
PT壓力變送器(pressure sensor)

我公司(svloadcell@hotmail.com)主要經(jīng)營(yíng)壓力傳感器(load cell)、稱重傳感器,測(cè)力傳感器,拉力傳感器,張力傳感器,壓力變送器(pressure sensor),稱重系統(tǒng)(weighing system),配料稱重系統(tǒng),罐體稱重系統(tǒng),料斗稱重系統(tǒng),電子稱,汽車稱重儀,軸重儀及附件的生產(chǎn)廠家。公司的產(chǎn)品線主要分為:應(yīng)變式測(cè)力/稱重傳感器、應(yīng)變式扭矩/多分力傳感器及壓力變送器、應(yīng)變式流體壓力傳感器及變送器和傳感器用高精度電阻式應(yīng)變計(jì)等產(chǎn)品。其中有各種型式的稱重傳感器,如橋式的,剪切梁式的,單點(diǎn)式,柱式的,輪輻式的,板式的,S型的,平行梁式的,同時(shí)也提供OEM,可能根據(jù)客戶要求自行設(shè)計(jì)各類稱重測(cè)力傳感器.



電  話: 0510-88056151 

傳  真: 0510-88056151 


郵  編: 214215

公司網(wǎng)站: http://www.load-cell.com.cn


CC1-805 vpc90度低溫水浴

CC1-805 vpc90度低溫水浴油浴加熱、制冷功率大,溫度范圍:-90℃--300℃,帶有強(qiáng)有力的壓力泵和吸收泵。  CC1-805 vpc90度低溫水浴全部采用內(nèi)外不銹鋼的槽,壽命長(zhǎng)。有單加熱和同時(shí)可加熱和制冷 油浴型號(hào),制冷功率最大到7KW@20℃,加熱功率到4KW。該產(chǎn)品系列可以選擇加“矯正插件”或“減少體積插件”用做矯正油浴,水浴和反應(yīng)釜專用控溫設(shè)備。  VPC系列產(chǎn)品可選擇“ComBox”(到MAMUR)的信號(hào)傳導(dǎo)系統(tǒng)/Protocol以及外循環(huán)壓力控制器。  安全:所有產(chǎn)品根據(jù)DIN12876標(biāo)準(zhǔn)設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn),帶有可調(diào)節(jié)過熱保護(hù)和液位監(jiān)視器。 所有產(chǎn)品都可以使用CC1,CC2或者CC3的面板相互替換。  CC1-805 vpc90度低溫水浴技術(shù)參數(shù):  內(nèi)槽體積(L):5 工作電壓(V):400 溫度范圍(℃):-80~100 ℃ 制冷功率(KW):       20 ℃時(shí):0.5        0 ℃時(shí):0.5      -20 ℃時(shí):0.4      -40 ℃時(shí):0.3      -60 ℃時(shí):0.3 深度(mm):150 開口尺寸(mm):120*110 外形尺寸(mm):410*480*720 訂貨號(hào):693.0031



