
室內(nèi)溫濕度氣壓計三合一氣象站 型號:HMTHB9392


室內(nèi)溫濕度氣壓計三合一氣象站 型號:hm-THB9392

 產(chǎn)品用于測量所在環(huán)境的溫度、濕度、大氣壓等參數(shù)的變化,根據(jù)環(huán)境溫度,濕度及大氣壓的變化趨勢來預(yù)測未來的天氣變化情況,是一只功能齊全的家用天氣預(yù)報儀表(晴雨表)!  產(chǎn)品特征:金色合金鋁外圈,PMMA塑料透鏡,金色調(diào)節(jié)輪,多功能顯示, 大的顯示面板雙刻度帶有天氣變化標(biāo)識   測量范圍:-30~50C, 0~100%RH,970~1050hPa   分辯率:1C,1%RH,1hPa   測量精度:2C,?5%RH(30~80%RH),?5hPa(970~1040hPa)   產(chǎn)品尺寸:約AppxD128*TH41mm   重量:約Appx130gMeasure Range:950~1070hPa,-20~50℃,0~100%RhResolution: 1hPa,1℃,1%RhAccuracy: +/-5hPa (980~1040hPa),+/-2℃,+/-5%Rh(30~80%Rh)Unit Size: approx ?128mm X 41mmWeight: approx 130gDear Customer, Congratulation in the purchase of your attractively designed weather station. Now you can easily check the air temperature, barometric pressure and humidity.The weather station is calibrate properly. However, should you need to set it at a later time, follow the steps as described in each section.HYGROMETERThe hygrometer scale measure air humidity in percent. This value is “relative” because the amount of moisture in the air depends on the temperature.Place the weather station in a plastic box which can be sealed airtight.Fill a coffee scoop-sized container up with salt and add a few drops of water. The salt should be damp but not dissolved.Place the filled container in the plastic container holding the weather station and close it tight again. Wait approx eight hours. the hygrometer is correctly adjusted when it indicates 75%.If the readout is not correct, insert a flat screwdriver through the right hole on the back, carefully place the screwdriver in to the notch and turn the pointer to 75%.THERMOMETERThe thermometer measures the temperature in centigrade. The thermometer does not normally require adjustment. Due to changes of yearly nature we recommend resetting it once a year. Place the screwdriver correctly into the notch in the hole at the back of device and turning it slightly while observing the pointer to correct value as shown by another accuracy thermometer .BarometerGeneral Information Atmospheric pressure and the Weather, Air pressure indicates the density of the layer of air that surround the earth and is generally divided into low air pressure and high air pressure according to the degree of density. Furthermore similar to water flowing from a high place to a low place, air flows from high air pressure areas to low air pressure areas.High air pressure and low air pressure are relative terms in hector-Pascal there is no distinct point which defines what is a low or high pressure area, however we will suppose that passing to the right of 1000hPa is high air pressure zone and passing to left of 1000hPa is low air pressure zoneLow air pressure areas have comparatively large water vapor and this leads to clouds and rain. Consequently the weather deteriorates with the coming of low air pressure and conversely improves with the coming of high air pressure. Altitude and The Barometer, Since a barometer measures the weight of the air above us, it is important to note that atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. If we go to the top of a mountain, we find the air is “thin”, that is, there is less of it than at sea level. Since there is less air at higher altitudes, there is less weight and the barometer will indicate a lower pressure than it did at sea level. The Barometer