


智能化可控硅調(diào)功器,:觸發(fā)方式有過零、移相觸發(fā);負載類型有阻性負載、感性負載、變壓器負載;電流10A/700A25A/2600A,電壓480V600V,MODBUS RS485通訊功能,診斷和狀態(tài)LED指示,可控硅短路或開路報警,可現(xiàn)場組態(tài),CE認證,廣泛應(yīng)用于冶金、化工、熱處理、擠出機,玻璃行業(yè)。CD3000S-1PHCD3000S2PH、CD30003PH、CD3000M1PHCD3000M2PH,CD30003PH,CD3200、CD3000E2PHCD3000E3PH,MULTIDRIVE1PHMULTIDRIVE2PH、MULTIDRIVE3PH;


無吉林可控硅調(diào)功器 可控硅調(diào)功器 可控硅調(diào)功器廠家--中凱溫控

吉林可控硅調(diào)功器 可控硅調(diào)功器可控硅調(diào)功器廠家--中凱溫控 JK1S系列單相可控硅調(diào)壓器調(diào)功器是具有高度數(shù)字化的新型功率控制設(shè)備,集移相調(diào)壓型和變周期、定周期過零調(diào)功型三種觸發(fā)方式于一體,通過外部轉(zhuǎn)換開關(guān)可在三種觸發(fā)方式之間任意轉(zhuǎn)換。調(diào)壓調(diào)功器帶有數(shù)碼顯示模塊,能夠?qū)崟r顯示輸入信號、負載功率、負載電壓以及負載電流等等。其有斜率調(diào)整、緩啟動、緩關(guān)斷、電流限制、過流保護、電壓限制,過壓保護報警等功能,具備開環(huán)調(diào)壓、閉環(huán)恒流、閉環(huán)恒壓、閉環(huán)恒功率四種調(diào)節(jié)方式。JK1S型單相數(shù)字可控硅調(diào)壓器調(diào)功器與帶0-5V、4-20mA的智能PID調(diào)節(jié)器或PLC配套使用,實現(xiàn)精確的溫度控制;主要用與工業(yè)電爐的加熱節(jié)能控制、。負載類型可以是單相阻性負載、單相感性負載及單相變壓器負載等。 如:鹽浴爐、工頻感應(yīng)爐、淬火爐溫控;熱處理爐溫控;玻璃生產(chǎn)過程溫控;金剛石壓機加熱;大功率充磁/退磁設(shè)備;半導體工業(yè)舟蒸發(fā)源;航空電源調(diào)壓;真空磁控濺射電源;中央空調(diào)電加熱器溫控;紡織機械;水晶石生產(chǎn);粉末冶金機械;隧道電窯集散溫控系統(tǒng);彩色顯像管生產(chǎn)設(shè)備;冶金機械設(shè)備;交直流電機拖動;石油化工機械;電壓、電流、功率、燈光等無級平滑調(diào)節(jié),恒壓恒流恒功率控制等領(lǐng)域! K1S系列單相可控硅調(diào)壓器調(diào)功器采用高品質(zhì)可控硅模塊,過載能力強,可靠性高。JK1S系列單相全數(shù)字可控硅調(diào)壓器調(diào)功器參數(shù)設(shè)置方便,接線簡單,具有通訊功能,RS485接口,標準MODBUS RTU通訊協(xié)議,計算機能夠通過485通訊數(shù)字量進行控制,也可實時讀取負載電流、負載電壓、負載功率、輸入信號、報警狀態(tài)、以及調(diào)壓調(diào)功器的所有參數(shù),詳細說明見通訊協(xié)議!簟∫愿咝阅軉纹⑻幚砥鳛榭刂坪诵模珹RM16位微處理器智能化控制設(shè)計;采用美國德州儀器的大規(guī)數(shù)字信 號處理器,確保運算精確、響應(yīng)迅速,控制特性優(yōu)異、可靠性高內(nèi)置12位A/D轉(zhuǎn)換器量化!簟 額定電流等級:AC25A~3000A!簟≈悄軘(shù)碼顯示,包括負載電流、負載電壓、負載功率、輸入信號等各種參數(shù)!簟 數(shù)字恒流,恒壓,恒功率設(shè)計!簟 MODBUS現(xiàn)場總線通訊功能,一臺計算機可同時監(jiān) 控247臺調(diào)壓/調(diào)功器實現(xiàn)DCS控制! 具有輸出電壓、電流、功率的模擬量變送輸出功能,變送標準信號為:DC4~20mA、DC0~20mA、DC0~10V等◆ 具有多路可編程開關(guān)量輸出功能! 具有多路可編程開關(guān)量輸入功能! 具有多路可編程模擬量輸入功能:DC4~20mA、DC0~20mA、DC0~5V、DC0~10V、DC1~5V等。◆ 一體化便捷快速安裝設(shè)計 ! 簟∽詣樱謩訜o擾動切換 ! 簟【弳樱応P(guān)斷時間分別可調(diào)(數(shù)字調(diào)節(jié)) !簟‰p微處理器線性化功率修正 ! 簟∪毕鄨缶、散熱器超溫報警、過流報警、欠流報警、過壓報警、三相電流不平衡報警綜合保護體系! 簟⊥ㄓ嵐δ軐儆跇藴逝渲。通訊協(xié)議:MODBUS RTU。

KW優(yōu)惠日本川崎電力調(diào)功器 KW 0531-85781390


SCR電力控制器的基本原理是通過控制信號輸入,去控制串在主回路中的SCR(晶閘管)模塊,改變主回路中電壓的導通與關(guān)斷,由此達到調(diào)節(jié)電壓或功率的目的?刂破饕话闶怯煽刂瓢寮由现鳈C(主回路)組成。 SCR電力控制器又可分為調(diào)壓器和調(diào)功器。 采用相位控制模式的SCR電力控制器可叫做調(diào)壓器,它可以方便地調(diào)節(jié)電壓值,可用于電爐溫度控制,燈光調(diào)節(jié),異步電動機降壓軟啟動和調(diào)壓調(diào)速等,也可用做調(diào)節(jié)變壓器一次側(cè)電壓,代替效率低下的調(diào)壓變壓器。