智能化:       pHG-2081工業(yè)pH計(jì)采用高精度AD轉(zhuǎn)換和單片機(jī)微處理技術(shù),能完成pH值和溫度的測(cè)量、溫度自動(dòng)補(bǔ)償、儀表自檢等多種功能。
性:       元器件集成到一塊線路板上, 沒有了復(fù)雜的功能開關(guān)、調(diào)節(jié)旋鈕和電位器。
雙高阻輸入:   采用器件,雙高阻輸入阻抗高達(dá)1012Ω,抗干擾能力強(qiáng);
溶液接地:     消除地回路的干擾。
通訊接口:     可方便聯(lián)入計(jì)算機(jī)進(jìn)行監(jiān)測(cè)和通訊。
防水防塵設(shè)計(jì): 防護(hù)等級(jí)IP65,適宜戶外使用。
1、測(cè)量范圍:                pH值 0~14.00pH,           精度 0.01pH;
 度 0~99.9,           精度   0.1
電位值 –1999.9~+1999.9mV,精度   0.1mV;
2、自動(dòng)溫度補(bǔ)償范圍:        0~99.9℃ ,25℃為基準(zhǔn);
3、被測(cè)水樣:                0~99.9℃,0.6MPa;
5、電子單元重復(fù)性誤差:      ±0.02pH;
6、穩(wěn)定性:                  ±0.02pH/24h;
7、輸入阻抗:                ≥1012 Ω ;
8、時(shí)鐘精度:                ±1分/月;
9、電流隔離輸出:              0~10mA(負(fù)載<1.5 kΩ ), 4~20 mA(負(fù)載<750 Ω );
10、輸出電流誤差:          ≤±1%FS ;
11、數(shù)據(jù)存儲(chǔ)數(shù)量:          1個(gè)月(1點(diǎn)/5分鐘);
12、高低報(bào)警繼電器:        AC220V,3A;
13、RS485通訊接口;        RS485或232(選配)
14、電源:                  AC220V±22V ,50Hz±1Hz;
15、防護(hù)等級(jí):              IP65;
16、外形尺寸:              146(長(zhǎng))×146(寬)×108(深)mm,
開孔尺寸:              138×138 mm;
17、重量:                  0.8kg ;
18、工作條件:              環(huán)境溫度 0~60℃   相對(duì)濕度 <85%;
該公司產(chǎn)品分類: COD分析儀 氟離子檢測(cè)儀 磷酸根/硅酸根分析儀 鈉度計(jì) 酸堿濃度計(jì) 濁度儀 余氯分析儀 電導(dǎo)率儀 PH計(jì) 溶氧儀

57300-USPME 固相微萃取頭

 SPME 固相微萃取頭,3支/盒 應(yīng)用:用于揮發(fā)性物質(zhì)(MW60-275)SPME 固相微萃取頭簡(jiǎn)介:美國(guó)Supelco公司專利產(chǎn)品-固相微萃。⊿olid Phase Micro Extraction),1994年獲美國(guó)匹茲堡分析儀器會(huì)議R&D100項(xiàng)革新大獎(jiǎng),是一種應(yīng)現(xiàn)代儀器的要求而產(chǎn)生的樣品前處理新技術(shù),幾乎克服了以往一些傳統(tǒng)樣品處理技術(shù)的所有缺點(diǎn),集采樣、萃取、濃縮、進(jìn)樣于一體,便于攜帶,真正實(shí)現(xiàn)樣品的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)采集和富集,能夠與氣相、氣相-質(zhì)譜、液相、液相-質(zhì)譜儀聯(lián)用,有手動(dòng)或自動(dòng)兩種操作方式,讓更多的分析工作者從重復(fù)、煩瑣的操作中解脫出來。廣泛應(yīng)用于環(huán)保及水質(zhì)處理、臨床藥理、公安案件分析、制藥、化工、國(guó)防等領(lǐng)域。固相微萃。⊿PME)非常小巧,狀似一只色譜注射器,由手柄(Holder)和萃取頭或纖維頭(Fiber)兩部分構(gòu)成。萃取頭是一根外套不銹鋼細(xì)管的1cm長(zhǎng)、涂有不同色譜固定相或吸附劑的熔融石英纖維頭,纖維頭在不銹鋼管內(nèi)可自由伸縮,用于萃取、吸附樣品;手柄用于安裝或固定萃取頭,可永久使用。SPME 固相微萃取頭的典 型 應(yīng) 用:* 表面活性劑* 環(huán)境水樣* 食品、香精、香料* 法庭樣品* 血、尿和體液中  聚合物和固樣中痕量雜質(zhì)(頂空方式)* 藥物中殘留溶劑* 氣體硫化物及揮發(fā)物(VOC)
該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 水質(zhì)分析儀/多參數(shù)水質(zhì)分析儀 生化試劑 實(shí)驗(yàn)室儀器 燒杯 實(shí)驗(yàn)室用具 色譜耗材及配件 樣品前處理儀器及耗材

