 便攜式氣體檢測儀 礦用氣體檢測儀 有毒氣體報警器 可燃氣體報警器


咨詢: 電話 請點擊查看聯(lián)系方式(謝謝)





操作方式:手動操作 安裝方式:固定式 滅弧介質(zhì):空氣式
結(jié)構(gòu):塑殼式 極數(shù):3P 脫扣器電流:0.03(A)
型號:BBW330 1:1 額定絕緣電壓:2000(V)
品牌:Panasonic/松下 額定頻率:50(Hz) 產(chǎn)品認證:CE
速度:快速型 型號報價:300  



ideas for life






電話:   傳真:

網(wǎng)站:www.shenhe889.com  郵箱:

服務(wù)QQ: 736785857  聯(lián)系人: 林先生

該公司產(chǎn)品分類: NITTO日東 松下插座 松下開關(guān) 工業(yè)底盒 工業(yè)面板 明工社Meikosha原裝進口工業(yè)插座 明工社Meikosha原裝進口工業(yè)插頭 明工社Meikosha 工業(yè)面板、底盒系列 松下開關(guān)板面系列 暖浴快(浴霸) 干手機 空氣凈化器 全熱交換器 天埋扇、換氣扇 Panasonic松下原裝進口熒光燈管 松下Panasonic應(yīng)急燈 National松下原裝進口斷路器、漏電開關(guān) PANASONIC松下e-HF高效熒光燈具鎮(zhèn)流器 松下E-HF工程燈具工廠專用控照型燈具



GasAlert Extreme單氣體檢測儀詳細介紹:

可以明確地顯示的存在的低、高、TWA和STEL氣體警報。防水型BW氰化氫氣體檢測儀所記錄的TWA、STEL和峰值可以根據(jù)指令顯示GAXT-Z備有數(shù)據(jù)記錄和多語言支持可供選擇。帶有數(shù)據(jù)記錄功能的探測器配備了內(nèi)置的紅外通訊端口,可以將數(shù)據(jù)自動傳輸?shù)接嬎銠C或MicroDock ll對接站模塊中。無需接線。可靠、易用、耐用,且具備IP66/67高度防水性能,經(jīng)得起惡劣環(huán)境的考驗,BW氰化氫氣體檢測儀可以應(yīng)用于石油工、礦業(yè)、環(huán)保、城市建設(shè)等行業(yè)中。








簡便的自動歸零和校準(zhǔn)程序;與BW的MicroDock II系統(tǒng)兼容;


















該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 其他氣體檢測儀 二氧化碳檢測儀 氨氣檢測儀 可燃氣體檢測儀 一氧化碳檢測儀 氧氣檢測儀 六合一氣體檢測儀 五合一氣體檢測儀 四合一氣體檢測儀 三合一氣體檢測儀 二合一氣體檢測儀 便攜式氣體檢測儀 固定式氣體檢測儀 多氣體檢測儀 軍工品質(zhì)空氣凈化器 VOC固定式 VOC氣體檢測儀 VOC氣體檢測儀 單一氣體檢測儀 單一氣體檢測儀






2.輸出信號:4 ~20mA·DC與被測溫度成線性關(guān)系,二線制傳輸。







(1)環(huán)境溫度 -25~+85℃(普通型)


(2)相對濕度 0~95%RH ,無冷凝


10.本安防爆ia ⅡCT5






CBW-F304 CBW-F306 CBW-F310 CBW-F314 CBW-F316 CBW-F320 F325

CBW-F304 CBW-F306 CBW-F310 CBW-F314 CBW-F316 CBW-F320 F325CBW-*3系列齒輪油泵殼體采用高強度鋁合金材料,內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)使用了軸向間隙浮動補償、徑向平衡、DU自潤滑等多項先進技術(shù)。它具有容積效率高、壓力高、噪音低、抗振性強、壽命長等特點。廣泛應(yīng)用于叉車、裝載機、挖掘機、起重機、壓路機等工程機械及礦山、輕工、環(huán)衛(wèi)、農(nóng)機等行業(yè)。型號說明 ① 產(chǎn)品代號 ② 壓力等級  E:16MPa  F:20MPa③ 齒輪模數(shù)  3 ④ 公稱排量 。╩L/r) ⑤ 安裝形式  A: 菱形法蘭  C: 矩形法蘭  T: 特殊法蘭 ⑥ 油口形式  F: 法蘭聯(lián)接  L: 螺紋聯(lián)接⑦ 軸伸形式  P: 平鍵  H: 矩形花鍵   Z: 半圓鍵  B: 扁口鍵 ⑧ 旋  向  L: 左旋 (逆時針)  R:右旋 (順時針)(省略)

該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 液壓配套


熱門儀器: 液相色譜儀 氣相色譜儀 原子熒光光譜儀 可見分光光度計 液質(zhì)聯(lián)用儀 壓力試驗機 酸度計(PH計) 離心機 高速離心機 冷凍離心機 生物顯微鏡 金相顯微鏡 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)物質(zhì) 生物試劑