ZA300-SCR-3三相可控硅調(diào)功器技術(shù)參數(shù)價格詳情請咨詢富安時王勝岐155 0128 6228
型 號:ZA300-SCR-3
• 額定電壓: AC220V/380V( 一種指定 )
• 工作頻率: 50/60HZ( 一種指定 )
• 輸入信號: DC4~20mA , DC1~5V
• 輸入阻抗: DC4~20mA ··· 100 Ω 以下 ; DC1~5V ··· 100 Ω 以下
• 額定電流: 30A,50A,80A,100A,150A,200A,250A,300A,400A,500A,800A,1000A,1500A
• 負載接法: 適用于三角形,內(nèi)三角形,星形,雙星形,星形中心點接地等負載接法的控制
• 輸出范圍:相位方式
電壓反饋形 ···額定電壓的 0-98%(95%)
電流反饋形 ···額定電流的 0-100%
功率反饋形 ···額定電壓的 0-98%(95%)
額定電流的 0-100%
無反饋形···額定電壓的 0-98%
電壓反饋 ···額定電壓的 0-100%
• 過流保護: 當電流超過額定電流的 130 %時,輸出停止,狀態(tài)燈變?yōu)榧t色,報警繼電器動作
• 缺相保護: 當電源缺相時,輸出停止,狀態(tài)燈紅色閃爍、報警繼電器動作
• 報警規(guī)格: 過流(安裝 CT ) , 散熱器超溫報警,報警繼電器動作,可容納 5A AC
• 冷卻方式: 額定電流 50A 以下自冷, 500A 以下風冷, 500 以上冷卻泵標準裝 備
• 運行環(huán)境: 周圍溫度范圍- 10 ~ 50 ,周圍濕度:≤ 90 % RH
• 絕緣阻抗: 最小 20M Ω 1000V DC
• 絕緣強度: 25 00V AC 1 分鐘
155 0128 6228


該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 電力調(diào)整器


*AC:單相/三相;*容量:20-2000KW;*電腦數(shù)字化控制,多種參數(shù)預置(周波、功率、時間等),有記憶功能;*晶閘管反并聯(lián)線路,過零觸發(fā);*基本參數(shù)出廠前整定、封好,現(xiàn)場不必調(diào)試,開機即用。*完備的自診斷、自檢測等保護功能,運行或故障狀態(tài)窗口數(shù)碼顯示,運行或故障情況一目了然;*波形好,對電網(wǎng)無干擾,功率因數(shù)高,與觸點開關(guān)電路和電磁調(diào)壓氣相比,節(jié)能、控制靈活、精度高、效率高、壽命長;*機柜采用仿西德FA;KS型鋼結(jié)構(gòu),塑粉靜電噴涂外飾;*主要用于交流調(diào)壓、調(diào)功。如調(diào)光、控溫等場合,加裝熱工儀表,可組成恒溫控制系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品已廣泛用于一汽、二汽、天津、上海、南京、重慶、河北、河南、江蘇、安徽、山東等二百多家汽車制造廠的電 泳涂裝生產(chǎn)線,并受到廣大設(shè)計院與廠家的普遍贊譽。



5在總線卡故障時,AEG的總線卡自動保留故障前的一個設(shè)定值作為默認值,生產(chǎn)的正常運行! 而其他產(chǎn)品要么沒有總線卡,要么總線卡不能保留一個設(shè)定值作為默認值,造成生產(chǎn)難以繼續(xù)正常進行。
6. 精度非常高,達到0.5%、1%、3%。
8. 在風冷狀態(tài)下,電流可以高達2900A,超過3000A 用水冷.其他產(chǎn)品大多在600 A以下風冷,超過600A用水冷,給設(shè)備帶來極大的安全隱患.
9. 同等功率下,體積最小,功能最強.
11. 五年以上的國內(nèi)眾多用戶中,目前沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)一例調(diào)功器可控硅被擊穿的事情,最多是保險絲被燒壞.
12. 使用專業(yè)的Thyro組態(tài)調(diào)試軟件—Thyro-Tool Family進行組態(tài)測試,并可以保存每個調(diào)功器的組態(tài)測試參數(shù),以便優(yōu)化.
13. 內(nèi)置快熔保險絲,回路檢測.真正實現(xiàn)了調(diào)功的一體化,包括快熔,可控硅,觸發(fā)電路板,保護電路, 電流電壓功率檢測,散熱器,通訊,自診斷,控制板等功能.
14:具有50多年專業(yè)經(jīng)驗的高品質(zhì)。 AEG公司已經(jīng)為法國空中客車公司,德國奔馳汽車公司,德國寶馬汽車公司,德國瓦克公司(多晶硅),拜耳公司,巴斯夫公司,易普森電爐公司,洛玻公司,南玻公司,英國Pilkington上海玻璃公司(常州),等世界公司提供產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。
王建軍經(jīng)理的聯(lián)系方式:13783131676 Lywjjwjj@Yahoo.cn;