Inspector Alert α、β、γ和X射線檢測(cè)儀


采用一只蓋革-彌勒計(jì)數(shù)管來測(cè)定α、β、γ和X射線輻射  “安全第一”(Safety First)的校準(zhǔn)功能能夠避免校準(zhǔn)人員的輻射接觸  檢測(cè)儀符合歐洲CE認(rèn)證要求 


內(nèi)置鹵素淬滅劑GM探測(cè)器,對(duì)α、β射線源的靈敏度很高 四位液晶顯示,可選擇mR/hr、CPM、mSv/hr、CPS或Total/Timer等單位 總計(jì)數(shù)/定時(shí)器功能對(duì)輕微污染進(jìn)行定時(shí)的精確檢測(cè),定時(shí)時(shí)間可選擇1分鐘--    24小時(shí)


測(cè)量范圍:mR/hr(毫倫/小時(shí)):0.001—110.0,CPM(每分鐘計(jì)數(shù)):0—300,000    μSv/hr(微希伏/小時(shí)):0.01—1,100,CPS(每秒鐘計(jì)數(shù)):0—5,000,總計(jì)數(shù):       1—9,999,000 效 率:Sr-90(546kev,2.3MeV βmax)約75%  C-14(156kev βmax)約11%    Bi-210(1.2MeV βmax)約64%  Am-241(5.5MeV α)約36% 靈 敏 度:3500CPM/ mR/hr(對(duì)于Cs-137) 精 度:±15% 溫度范圍:-10---+50 電 源:1節(jié)9V堿性電池,電池壽命 200小時(shí)尺寸重量:150×80×30mm 350克(含電池)


探測(cè)和測(cè)定表面沾污在操作放射性核素時(shí)監(jiān)測(cè)可能存在的放射性暴露量調(diào)查環(huán)境污染測(cè)定惰性氣體及其它低能放射性核素建筑裝飾材料放射測(cè)定 射線危害:低劑量的放射性射線輻射(天然背景輻射的變化范圍),對(duì)人體無(wú)害或風(fēng)險(xiǎn)甚低,但達(dá)到一定劑量則會(huì)對(duì)人體有害,可引起癌癥、白內(nèi)障、不孕癥、突變、萎縮效應(yīng)、壽命減短,甚至死亡







該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 核素識(shí)別儀 便攜式中子測(cè)量?jī)x 便攜式β/γ/中子譜儀 電離室巡測(cè)儀 表面污染測(cè)量?jī)x 多功能輻射測(cè)量?jī)x 個(gè)人劑量報(bào)警儀 便攜式放射性監(jiān)測(cè)儀

AN218004DWDM光譜分析儀AN218004 [1526.05—1563.86 nm] SC/PC

DWDM光譜分析儀AN218004 [1526.05—1563.86 nm] SC/PC DWDM光譜分析儀特征:·PLC 設(shè)備· DWDM(96通道)測(cè)量解決方案· 同一時(shí)間自動(dòng)測(cè)量 CWDM-96通道 (波長(zhǎng) & 功率) · CWDM 彩色圖文掃描· 保存和調(diào)用300數(shù)據(jù)· 軟件可以自行保存數(shù)據(jù)· 自動(dòng)關(guān)機(jī)DWDM光譜分析儀技術(shù)參數(shù): 





50GHz, 100GHz




500mW; 27dBm


1526.05~1563.86 nm


SC/PC Standard


4 Sec. (all 96ch.)


鋰聚合物電池, 1800毫安時(shí),3.7






± 1.0dB @ -40 dBm








dB, dBm,nm,THz


3.5” TFT-LCD, 16bit color, 240*320


0.6 kg


196*95*40 mm



-20 to +55 °C (操作環(huán)境)



95%   (操作環(huán)境)