to Be UsedPrior adjustment of the barometer, The barometer has regulated at the factory at 400Meter above sea level, it the altitude in your location is different, the barometer indicating must be adjusted by following methods.1. First to your local altitude, ask for the present atmospheric pressure of your home area (Local weather service, www, optician, calibrated instruments in public buildings, airport). Or use an existing barometer at your location which is known to be accurate2. Carefully turn the adjusting screw at the back of barometer by a screwdriver until the indicator value coincides with the actual atmospheric pressure. Do not turn the barometer movement too far. Better precision can be achieved by lightly tapping the barometer glass after adjustment has been made.3. Be careful not to force the adjustment screw. If the screw become tight in a direction, the end of adjustment range has been reached.Reading Barometer, see following steps:1. To determine the direction of change in barometric pressure, first tap the face of the barometer with a finger and then turn the knob on the top of lens until the set hand is lined up with indicating hand. 2. To determine the barometer “TREND” ,wait several hours and then again tap the face of the barometer and note if the indicating hand has moved. 3. If the indicating hand has moved to the right (clockwise), the barometric pressure is increasing and we say the “barometer is rising”. 4. If the indicating hand has moved to the left (counterclockwise), the barometric pressure is decreasing and we say the “barometer is falling”. 5. The direction of indicating hand movement indicates the weather trend. Thus as the indicating hand moves to the right, it means the weather will trend to BETTER. As it moves to the left, it means the weather will trend to POOR.6. After determining the trend by taking the two readings, as above, the set hand should again be lined up over the indicating hand for a future reading. Very small changes in the position of the indicating hand are not too important, but a series of small changes in the same direction on consecutive readings taken at short intervals will be significant.The Barometer and Weather Forecasting, The barometer measures these movements of the atmospheric pressure surround us, The atmospheric pressure corresponds with the weight of the surrounding air masses and depends on the weather situation and the local altitude. Simply mark the current air pressure with the movable needle and observe the movements of air pressure . you should take reading at least once daily, remember that the rate of pressure change is just as important as the amount of change. This is why multiple reading each day are best for accurate weather forecasting. Although many factors affect to actual weather conditions, e.g. geographic location, temperature, humidity, wind direction, and even the season, the observation of the change in atmospheric pressure allows you to weather forecast.The following meteorological ”rules of thumb” will be interpret your barometer reading.1. A fast rise in barometric pressure expressing good weather of short duration can be expected.2. A rapid drop in barometric pressure be typically expressing the weather disturbance are come and could result in showers of short duration. 