   GBC2M-3 單相晶閘管調(diào)功器是運用數(shù)字電路觸發(fā)可控硅實現(xiàn)調(diào)壓和調(diào)功。調(diào)壓采用移相控制方式,調(diào)功有定周期調(diào)功和變周期調(diào)功兩種方式。該控制板帶鎖相環(huán)同步電路、上電緩起動、緩關(guān)斷、散熱器超溫檢測、恒流輸出、電流限制、過流保護。該控制板的觸發(fā)有兩種方式:直接觸發(fā)可控硅模塊、觸發(fā)移相型固態(tài)繼電器。GBC2M-3 控制板的特點:十位A/D,輸出線性化程度高,輸出起控點低。 GBC2M-3 系列單相電力調(diào)整器(說明書中簡稱GBC2M-3 整機)由GBC2M-3 觸發(fā)板、GBC2M-3 專用散熱器、風機、外殼等組成。核心部分使用GBC2M-3 控制板;散熱系統(tǒng)采用散熱器、低噪音風機。整機帶有控制板所有的功能。整機電流容量從30A 到800A 等多個等級。該電力調(diào)整器與帶0-5V、4-20mA 的智能PID 調(diào)節(jié)器或PLC 配套使用;主要用與工業(yè)電爐的加熱控制。一.技術(shù)規(guī)格 1.負載電源 220V, 380V AC ±10% 50HZ 2.電源頻率 50HZ 3.電流容量 30, 50, 80, 105, 175, 255 A 4.控制板電源 220V, 380V AC ±10% 50HZ, 要求與負載電源同相位 5.控制板功耗最大為5W 6. 風扇電源(根據(jù)型號配備) 電壓:220V AC 電流:0.5 A 以下 7. 控制輸入 4~20mA DC 輸入, 接收阻抗120Ω 0~10V DC 輸入, 輸入電阻> 450KΩ 8.LED 狀態(tài)顯示輸入指示LED 燈: 綠色,輸入線性亮度指示三色狀態(tài)LED 燈: 綠色,運行(有輸出)黃色閃爍,待機(無輸出)紅色,過流報警紅、綠交替閃爍,散熱器超溫報警 9. 控制方式調(diào)相控制:連續(xù)調(diào)壓調(diào)功控制:阻性過零調(diào)功,感性調(diào)功 10.調(diào)節(jié)輸出分辨率調(diào)相0.2°,調(diào)功20ms 11. 移相范圍 0~175° 12. 驅(qū)動輸出配調(diào)相型固態(tài)繼電器電壓:12V 可變寬度脈沖電流:20mA 最大 13. 手動方式外接10KΩ電位器調(diào)整 14. 軟啟動時間相角控制時,P3 電位器調(diào)整。調(diào)整范圍:0.2~120 秒 15. 軟關(guān)斷時間相角控制時,固定為10 秒 16. 電壓限制板內(nèi)P1 電位器或外接10KΩ電位器調(diào)整。調(diào)整范圍:0~100% 17.電流限制(選件) 配CT 電流互感器,外接10KΩ電位器調(diào)整。調(diào)整范圍:20%~100% 取消電流限制:CT 輸入端懸空或?qū)⑼饨与娢黄髡{(diào)至最大 18.過電流報警(選件) 配CT 電流互感器,板內(nèi)P2 電位器調(diào)整。調(diào)整范圍:100%~150% 過流設(shè)定:SW1-1 = OFF,設(shè)定過流值,板內(nèi)P2 電位器調(diào)整過流報警:SW1-1 = ON,啟動過流報警,過流時報警動作動作時間:< 20ms 19. 散熱器超溫保護 75℃溫度開關(guān),常閉接點動作時間:< 20ms 20. 報警輸出當散熱器超溫、負載過流時動作規(guī)格:1 個常開接點,1A 250V AC 純阻 21. 急停報警動作時,控制輸出急停動作時間:< 20ms 解除: 報警解除后,進入待機狀態(tài)或重新上電解除 22. 起動/停止開關(guān)外接開關(guān) RS 端:CN2-6 端子,GND 端:CN2-7 端子 RS - GND 端:無電壓接點輸入短路:緩關(guān)斷, 開路:緩起動 23. 調(diào)功/調(diào)壓切換(選件) 外接開關(guān) USER(U1)端:CN2-8 端子,GND 端:CN2-7 端子 USER(U1) - GND 端: 無電壓接點輸入開路:調(diào)功, 閉合:調(diào)壓 24. 工作環(huán)境和存儲溫度溫度范圍:0~40℃ 濕度范圍:90% RH 最大,無結(jié)露海拔高度:2000m 以下存儲溫度:-10 ~ +60℃ 其它要求:通風良好,不受日光直射或熱輻射,無腐蝕性、可燃性氣體 25. 安裝形式和要求壁掛式,垂直安裝 26. 絕緣電阻/介電強度絕緣電阻: 模塊輸出端與外殼,500VDC 20MΩ最小控制板電源端與外殼,500VDC 20MΩ最小控制輸入端與外殼,500VDC 20MΩ最小控制板輸入端與電源端,500VDC 20MΩ最小介電強度: 模塊輸出端與外殼之間,2000VAC 1 分鐘控制電源端與外殼之間,2000VAC 1 分鐘二. 安裝及使用須知:     使用前請認真閱讀本說明書,嚴格按要求接線使用。     本電壓調(diào)整器是壁掛式,垂直安裝在通風良好,不受日光直射或熱輻射,無腐蝕性、無可燃性的環(huán)境中。     負載應(yīng)無短路、局部放電打火等現(xiàn)象,絕緣良好。     特別指出:變壓器負載不能空載或輕載調(diào)試。     散熱器超溫保護后,如要運行,需排除故障后,再送電運行。     在使用過程中若發(fā)生過流現(xiàn)象,應(yīng)首先檢查負載有無短路等故障。     過流保護:一般地說,過流保護不能避免負載短路造成的設(shè)備損壞,不能代替快速熔斷器。     負載短路保護:用戶需外配快速熔斷器作為短路保護,一般按額定負載電流的1.5 倍選擇。三. 