


Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -20W Version for Continuous Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-20CThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司values can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -20W Version for Flash Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊睿科學(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-20FThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司values can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -60W Version for Continuous Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-60CThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊睿科學(xué)儀器有限公司values can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -60W Version for Flash Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊睿科學(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-60FThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司values can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -1000W Version for Flash Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-1KFThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.comvalues can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司



Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -20W Version for Continuous Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-20CThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司values can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊睿科學(xué)儀器有限公司Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -20W Version for Flash Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-20FThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司values can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊睿科學(xué)儀器有限公司Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -60W Version for Continuous Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-60CThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊睿科學(xué)儀器有限公司values can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -60W Version for Flash Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊睿科學(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-60FThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司values can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Current-Voltage Measurement System (IV Tester) -1000W Version for Flash Solar SimulatorsMain Features:? Designed for use with continuous or pulse solar simulators? An output trigger TTL signal is used to synchronize its data acquisition with pulse solarsimulators? Variable resistive load? Max Electrical Power Reading: 20W base model, 60W high power model? Base Model Voltage range 200V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? Base Model Current range 1A (can be modified with additional coil to suit application)? High Power Model Voltage range 60V (can be modified with additional shunt to suitapplication)? High Power Model Current range 3A (can be modified with additional coil to suitapplication)? Separate terminal interface for voltage and current measurements? Interfaces to PC via GPIB cable for display and data storage (hence GPIB card requiredin computer)? Saves each IV curve dataset in separate ASCII text file? I-V range selectable? Number of sample points selectable (between 10-100 points)? Sci-IVTest Windows based control softwareParameters Measured by IV SoftwareVoc, IocVsc, IscVmax, Imax, Pmaxefficiency (%)Light and dark I-V characteristics上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司Voc Slope (similar to Rs)Rp or Rshunt (system measures slope near Isc for this value)FF or Fill FactorJSc (mA/cm2)Forward and Reverse Sweep FeatureSKU: SSIVT-1KFThe SSIVT is an electrical current-voltage measurement system used to characterizephotovoltaic cell performance. This current-voltage tester works by sampling various currentversus voltage combinations of the photovoltaic cell with a variable impedance load. Theperformance of the photovoltaic cell is determined by measuring this output I-V relationshipwhile it is being illuminated by light. This relationship is typically called an "I-V curve" and canbe obtained by exposing the photovoltaic cell to a constant level of light while varying anexternal impedance load such that its current-voltage values change. Since multiple I-V datapoints are required to create an I-V curve, an external trigger function model is available foruse with pulse solar simulators. This allows the tester to create multiple sequential pulses(typically 10-100 points selectable) to complete the IV curve measurements. Universal input100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Software and GPIB Board is included. An external computer (soldseparately) such as the PC computer controller is required to control this current-voltagemeasurement system.Purpose of Current Vs Voltage Measurement TestA solar cell may be operated over a wide range of voltage and current combinations, but thereis generally an optimum combination for maximum energy collection efficiency. By varying anexternal load resistance from zero to infinity, the optimum I-V combination where the solar celldelivers the most power can be found.Current and Voltage Measurement RangeThe standard I-V Test system can measure electrical power from photovoltaic cells up to 20W.The voltage envelope is limited to 200V and the current is limited to 1A. A higher powered60W version is available where the voltage is limited to 60V and the current is limited to 3A.For higher loads, shunts to measure a portion of the current can be used. In general, thelimitation of the standard model is the 1A current limit. If your solar cell can generate morecurrent than 1A, then we recommend upgrading to the 60W model.Voltage Scaling FactorAlthough the maximum voltage of the base unit is 200V, the software can rescale its scanningrange to 2V, 10V, 20V or 200V. Once the scale is selected, the maximum number of I-Vmeasurement points that can be taken in that selected range is 100 points.Current Density - Voltage (J-V) MeasurementsThe software currently only measures I-V characteristics and JSc (mA/cm2), but other J-V上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.com上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司上海市閔行區(qū)莘朱路903號(hào)(甲)廠區(qū),201100Tel: 021-54387376,54380568 Fax: 021-54997016 E-mail:br.sci@263.net http://www.br17.comvalues can be derrived as J=I/area. The software outputs the I-V characteristics in an ASCIIfile which can then be read to derrive current density values.SoftwareSoftware is written in Labview, but a Labview Runtime engine allows it to run on Windows XPwithout the Labview development toolkit.System NotesThe I-V Measurement System sweeps the IV curve with an automatically adjustable resistiveload and records multiple I-V data points along the way. The voltage and current ranges aresoftware selectable and so is the number of points taken, from 10-100 points depending onthe time length of the test allowable. The I-V data point values are then recorded and plottedon a computer display and saved in an ASCII text file. The points are selected by voltage,hence the voltage readings are evenly spaced.I-V Measurement BasicsFill Factor: Fill factor refers to the "squareness" of the I-V curve. It describes how closelymatched the voltage is at its maximum power point and the current is also at its maximumpower point. The higher the fill factor match, the more square the I-V curve.Conversion Efficiency: The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of lightenergy that gets converted to electrical power.References:The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a good website on how to use I-V measurementsystems in solar cell testing. Please see www.eere.energy.gov/solar/current_voltage.htmlTechnical Specifications? Base unit 200V max. (scale to 2V or 10V, but 20V and 200V scales possible please ask)? Dwell time (wait time between each I-V reading) - programable, but cannot be below3ms? Number of I-V scanned points - 10 to 100 programable? Hardware Voltage Resolution: 50μv @ 2V scale, 500μV @ 20V scale (accuracy perreading)? Hardware Current Resolution: 50μA @ 1A scale (accuracy per reading)? I-V Measurement Sweep Resolution: (voltage scale selected / number of I-V scannedpoints)? Software Display Resolution: typically mV and mA (but 3 decimals shown, so can be3.456E-1 A for addition decimal)上海泊?茖W(xué)儀器有限公司


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