-35 to +65°C (儲(chǔ)存環(huán)境)

85%  (儲(chǔ)存環(huán)境)

http://www.yach.com/Instrument.html   更多光學(xué)儀器儀表
該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 衛(wèi)星天線 慣性導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng) 天線 微波射頻儀器 通訊儀器儀表 光通訊儀器儀表 光學(xué)儀器儀表 光通訊儀器儀表



計(jì)量泵GM0050 /米頓羅GM0050/米頓羅計(jì)量泵GM0050/蘇州GM0050計(jì)量泵


米頓羅GM0120 /計(jì)量泵GM0120 /米頓羅計(jì)量泵GM0120/蘇州GM0120計(jì)量泵

米頓羅GM0170 /計(jì)量泵GM0170 /米頓羅計(jì)量泵GM0170/蘇州GM0170計(jì)量泵



主要型號(hào)包括:GM0050 GM0090 GM0120 GM0170 GM0240 GM0330 GM0400 GM0500


平滑脈沖設(shè)計(jì),無(wú)沖擊 ? 沖程在靜態(tài)及動(dòng)態(tài)條件下均可調(diào)節(jié)

多種材質(zhì)及泵頭結(jié)構(gòu)可選 ? 可選配電動(dòng)沖程控制器

機(jī)械驅(qū)動(dòng)PTFE膜片 ? 最大液體溫度40 ℃*

手動(dòng)/ 自動(dòng)沖程調(diào)節(jié)可選 ? 穩(wěn)態(tài)精度 +/- 2%(10%~100%)

沖程可調(diào)0~100%(自動(dòng)/手動(dòng)) ? 最大吸程4m水柱*

可選配電機(jī)控制器實(shí)現(xiàn)外部信號(hào)自動(dòng) 控制, ? 最大吸入壓力:20m 水柱

電機(jī)頻率0~100%可調(diào)(GM泵 自動(dòng)控制方式)




建議維護(hù)周期: 自動(dòng)控制方式選擇

電動(dòng)沖程控制器接受外部控制信號(hào),調(diào)節(jié)計(jì)量泵沖程長(zhǎng)度, 從而改變計(jì)量泵輸出流量。

GM系列計(jì)量泵選擇ST型。 GB系列計(jì)量泵選擇ECC型。


供 電:220V/50HZ 單向

380V/50HZ 三相 控制信號(hào):4~20mA 電機(jī)控制器(VARIPULSE):


V 型-同計(jì)量泵一體式安裝   VR型-同計(jì)量泵分體式安裝

主要型號(hào)包括:GM0050 GM0090 GM0120 GM0170 GM0240 GM0330 GM0400 GM0500

上海 | 江蘇 | 浙江 | 安徽 | 福建 | 江西 | 山東 | 山西| 湖北 | 湖南 | 廣東 | 廣西 | 海南 | 重慶 | 四川 | 貴州 | 云南






流量* L/h

壓力 MPa

沖程 spm


2.25 4.5 9

1.2 1.2 1.2

36 72 144


25 50

1.2 1.0

72 144


85 115 170 235

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

72 72 144 144


315 400 500

0.5 0.5 0.5

144 144 180

上海 | 江蘇 | 浙江 | 安徽 | 福建 | 江西 | 山東 | 山西| 湖北 | 湖南 | 廣東 | 廣西 | 海南 | 重慶 | 四川 | 貴州 | 云南




機(jī)械驅(qū)動(dòng)PTFE膜片最大液體溫度40 ℃

手動(dòng)/ 自動(dòng)沖程調(diào)節(jié)可選穩(wěn)態(tài)精度±2%(10%~100%)

沖程可調(diào)0~100%(自動(dòng)/手動(dòng)) •最大吸程4m水柱*

可選配電機(jī)控制器實(shí)現(xiàn)外部信號(hào)自動(dòng) 控制,最大吸入壓力:20m 水柱

電機(jī)頻率0~100%可調(diào)(GM泵 自動(dòng)控制方式)