裝箱清單表 GBC2M-3 整機一臺, 10K 電位器(含刻度盤)兩套, 說明書1 份四.選型單五.訂貨說明: 1.電力調(diào)整器電流容量選擇參考    一般純阻負載:所選電力調(diào)整器的電流容量應(yīng)大于負載最大電流。    硅碳棒負載:當取消變壓器時,硅碳棒應(yīng)串聯(lián),使之能夠承受電源電壓的70%~80%以上。硅碳棒在700~800 ℃存在負阻區(qū),所選電力調(diào)整器的電流容量應(yīng)大于負載電流1.7 倍以上。   電熱管負載:易受潮、局部短路等,所選電力調(diào)整器的電流容量應(yīng)大于負載電流1.7 倍以上。   變壓器負載:應(yīng)帶電流限制功能,所選電力調(diào)整器的電流容量應(yīng)大于負載電流2~2.5 倍以上。 2. 定貨例:GBC2M-3-4T-080-N-U00 含義解釋:4~20mA 控制信號輸入,電流容量80A(純阻負載最大電流80A;硅碳棒負載、電熱管負載最大電流48A;變壓器負載最大電流32A)。六.安裝尺寸圖和電器原理圖框圖(參考尺寸) 不應(yīng)出現(xiàn)突跳、抖動或變化趨勢與輸入信號不成線性關(guān)系等現(xiàn)象?砂醋詈喗泳圖(見下圖)接線,進行自動或手動調(diào)試。負載電源應(yīng)與調(diào)壓器控制板電源筒相位。 27.  自動調(diào)試: 將儀表4~20mA 的輸出信號接到C1、C2 端,R1、R2 短路,按上圖的自動控制接線。輸入變化信號逐步增大時,綠色輸入燈亮度和負載電壓應(yīng)隨輸入增加。 28.  手動調(diào)整:外接10KΩ手動電位器。電位器的兩個固定端分別接V0、GND 端,滑動端接R2 端,按上圖的手動控制接線。調(diào)整手動電位器,負載電壓調(diào)整范圍為0~100%。此時,負載電壓應(yīng)均勻變化。 29.  上電緩起動時間:調(diào)整控制板內(nèi)的P3 電位器,啟動時間0.2~120 秒用戶可設(shè)。注:空載調(diào)試所測得的輸出電壓無效。八. 接實際負載調(diào)試假負載調(diào)試通過后,再接實際負載調(diào)試。對于變壓器負載,變壓器的二次側(cè)不能空載開路,必須加實際負載。加電前,需檢查負載絕緣強度,有無短路、接觸不良等現(xiàn)象。檢查調(diào)壓器安裝位置是否合適,機柜通風是否良好等。控制板電源電壓應(yīng)與負載電壓同相位,電壓應(yīng)符合要求。逐步增加控制輸入信號或調(diào)整手動電位器,使負載電壓從小到大逐步增加。若發(fā)現(xiàn)異常,需停機檢查。負載的最大電壓取決于新電爐的烘爐情況,負載特性,爐溫高低,負載電流大小等情況。變壓器負載若發(fā)生磁飽和時,負載最大電壓也受限制。九.控制板常見接線組合下圖列出了常見的接線組合,供設(shè)計時參考。十.電流限制(選件)參照接線組合圖(上圖)的組合方式4 或6,接實際負載調(diào)試: 30. 先將限流電位器調(diào)至不限流位置,R3 與GND 間電壓約為5V。 31. 手動給定負載電流值后,調(diào)限流電位器直到負載電流值剛開始下降,電流限制即調(diào)好。 32. 調(diào)功方式時,最大電流限制功能被取消。十一. 過流報警(選件)參照接線組合圖(上圖),接實際負載調(diào)試:   DIP 功能開關(guān)SW1-1 的設(shè)置8 SW1-1:ON,過流報警方式 SW1-1: OFF,標定過流報警值 n             過流報警值的標定方法一般,選取過流報警值為最大負載電流的1.3 倍。按過流報警值的1/2 進行標定。 1. 設(shè)SW1-1 為OFF。 2. 手動調(diào)節(jié)負載電流,達到過流報警值的1/2。 3. 調(diào)整控制板內(nèi)P2 電位器,使狀態(tài)燈由綠變成黃色,標定完成。例如:若最大負載電流為100A,過流報警值選130A,而按過流報警值的1/2 即:65A 標定。 n             過流報警 1. 設(shè)SW1-1 為ON 2. 運行中,負載電流大于過流報警值時,過流報警動作:調(diào)節(jié)輸出急停、報警輸出接點吸合、狀態(tài)指示燈為紅色。例如:若最大負載電流為100A,過流報警值選130A,按65A 標定。SW1-1 為ON,運行過程中,負載電流大于130A 時,過流報警動作。 n             調(diào)功方式時過流報警值的標定調(diào)功方式的過流報警值必須在調(diào)壓方式下進行標定。標定后,再轉(zhuǎn)到調(diào)功方式。 n        過流報警的復位過流報警保護時,狀態(tài)燈變成紅色,繼電器動作吸合、輸出停止。需檢查過流原因排除故障后再啟動。復位方法:1)斷電后重新上電運行或2)閉合起停開關(guān),置待機狀態(tài),黃燈閃爍;斷開起停開關(guān),系統(tǒng)運行,綠燈亮。 n        注意事項由于實際負載冷熱阻變化、負載老化、變壓器負載、上電浪涌電流、瞬間電流異常等因素,過流保護動作靈敏度過高容易造成誤動作。進一步可微調(diào)P2,反時針調(diào)整靈敏度高,動作提前;順時針調(diào)整靈敏度低,旋到極限位置時(或置SW1-1 為OFF 時)保護被取消。因為過流保護并不能取代快速熔斷器的作用,所以用戶應(yīng)自行外配快速熔斷器,容量應(yīng)為負載最大電流的1.5 倍左右。注:電流限制、過流報警選件均是通過選件“C”一個選件實現(xiàn),過零調(diào)功時無電流限制功能。十二.調(diào)試中的問題及故障排除當用戶系統(tǒng)出現(xiàn)故障時,首應(yīng)判斷故障的部位,應(yīng)將儀表、調(diào)壓器和負載的問題分開處理。 