3. Regular elevation barometric pressure typically expressing the clear dry weather (cold and dry in winter) can be anticipated.4. A slow but continuous drop in barometric pressure typically expressing the persistent bad weather can be expected.5. Slow drop in barometric pressure of 4 to 6hPa per 24 hours typically expressing a depression of some distance away .6. Barometric pressure drop of 4hPa per hours typically expressing the weather disturbance will come at short time.7. Steep barometric pressure drop of 12hPa or more within 4 to 5 hour period typically expressing approaching rain and storms with strong winds.Remember: The most important feature in the use of barometer is barometric trend. Setting the barometer precisely is not normally required because it only indicates a change of air pressure.Fix the Barometer, The barometer has a keyhole slat at back for wall mounting , fix a anchored screw or nail into the wall and hanging the barometer on it . 產(chǎn)品特點產(chǎn)品名稱:氣象站3型號: HM-THB9392 測量范圍: 950 ? 1070hPa , -20 ? 50 ℃ , 0 ? 100 %相對濕度決議: 1hPa , 1 ℃ , 1 %相對濕度精度: + / - 5hPa ( 980 ? 1040hPa ),+/- 2 ℃ , + / -5 %相對濕度( 30 ? 80 %相對濕度) 尺寸:約?128mm X 41毫米重量:約一百三十克親愛的客戶,感謝您購買精美設(shè)計的氣象站,F(xiàn)在您可以很容易地檢查空氣溫度,氣壓和濕度。氣象站已經(jīng)校準(zhǔn)正確。如果您想設(shè)置時間,請按照下列所述步驟進(jìn)行操作。濕度計空氣濕度的測量用百分比顯示。此值是“相對”值,因為空氣中的水分和溫度有關(guān)系。氣象站外面有塑料盒,密封不透氣。往一只匙勺中加入鹽和幾滴水,使鹽潮濕但不溶解。將匙勺放在塑料盒子里,密封擰緊,等候約8個小時,當(dāng)濕度示值顯示75%時則校準(zhǔn)完畢。如果讀數(shù)不。就用螺絲刀通過氣象站后面右側(cè)的小孔小心調(diào)節(jié),使指針指向75%溫度計溫度示值顯示溫度計測量溫度攝氏度。 溫度計通常并不需要調(diào)整。由于性質(zhì)變化我們建議您每年調(diào)校一次。把螺絲刀對準(zhǔn)后面的調(diào)?,根據(jù)的溫度計示值將它略微調(diào)整直至值。晴雨表一般信息大氣壓力和天氣,氣壓表明,環(huán)繞地球空氣層根據(jù)空氣密度密度一般分為低氣壓和高氣壓。正如水流從高處流向低處,空氣也是從高氣壓地區(qū)向低氣壓地區(qū)流動。高氣壓和低氣壓是相對而言的,Pa無法界定不同的地方是高氣壓地區(qū)或低氣壓地區(qū),但是我們可以假設(shè),通過右側(cè)的1000hPa是高氣壓帶,傳遞到左側(cè)的1000hPa是低氣壓帶。低氣壓地區(qū)相對有較大的水蒸氣,這會導(dǎo)致云層和降雨。因此,天氣惡化與低氣壓有關(guān),相反,高氣壓可以使天氣改善。高度和氣壓計,晴雨表是測量空氣重量,所以對于我們來說,重要的是要注意到,大氣壓力隨海拔高度升高。如果我們?nèi)ド巾敚l(fā)現(xiàn)空氣較“薄” ,就是指空氣少于海平面處。由于海拔越高空氣越少,所以相比海平面處,空氣重量較輕,大氣壓力較低。該指數(shù)被用來調(diào)整前的晴雨表,該指數(shù)已規(guī)定工廠在海平面400米以上,根據(jù)您所在的位置不同,海拔高度也不同。指數(shù)表明,必須經(jīng)下列方法之一測定。1 。首先到當(dāng)?shù)氐母叨鹊拇髿鈮旱貐^(qū),或使用現(xiàn)有的晴雨表在您所在的位置是測得大氣壓 2 。仔細(xì)用螺絲刀調(diào)整晴雨表后面的螺釘,直到指標(biāo)值符合實際大氣壓力。不要把晴雨表調(diào)動過大。想獲得更好的精度可以通過輕輕敲打晴雨表玻璃來進(jìn)一步調(diào)整。 3 。小心,不要強(qiáng)行調(diào)整螺釘。如果螺釘已經(jīng)擰緊,最終的調(diào)整范圍已被確定。 如何讀取晴雨表,步驟見下: 1 。要確定氣壓的方向變化,首先用手指輕叩晴雨表,然后打開旋鈕頂部的鏡頭,2 。要確定晴雨表“趨勢” ,等待幾個小時,然后再次輕敲晴雨表面板,并注意指針是否在轉(zhuǎn)動。3.如果指針已經(jīng)順時針移動到右邊并且氣壓正在上升,我們就說晴雨表正在上升。4.如果指針逆時針轉(zhuǎn)到左邊,并且氣壓正在下降,我們就說晴雨表正在下降。5.指針移動方式表示天氣變化情況,因此我們可以根據(jù)指針指向右邊表示天氣變好,反之就表明天氣天氣變壞、6.設(shè)定好以上兩種讀數(shù)變化趨勢后,設(shè)定鍵應(yīng)該回歸原位以便下次讀數(shù)使用。指針位置有稍微的變化是允許的,但如果在同一方向上連續(xù)讀數(shù)在短的時間內(nèi)讀數(shù)不同就應(yīng)該重新校準(zhǔn)一下。溫濕度氣壓晴雨表該表測量周圍大氣壓力時受到當(dāng)?shù)氐暮0胃叨群涂諝饷芏纫约爱?dāng)時天氣情況的影響。根據(jù)指針的移動情況簡單測量當(dāng)時的大氣壓力,每天至少讀數(shù)一次。記住每天的壓力變化率,該表的最大特點就是多重讀數(shù)會提高讀值的精確度。許多因素會影響天氣的真實情況,地理聞之溫度濕度風(fēng)向甚至季節(jié)壓力讀數(shù)都會多少有些變化。所以允許您預(yù)測天氣情況。下面一些氣象規(guī)律會幫助解釋晴雨表讀值1氣壓值迅速上升表明未來短時間內(nèi)天氣情況比較良好。2. 氣壓急劇下降表明會有雨雪天氣來臨。3.氣壓持續(xù)有規(guī)律上升很可能是干冷如冬天的天氣要來臨。4.氣壓持續(xù)緩慢下降可能有壞天氣要來臨5.如果在幾個小時內(nèi)有4-6Hpa 的降壓表明該地區(qū)有氣壓下降。6.如果氣壓在幾個小時內(nèi)降4-6Hpa表明強(qiáng)冷空氣要來臨。7.在4-5小時短期內(nèi)急劇降壓12hpa表明會有雨雪風(fēng)暴天氣。記。鹤畲蟮奶卣鲬(yīng)用是氣壓變化趨勢。設(shè)定的氣壓沒有多大意義,因為它只是表明的未來的氣壓變化趨勢。固定安裝晴雨表:表后板有個小孔用于墻上懸掛,用地角螺母固定在墻上,然后吧晴雨表掛上就可以了


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