建議維護(hù)周期:≤1.0MPa 4000h       

≤0.7MPa 8000h


電動(dòng)沖程控制器 接受外部控制信號(hào),調(diào)節(jié)計(jì)量泵沖程長(zhǎng)度, 從而改變計(jì)量泵輸出流量。

GM系列計(jì)量泵選擇ST型。 GB系列計(jì)量泵選擇ECC型。

變頻控制器: 接受外部控制信號(hào),調(diào)節(jié)計(jì)量泵沖程頻率,從而改變計(jì)量泵輸出流量。


供 電:220V/50HZ 單向

380V/50HZ 三相




V 型-同計(jì)量泵一體式安裝


該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 塞瓦計(jì)量泵 新道茨NEWDOSE 日本安智邁計(jì)量泵 德普羅名特計(jì)量泵 SDP斯得浦計(jì)量泵 美帕斯菲達(dá)計(jì)量泵 意大利EMEC愛米克計(jì)量泵 TTbest精密計(jì)量泵 意大利道茨計(jì)量泵 意大利SEKO計(jì)量泵 米頓羅計(jì)量泵 力高計(jì)量泵 愛力浦計(jì)量泵 計(jì)量泵

CSB-E04488h人環(huán)磷酸腺苷(cAMP)ELISA Kit

1Human cyclic adenosinemonophosphate(cAMP)Elisa KitCatalog No. CSB-E04488h(96T) This immunoassay kit allows for the in vitro quantitative determination of humancAMP concentrations in serum, plasma. Expiration date six months from the date of manufacture FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES.2INTRODUCTIONCyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP, cyclic AMP or 3'-5'-cyclicadenosine monophosphate) is a second messenger important in manybiological processes. cAMP is derived from adenosine triphosphate (ATP)and used for intracellular signal transduction in many different organisms,conveying the cAMP-dependent pathway.cAMP is synthesised from ATP by adenylyl cyclase located on the innerside of the plasma membrane. Adenylyl cyclase is activated by a range ofsignaling molecules through the activation of adenylyl cyclase stimulatory G(Gs)-protein-coupled receptors and inhibited by agonists of adenylylcyclase inhibitory G (Gi)-protein-coupled receptors. Liver adenylyl cyclaseresponds more strongly to glucagon, and muscle adenylyl cyclase respondsmore strongly to adrenaline.cAMP decomposition into AMP is catalyzed by the enzymephosphodiesterase.cAMP is a second messenger, used for intracellular signal transduction,such as transferring the effects of hormones like glucagon and adrenaline,which cannot pass through the cell membrane. It is involved in theactivation of protein kinases and regulates the effects of adrenaline andglucagon. It also regulates the passage of Ca2+ through ion channels.3PRINCIPLE OF THE ASSAYThe microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with agoat-anti-mouse IgG. Standards or samples are then added to theappropriate microtiter plate wells with a HRP-conjugated cAMP andantibody preparation specific for cAMP and incubated. Then substratesolutions are added to each well. The enzyme-substrate reaction isterminated by the addition of a sulphuric acid solution and the color changeis measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450 nm ± 2 nm. Theconcentration of cAMP in the samples is then determined by comparing theO.D. of the samples to the standard curve.DETECTION RANGE0.08pmol/ml-250 pmol/ml. The standard curve concentrations used for theELISA’s were 250 pmol/ml, 50 pmol/ml, 10 pmol/ml, 2 pmol/ml, 0.4 pmol/ml,0.08 pmol/ml.SPECIFICITYThis assay recognizes human cAMP No significant cross-reactivity orinterference was observed.4MATERIALS PROVIDEDReagent QuantityAssay plate 1Standard1 x 0.25 ml(5000pmol/ml)HRP-conjugate 1(1000 x stock solution)Antibody 1(1000 x stock solution)HRP-conjugate Diluent 1 x 6 mlAntibody Diluent 1 x 6 mlNeutralizing Reagent 1 x 6 mlWash Buffer1 x 15 ml(10×concentrate)Substrate A 1 x 10 mlSubstrate B 1 x 10 mlStop Solution 1 x 6 mlOTHER SUPPLIES REQUIRED1. Deionized or distilled water.2. Concentrated HCl.3. Precision Pipets for volumes between 5μ l and 1000μ l.4. Repeater Pipets for dispensing 50μ l and 200μ l.5. Disposable breakers for diluting buffer concentrates.6. Graduated cylinders.7. A microplate shaker.8. Adsorbent paper for blotting.9. Microplate reader capable of reading at 450 nm, preferably withcorrection between 570 and 590 nm.5STORAGE1. For long-term best results, store stocks of the Standard ,Antibody andHRP-conjugate at -80℃. All other components of this kit are stable at4°C until the kit's expiration date.SAMPLE COLLECTION AND STORAGEThis ELISA is compatible