n             負載無輸出 1. 檢查電源:控制板、負載電源是否正常,快熔是否燒斷。 2. 檢查負載:負載是否開路或接線有問題。 3. 檢查控制板狀態(tài)燈:綠色,運行狀態(tài);黃色閃爍,待機狀態(tài)(無輸出);紅色,過流報警(無輸出);紅、黃閃爍,散熱器超溫報警(無輸出);黃色常亮,控制板故障;不亮,控制板未供電或有故障。 4. 檢查控制板輸入指示燈:綠色,亮度應(yīng)隨輸入信號變化。 5. 檢查控制板P1 電位器的位置:順時針調(diào)整,輸出電壓增加。 6. 檢查控制板R1、R2 短路片:自動控制時,R1、R2 短路片應(yīng)接好。 7. 檢查輸入信號:范圍,4~20mA。輸入信號> 5.6mA, 極性是否接反。 8. 檢查控制板R2 端:R2 輸出0~5V(隨輸入信號4~20mA 變化)。 9. 檢查控制板RS 端:RS、GND 端短路,待機狀態(tài)(無輸出),狀態(tài)燈黃色閃爍。 10. 檢查電流限制電位器:是否限流值調(diào)得太低。 n       負載電壓不正常 1. 檢查電源:控制板、負載電源是否正常?刂瓢咫娫磻(yīng)與負載電源同相位。 2. 檢查負載:是否空載、輕載運行。變壓器負載:二次側(cè)不能空載,必須帶全載。 3. 手動檢查:若手動控制正常,初步判斷調(diào)壓器沒有問題。否則,接假負載繼續(xù)檢查。 4. 自動檢查:控制輸入變化4~20mA 時,R2 端的電壓變化范圍應(yīng)為0~5V。 5. 輸出電壓只能調(diào)到負載電源的一半:調(diào)壓器的晶閘管模塊損壞一半。 6、負載電壓為最大不受控輸出始終為最大,無論是手動還是自動都不可調(diào),可能原因: 1. 可能負載開路或未接負載 2. 調(diào)壓器的晶閘管模塊擊穿損壞。晶閘管模塊輸出端的電阻一般大于500KΩ。         開始運行正常,一段時間后,輸出始終為最大。無論是手動還是自動都不可調(diào)。關(guān)機后、再開機,又可正常運行。可能原因: 1. 環(huán)境溫度過高。 2. 負載過流。負載瞬時過流造成晶閘管模塊熱擊穿。 n       接假負載按最簡接線調(diào)試若故障部位不易判斷,可采用假負載調(diào)試法,假負載一般為100~200W 的燈泡。 1. 手動調(diào)節(jié)正常:初步判斷調(diào)壓器正常,懷疑負載有問題。需檢查負載電源電壓、保險絲和接觸不良、斷線、短路、絕緣下降、放電打火等問題。 2. 手動調(diào)節(jié)正常,自動不正常:若控制輸入4~20mA 電流不正常,需進一步檢查儀表;否則,需檢查 P1 電位器是否將電壓限幅調(diào)得太低,R1、R2 短路片是否接好。 3. 手動、自動調(diào)節(jié)都正常:判斷調(diào)壓器沒有問題。十三.加熱器特性十四. 不同負載的控制策略 1. 變壓器控制:a)變壓器的設(shè)計容量不足,造成當電流增加到一定程度時變壓器鐵芯飽合,導致電流劇增、波形畸變、損壞器件。需重新設(shè)計變壓器,或加負載最大電流限制功能。b)運行過程瞬間斷電后又上電等,造成上電時的磁通極性與剩磁極性(固有剩磁和瞬間斷電正在衰減的磁場)的“撞車”,產(chǎn)生危害性沖擊電壓、電流。所以電感負載尤其是變壓器,應(yīng)采用上電緩起動,逐步順磁和緩關(guān)斷逐步衰減磁場。c) 變壓器為感性負載,窄脈沖觸發(fā)不。脈寬可變直流觸發(fā)技術(shù),能提供負載電流到達晶閘管擎駐電流的足夠時間,確保觸發(fā)。注:變壓器負載不能空載調(diào)試、運行。 2. 純金屬類:硅鉬、鉬絲、鎢、白金、石墨等負載冷態(tài)電阻小,低、中溫段需限壓和限流;隨著溫度增高,電阻按線性增大,在高溫段反而需增加負載電壓。RK16P 調(diào)壓器的電流限制功能,是專門為這類負載設(shè)計的。此外,帶有多組PID 和調(diào)節(jié)輸出限幅的儀表,也可控制負載電流。例如:島電的FP21、SR253、FP93 等可設(shè)計低、中、高溫區(qū)的調(diào)節(jié)輸出限制。 3. 硅碳棒: 一般采用緩起動> 1 分鐘或更長和電流限制,避開在700℃附近負阻的沖擊電流(新棒更明顯)。 4. 恒阻(泛指冷熱阻變化小的負載):控制策略較簡單,可采用過零調(diào)功方式,克服調(diào)壓方式功率因數(shù)低、污染電網(wǎng)的缺點。周期過零(占空比控制),一般采用大功率SSR 實現(xiàn)。周波過零調(diào)功,負載電流以全正弦波為單位均勻分布,多臺設(shè)備運行時,總動力電流相對均衡(避免了周期過零方式電流集中),改善爐溫均勻性,避免了電流表撞針,重要的是:提高了電源利用率和避免電力設(shè)備增容,節(jié)電效果十分明顯。RK16P 是調(diào)功調(diào)壓一體化設(shè)計,既可調(diào)壓也能調(diào)功(周期和周波過零兩種方式),可滿足不同的控制策略。十五.GBC2M-3 控制器的基本特性圖示: 十六.調(diào)功、調(diào)壓一體化技術(shù)(選件) 調(diào)壓方式具有負載電流沖擊小、適合變壓器控制等特點,但不可避免產(chǎn)生電源污染和降低電網(wǎng)功率因數(shù)。過零調(diào)功方式避免了調(diào)壓方式的不足,但無法限制電流,負載沖擊電流較大,GBC2M-3的調(diào)功調(diào)壓功能提供了兩者優(yōu)點的結(jié)合,可根據(jù)負載情況方便地切換這兩種工作方式。 USER(U1)外部開關(guān)設(shè)置:開路時,為調(diào)功;短路時,為調(diào)壓。