with cAMP samples that have been treated withhydrochloric acid to stop endogenous phosphodiesterase activity. Samplesin this matrix can be measured directly without evaporation or furthertreatment.Tissue samples should be frozen in liquid nitrogen. The tissue should beground to a fine powder under liquid nitrogen in a stainless steel mortar.After the liquid nitrogen has evaporated, weigh the frozen tissue andhomogenize in 10 volumes of 0.1M HCl. Centrifuge at > 600 x g at roomtemperature. The samples can then be diluted in the 0.1M HCl.Cells grown in tissue culture media can be treated with 0.1M HCl after firstremoving the media. Incubate for 10 minutes and visually inspect the cellsto verify cell lysis. If adequate lysis has not occurred incubate for a further10 minutes and inspect. Centrifuge at 600 x g at room temperature, thenuse the supernatant directly in the assay. Cell or tissue lysis can beenhanced by adding 0.1% to 1% Triton x-100 to the 0.1M HCl prior to use.When used in this concentration range, the detergent will not interfere with6the binding portion of the assay, however there will be a modest increase inthe optical density. Samples containing Triton should be evaluated against astandard curve diluted in the same for the most accurate determination.Cyclic AMP in the media can be measured after treating 1 mL of thesupernatant media with 10 μ L of concentrated hydrochloric acid.Centrifuge at 600 x g at room temperature. The supernatants can then beused directly in the assay.Procedural Notes1. Allow all reagents to warm to room temperature for at least 30 minutesbefore opening.2. Pre-rinse the pipet tip with reagent ,use fresh pipet tips for eachsample,standard and reagent.3. Pipet standards and samples to the bottom of the wells.4. Add the reagents to the side of the well to avoid contamination.5. The kit uses break-apart microtiter strips,which allow the user tomeasure as many samples as desired.Unused wells must be keptdesiccated at 4℃ in the sealed bag provided,The wells should be usedin the frame provided.6. Prior to addition of substrate ensure that there is no residual washbuffer in the wells .Any remaining wash buffer may cause variationin assay resultes.REAGENT PREPARATIONBring all reagents to room temperature before use.71. Wash Buffer If crystals have formed in the concentrate, warm to roomtemperature and mix gently until the crystals have completely dissolved.Dilute 15 ml of Wash Buffer Concentrate into deionized to prepare 150ml of Wash Buffer.2. HRP-conjugate working solution: Centrifuge the vial right before use.Dilute the HRP-conjugate 1000x stock solution (take 6μl) with theprovided dilution buffers (6 ml).3. Antibody working solution: Centrifuge the vial right before use. Dilutethe Antibody 1000x stock solution (take 6μl) with the provided dilutionbuffers (6 ml).4. Standards: Centrifuge the vial right before use. Allow the 5,000pmol/mL cAMP standard solution to warm to room temperature. Labelsix tubes #1 through #6. Pipet 475 μL 0.1M HCl into tube #1 and 400 μL0.1M HCl into tubes #2-6. Add 25 μL of the 5,000 pmol/mL standard totube #1. Vortex thoroughly. Add 100 μL of tube #1 to tube #2 andvortex thoroughly. Continue this for tubes #3 through #6. Theconcentration of cAMP in tubes #1 through #6 will be 250, 50, 10, 2, 0.4,and 0.08 pmol/mL respectively. Diluted standards should be usedwithin 30 minutes of preparation. Label one tube as the ZeroStandard/NSB tube. Pipet 600μl 0.1M HCl into this tube.ASSAY PROCEDUREBring all reagents to room temperature for at least 30 minutes prioropening.ALL standards and samples should be run in duplicate.Add the reagen directly to the samples and vortex for 2 seconds immediatelyafter the addition.81. Refer to the Assay Layout Sheet to determine the number of wells to beused and put any remaining wells with the desiccant back into thepouch and seal the ziploc .Store unused wells at 4℃.2. Pipet 50 μL of the Neutralizing Reagent into each well, except theTA(Total Activity) and Blank wells.3. Pipet 100 μL of 0.1M HCl into the NSB(None Specific Binding) and theBo (0 pmol/mL Standard) wells.4. Pipet 100 μL of Standards into the appropriate wells.5. Pipet 100 μL of the Samples into the appropriate wells.6. Pipet 50 μL of 0.1 M HCl into the NSB wells.7. Pipet 50 μL of HRP-conjugate working solution into each well exceptthe TA and Blank wells.8. Pipet 50 μL of Antibody working solution into each well, except theBlank, TA and NSB wells.9. Incubate the plate at room temperature for 2 hours on a plate shaker at250~500 rpm.10. Empty the contents of the wells and wash by adding 400 μL of washsolution to every well. Repeat the wash 2 more times for a total of 3washes.11. After the final wash, empty or aspirate the wells, and firmly tap the plateon a lint free paper towel to remove any remaining wash buffer.12. Add 5 μL of the HRP-conjugate working solution to the TA wells.913. Add 200 μL of the Substrate solution to every well. Incubate at roomtemperature for 5~30 minutes without shaking. A gradient of blue colorshould become visible during the incubation period. (Substrate A andB should be mixed together in equal volumes within 15 minutes ofuse. Protect from light.)14. Add 50 μL of Stop Solution to every well. This stops the reaction andthe plate should be read immediately.15. Blank the plate reader against the Blank wells, read the optical densityat 450 nm (for HRP), preferably with correction between 570 and 590nm. If the plate reader is not able to be blanked against the Blankwells, manually subtract the mean optical density of the Blank wellsfrom all readings.1 0CALCULATION OF RESULTSSeveral options are available for the calculation of the concentration ofcAMP in the samples. The X-axis is the concentration of cAMP for thestandards. The Y-axis is either the Average Net Optical Density or thePercent Bound.1. Calculate the average Net Optical Density (OD) bound for each standardand sample by subtracting the average NSB OD from the average ODbound:Average Net OD = Average Bound OD - Average NSB OD2. Calculate the binding of each pair of standard wells as a percentage ofthe maximum binding wells (Bo), using the following formula:3. Using Logit-Log paper plot Average Net OD or Percent Bound(B/Bo) versus concentration of cAMP for the standards. Theconcentration of cAMP in the unknowns can be determined byinterpolation.1 1Typical Standard CurvesThese curves must not be used to calculate cAMP concentrations; eachuser must run a standard curve for each assay and version used.SensitivitySensitivity was calculated by determining the average optical density boundfor ten wells run with the Bo, and comparing to the average optical densityfor ten wells run with Standard #5. The detection limit was determined asthe concentration of cAMP measured at two standard deviations from thezero along the standard curve.Non-Acetylated VersionMean OD for Bo = 0.685±0.003Mean OD for Standard #5 = 0.604±0.010Delta Optical Density(0-0.08pmol/ml) = 0.0812 SD's of the Zero Standard = 0.006Sensitivity = ̄0.006/0.081×0.4pmol/ml = 29.6 fmol/mL1 2LinearityA sample containing 16.0 pmol/mL cAMP was serially diluted 7 times 1:2 inthe 0.1M HCl and measured. The data was plotted graphically as actualcAMP concentration versus measured cAMP concentration. The lineobtained had a slope of 1.000 with a correlation coefficient of 0.999.Cross ReactivitiesThe cross reactivities for a number of related compounds were determinedby competition ELISA assays. Potential cross reactants were dissolved inthe kit Assay Buffer at concentrations from 500,000 to 500 pmol/mL. Thesesampleswere then measured in the cAMP assay, and the measured cAMPconcentration at 50% B/Bo calculated. The % cross reactivity wascalculated by comparison with the actual concentration of cross reactant inthe sample and expressed as a percentage.Compound Cross ReactivitycAMP 100%AMP <0.0001%ATP <0.0001%cGMP <0.0001%GMP <0.0001%GTP <0.0001%cUMP <0.0001%CTP <0.0001%