具有移相調(diào)壓型 和變周期過零調(diào)功型兩種觸發(fā)方式可供選擇,具有數(shù)字顯示窗口, 能夠?qū)崟r顯示負載電流、電壓和輸入信號,其有斜率調(diào)整、緩啟動、緩關(guān)斷、電流限制、過流保護、電壓限制、過壓保護以及散熱器超溫保護等功能,具有恒壓和恒流調(diào)節(jié),還能附加通訊功能,RS485接口

MODBUS總線協(xié)議,計算機能夠讀取負載電流、電壓、輸入信號及報警狀態(tài),讀寫調(diào)壓器的所有參數(shù)。適用各種領(lǐng)域的電壓調(diào)節(jié)、功率調(diào)節(jié)?蓭Ц行载撦d和阻性負載,如:鎳鉻、鐵鉻鋁、遠紅外發(fā)熱元件及硅鉬棒、 硅碳棒、變壓器、電感線圈等。


EPower&trade;控制器--不同凡響的功率控制技術(shù) EPower控制器是歐陸功率控制器系列中的產(chǎn)品,它使用技術(shù)和創(chuàng)新設(shè)計來管理您的工藝并降低您的能源成本。它在各個層面都具有最能滿足您現(xiàn)在和將來需要的靈活性。讓我們使用EPower控制器為您進行功率控制,您大可放心:您的工藝已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了控制方式&mdash;即便是工藝有變化時。 歐陸擁有雄厚的研發(fā)實力,并制訂有持續(xù)開發(fā)、改進和創(chuàng)新的政策。 投資購買EPower控制器可在任何時候滿足您不斷變化的需求,給予您選擇的自由,讓新開發(fā)變得觸發(fā)可及。 創(chuàng)新的模塊性和可配置性,能滿足您的各種需求... 通過模塊化設(shè)計便于訂購、配置和維護。 EPower控制器可滿足您不斷變化的需求。 盡可能減少備件庫存&mdash;許多選項可通過共用驅(qū)動模塊配置,如觸發(fā)方式、負載、相位、控制等。 多達四個功率模塊可提供單相和多相控制。 可通過軟件配置的選項更具靈活性。 &nbsp;

您不會再受到訂購可選件的限制&mdash;EPower控制器為您提供可配置的可選件和模塊化硬件,讓您能靈活地適應(yīng)現(xiàn)在和將來的要求。加上便于通過集成顯示屏進行配置和通過iTools配置工具實現(xiàn)圖形配置的標準儀器&mdash;您的功率控制器讓生活變化更加簡單。 靈活性&ndash;采用的模塊化技術(shù),易于使用,能滿足功率控制的需要。 --具有創(chuàng)新功能的功率控制,能在上降低能源成本,工藝性能出眾。 放心&mdash;可讓您收回投資的功率控制器,可適應(yīng)您今后的需求變化-一種產(chǎn)品可適合于各種方案。 &nbsp;

您需要的可選件... 單個驅(qū)動模塊可支持多達四個功率模塊--從而支持四條獨立的控制回路。功率模塊的額定電流范圍為100A到400A。驅(qū)動模塊本身還支持可選件板卡,讓您的解決方案更具靈活性。 通信&ndash; RS485 Modbus RTU, Profibus, DeviceNet&reg; 和Modbus TCP網(wǎng)絡(luò)協(xié)議。 預估負載管理(PLM)* &ndash;能管理多臺機器的功率需求以節(jié)省能源成本的強大功能。 &nbsp;

靈活的輸入/輸出&ndash;本驅(qū)動模塊支持標準的輸入/輸出接口和多達三塊帶模擬輸入接口、模擬輸出接口、數(shù)字輸入/輸出接口和繼電器輸出接口的附加輸入/輸出板卡。 * 正在申請專利 選購指南和技術(shù)規(guī)格 &nbsp;