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 HS706C.T.P4S.DUL軸承 HS706C.T.P4S.DUL軸承價(jià)格 HS706C.T.P4S.DUL軸承尺寸 HS706C.T.P4S.DUL軸承報(bào)價(jià) 精密角接觸球軸承樣本圖

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供應(yīng)富士溫控器 PXR9溫控器 PXR7溫控器

一、PXR型數(shù)字溫控表的功能特點(diǎn)如下:     1. 前面板IP66防水結(jié)構(gòu),三健式菜單操作;2.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)螺釘接線,無(wú)須插座;3. 縱向尺寸比PXW表更短;4. UL/CSA/CE認(rèn)證標(biāo)志;5. 測(cè)量值大LED紅色顯示;6. 控制功能多種:簡(jiǎn)單ON/OFF控制,PID帶自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)控制,模糊及PID帶自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)控制,PID自適應(yīng)調(diào)節(jié)控制;7.再傳輸功能(選件):傳感器測(cè)量值可以以4-20MA型式傳送到PHR型數(shù)據(jù)記錄儀,PLC及個(gè)人計(jì)算機(jī)中;88段斜坡/保溫程序控制功能(選件);9RS-485通訊功能(選件),可與FUJI POD及個(gè)人計(jì)算機(jī)通訊;10.?dāng)?shù)字輸入控制功能(選件):通過一點(diǎn)開關(guān)量ON/OFF,可改變?cè)O(shè)定值SV,控制動(dòng)作起/停,斜坡/保溫控制的開始/ 復(fù)位,自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)功能的起/停,報(bào)警鎖存的復(fù)位、定時(shí)器計(jì)時(shí)開始;11. 加冷卻控制(選件):有利于節(jié)能;12. 加熱斷線報(bào)警選件;13. 兩點(diǎn)各種報(bào)警功能選件:絕對(duì)值報(bào)警區(qū)間報(bào)警偏差報(bào)警; 14. 具有塑機(jī)專用的模糊+PID控制功能:15. 內(nèi)部定時(shí)器功能二、型號(hào)及尺寸PXR3 24×48×97 (高××深)PXR5 96×48×78 (高××深)PXR4 48×48×78.8 (高××深)PXR9 96×96×79.5(高××深)技術(shù)指標(biāo)控制類型: PID 控制、on/off控制、自整定、模糊控制單輸出或加熱/制冷雙

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    熱門儀器: 液相色譜儀 氣相色譜儀 原子熒光光譜儀 可見分光光度計(jì) 液質(zhì)聯(lián)用儀 壓力試驗(yàn)機(jī) 酸度計(jì)(PH計(jì)) 離心機(jī) 高速離心機(jī) 冷凍離心機(jī) 生物顯微鏡 金相顯微鏡 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)物質(zhì) 生物試劑