EPower CONTROLLER EUROTHERM&reg; FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS THE FUTURE OF POWER CONTROL &trade; PLM PLM PLM Predictive Load Management EPower Controllers are the latest products in the Eurotherm range of power controllers. It uses the newest technologiesinnovations to manage your process and reduce your energy costs. On every level it brings you the flexibility you need to best meet your requirements nowin the future. Let us look after your power control for you with EPower Controllersgive you the peace of mind that you have the best for your process &ndash; even as it changes. Eurotherm has a significant R&amp;D capabilitya policy of continuous development, improvementinnovation. Investing in EPower Controllers will keep optionsnew developments within your reach as you can upgrade to meet your changing requirements at any point. Flexibility &ndash; advanced technologies in harmony with modularityease of use to deliver your power control needs Efficiency &ndash; world class power control with innovative features to minimise your energy costs with exceptional process performance Peace of mind &ndash; a power controller that will bring you return on investmentcan be adapted in the future if your requirements change - one product for all solutions Revolutionary modularity and configurability to meet your needs... Easy ordering, configurationmaintenance through modular design If your requirements change EPower Controller can be easily adapted to your needs Minimum spares holding &ndash; many options configurable through a common driver module e.g. firing mode, load, phases, control etc. Up to four power modules provide single and multi-phase control Software configurable options to bring you flexibility: You no longer need to be restricted to the options that you order &ndash; EPower Controller provides you with configurable optionsmodular hardware to give you the flexibility to match your process nowin the future. Combine this with an instrument that provides easy configuration via the integral displayfull graphical configuration via iTools PC configuration tool as standard &ndash; you have a power controller that makes life that bit easier. www.eurotherm.com/EPower EPower&trade; Controller &ndash; extraordinary power control Control Type Single phase 2 x single phase 3 x single phase 4 x single phase Two phase 2 x two phase True three phase Firing Modes Phase angle Half cycle Burst firing Fix modulation period Logic mode Load Type Standard Resistive Complex Resistive Inductive e.g. Transformer Short Wave Infrared Load Configuration Single phase Star Delta Star with neutral Open Delta Feedback V2 I2 True power RMS load voltage RMS load current Open loop The options that you need... A single driver module can support up to four power modules &ndash;hence four independent control loops. Power modules are available in current ratings covering a range from 100A to 400A. The driver module itself supports option boards to give you additional flexibility in your solution: Communications &ndash; RS485 Modbus RTU, Profibus, DeviceNet&reg;Modbus TCP network protocols Predictive Load Management (PLM)* &ndash; A powerful feature to effectively manage your power requirements across multiple machines to save on your energy costs Flexible I/O &ndash; The driver module supports standard I/Oup to three additional I/O boards with analogue inputs, analogue outputs, digital I/O and relay outputs. * patent pending PLM PLM PLM Predictive Load Management The EPower Controller has been designed for easy configurationmodification. The front, integral display has a &ldquo;QuickStart&rdquo; facility that leads the user through initial set up in a series of simple steps. To further save engineering this QuickStart code can be specified with your orderthe instrument shipped pre-configured. More advanced configuration can be achieved utilising iTools PC configuration software &ndash; which provides the significant assistance of graphical wiring tools and downloadable function blocks to minimise engineering timecost. Once you have created your application you can easily saveclone your work &ndash; either as a back-up or to download to multiple instruments that need the same or similar configuration &ndash; keeping your work safesave repeat engineering costs. &ldquo;QuickStart&rdquo; for easy commissioning Easy saveclone of configuration Advanced graphical wiring configuration tools Integral front panel operator interface www.eurotherm.com/ E Power Easy configuration to save you engineering costs ... www.eurotherm.com/EPower EPower Controllers have measurement accuracy, functionalityinnovation that will deliver you extraordinary power control to help your process, environmentbudget. Measurement accuracy (better than 1%) to help save energy Load management for better distribution of energyto minimise peak energy usage costs Reduce energy billsother costs with a selection of advanced firing modes to best suit your load type: &ndash; Minimise electrical disturbance &ndash; Increase lifetime of heater elements Improve power factor Energy saving Easy maintenance Efficiency through advanced technologies... You can reduce your energy costs across your plant by utilising the Predictive Load Management (patent pending) functionality within the EPower Controller. This new feature provides a better distribution of energy across different loads in your installation, by managing the priority and, if necessary, load shedding, The EPower Controller prevents overshoot of the nominal power. This will keep you within the limits of your electrical contract for your installationprevent increases in energy tariffs imposed by your supplier. Unlike other software offering this type of feature, Predictive Load Management from Eurotherm anticipates your energy usage rather than just reacting when you have already exceeded your tariff peak. Using EPower Controllers with Predictive Load Management could well be one of the best value decisions you could make for your plant! www.eurotherm.com/ E Power Predictive Load Management &ndash; the best innovation for energy management Power consumed with &ldquo;Predictive Load Management&rdquo; PLM PLM PLM Predictive Load Management Power consumed without &ldquo;Predictive Load Management&rdquo; www.eurotherm.com/EPower A product to integrate into a complete solution EPower Controllers have not only been designed to be world-class power controllers that you can rely on, they have been designed to integrate perfectly into a wider control system. Whatever your system communication preferences are &ndash; Modbus RTU, Profibus, DeviceNet, Modbus TCP/IP &ndash; EPower Controllers can easily be integrated into your systemsend the information you need about your load (current, voltage, alarms etc) so that you stay in control of your process. Whether you need this latest power controller in a new system or to upgrade an existing system &ndash; Eurotherm can help you. Our expertise is not limited to power control &ndash; the full benefit of EPower Controllers can be optimised using our engineers as experts in creating complete solutionstotal, plant-wide DCS. Throughout our product ranges &ndash; controllers, recorders, power controllers, signal conditioning, automation solutionsDCS &ndash; you will get expert knowledge, supportworld class solutions. We can assist you with smalllarge applicationsoffer complete life cycle supportpartnership engineering teams &ndash; whatever you need, we are there to work with you. 3RD PARTY INTEGRATION OPERATIONS SERVER OPC SERVER BUSINESS SYSTEMS OPE V T820 LOCAL HMI 3216 CONTROLLER T2550 PROGRAMMABLE AUTOMATION CONTROLLER T2550 PROGRAMMAB AUTOMATION CONT EPOWER CONTROLLER www.eurotherm.com/ E Power 3RD PARTY INTEGRATION EYCON 20 VISUAL SUPERVISOR EYCON&trade; 10 VISUAL SUPERVISOR 6180A PAPERLESS GRAPHIC RECORDER ERATIONS VIEWER ACTIVE FACTORY T820 LOCAL HMI 32H8I EPOWER CONTROLLER REMOTE DISPLAY BLE TROLLER EPOWER CONTROLLER www.eurotherm.com/EPower Real-world applications VACUUM FURNACE IN HEAT TREATMENT BOOSTING POWER CONTROL AND MONITORING IN GLASS INDUSTRY Molten glass is a conductor of electricity. Passing high currents through the glass produces direct heating in the resistance presented by the glass, named boosting. This heating is beneficial as it heats the&lsquo;colder&rsquo; bottom glass in the furnace. This heated bottom glass rises towards the tophas a stirring effect which helps with melting, heat transfertemperature homogenisation. Boosting is often used to meet periodic fluctuations in production demand or to support the pull rate of a furnace at the end of its operating life. Boosting may also help to reduce NOx emissions. In this application the EPower Controller is controlling the power injected by the electrodes in the molten glass while controlling the true power or the current (the power injected is self compensated by the glass temperature) Controlled convection currents to promote homogeneity Accurate true power or electrodes current control Digital communication allowing process parameters to be monitored by a supervisor: current, voltage, poweralarms Electrodes Molten glass Three phase power supply T2550 Input/output control Eycon&trade; Visual Supervisor Vacuum furnace control Energy control Efficiency optimization EPower Controller Control Modularity Energy information Several switching modes iTools software configuration Digital communications Vacuum device Digital communication COMPOSITE MATERIAL In composite material production polymerisation is made in an autoclave at very high temperature. EPower Controller controls heating by providing: Detection of total and/or partial load failure Optimization of the distribution of heating control in the different areas providing real cost savings Standard communications for process controlmonitoring on HMI Down time reduction due to the modular design Policeman/Remote display Heater element control Power repartition in heating elements providing energy saving Alarm strategy Digital communication allowing supervisory control Use Predictive Load Management across multiple furnaces to reduce energy costs PLM PLM PLM Predictive Load Management Melting is one of the first steps in the &lsquo;float&rsquo; process&rsquo;. At this stage glass is in liquid state in a molten furnace at around 1550&deg;C. Roof heating is made by silicon carbide heaters. EPower Controller controllers provide all the solutions to the multizone control of this specific heater elements. Ageing compensation of the silicon carbide heaters with power control Power distribution control in the heater elements providing cost savings: suppression of inrush current for a better energy managementa minimum stress on the power transformers Digital communication with standard protocols for an efficient process monitoring Use Predictive Load Management across the glass plant to reduce energy costs www.eurotherm.com/ E Power SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING Silicon was discovered in 1823 and is used in the manufacture of today''s semiconductors. Semiconductors need a silicon of a very high purity and, therefore, the silicon is transformed by successive stages (crystal growing, epitaxy) that need very slowaccurate heating. The EPower Controller will provide many solutions to this specific and expensive process: Precisesteady control of the heater elements Advancedconfigurable strategy enables the EPower Controller to adapt to the load state Secure your process utilising a comprehensive alarm strategyby transferring process information to a supervisor CONTINUOUS ANNEALING FURNACE After castingmilling, metals are passed through an annealing furnace in order to increase ductilityreduce brittleness. In the case of a continuous metal sheet, this is a multi-zone furnace consuming several Megawatts of power. Each zone consists of one or multiple thermocouples feeding the process variable (PV) into a temperature controller, Programmable Automation Controller (T2550 PAC) or PLC. The control device then calculates the required power input to meet the process set point (SP),sends this to the Power Controller via digital comms or via an analogue signal. The Power Controller then fires the element, either directly or via a transformer depending on the element specifications. Two-leg, true three phase control or 4 x single phase control available Load Sequencing - integral firing sequence control optimises instantaneous energy consumption across all zones Load Shedding - Predictive Load Management peak energy demand algorithm enables power smoothing to reduce peak demand Communication of PV, SPprocess data Remote configuration via comms or user interface TIN BATH FURNACE IN FLOAT MANUFACTURING Three phase power supply Multizone control Molten glass Multizone heating Roof heating with silicon carbide elements Supervisor Slave Master Network Multiple Slaves (1 per Zone) Zone 1 Zone n Continuous Annealing Furnace Transformer Transformer Molten tin PLM PLM PLM Predictive Load Management PLM PLM PLM Predictive Load Management With EPower Controllers you are not only buying one of the best power controllers in the world, you are supported by a global network of application and control specialists from Eurotherm. While we are a truly global company, we have not forgotten that you still need local supportunderstanding. Our team will bring you technical expertise along with in depth experienceunderstanding in numerous application areas &ndash; from glass furnaces, to semiconductor manufacture, to the heat treatment of metalsmany more. The EPower Controller is one product for all your solution needs. We can provide you with a range of services to suit your needs &ndash; from training to commissioning and maintenance contracts for your installation. Easy Maintenance Modular design for easy management of spare partsquick mean time to repair (MTTR) Fasteasy configuration Easy wiring, installationcommissioning Remote Display option www.eurotherm.com/EPower The EPower Controller &ndash; the best solution for your power control With EPower Controllers, you will obtain an excellent return on your investment www.eurotherm.com/ E Power Selection guidetechnical specifications DRIVER MODULE POWER MODULES (UP TO 4) SUPPLY VOLTAGE 85 to 264V ac SUPPLY FREQUENCY 47 to 63Hz POWER CONSUMPTION 120W TEMPERATURE LIMITS 0 to 50&deg;C operating, -10 to 70&deg;C Storage DISPLAY 4 lines dot LCD matrix array COMMUNICATIONS Modbus RTU 2 wire EIA485 Modbus TCP/IP 10baseT Ethernet Profibus DPv1 DeviceNet network protocol INPUTS AND OUTPUTS Standard 2 Analogue inputs 1 Analogue output 2 Digital inputs 2 Relay outputs (1= Watchdog) Optional modules (max 3) Per module - 1 Analogue input 1 Analogue output 2 Digital inputs 1 Relay MEASUREMENT ACCURACY Better than 1% REMOTE PANEL Dedicated remote panel port PlugPlay 32h8i panel indicator QUICKSTART Configurable by order code or on start up via dedicated front panel HMI PREDICTIVE LOAD MANAGEMENT (PLM) Optional module connecting up to 63 instruments over dedicated communications (CAN based). Configurable PLM (patent Pending) optimises energy usage APPROVALS CE (EN 60947-4-3), UL 508A VOLTAGE RANGES 100 to 600V ac, 100 to 690V ac CURRENT RANGES 100A, 160A, 250A, 400A, Nominal current range 16 to 400A FREQUENCY 47 to 63Hz POWER DISSIPATION 1.3 watts per Amp per Power module OPERATING TEMPERATURE Nominally 40&deg;C, Operation 0 to 50&deg;C de-rating applied over 40&deg;C COOLING FANS &ge;160A FAN SUPPLY 115V or 230V FIRING MODES Phase angle Half Cycle Burst Firing Fixed Modulation Logic LOAD TYPES Standard Resistive Complex Resistive Inductive loads e.g. Transformer LOAD CONFIGURATION Single phase Ph/Ph or Ph/N Two leg control 3 wire star or delta Three phase control 3 or 4 wire star, 3 or 6 wire delta POWER MODULE COMBINATIONS 1, 2, 3 or 4 single phase (1, 2, 3 or 4 modules) 1, or 2 x two leg (2 or 4 modules) 1 x 3 phase (3 modules) FEEDBACK Internal voltagecurrent Order option &ndash; External voltagecurrent FEEDBACK TYPES Open Loop V2 I2 True Power Vrms Irms APPROVALS CE (EN 60947-4-3), UL 508A

















































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